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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Unfortunately im with you neodc... Im sure like most other user i just use the 'View Unread Posts' button. I think its a little awkward to spot now, being that its in the middle of the 3 options (horizontally), and more annoyingly its below the date and time text... i have to look for the button every time, rather than just knowing where it was going to be on the old forum. But i can get used to it. However, my main dislike are the actual topic selection screens. I dont know if its that the fonts are too small, or the columns are too big etc, but it just doesnt look right, and makes it frustrating to read posts... Does anyone have a screenshot of what the old site looked like so i can compare and put my finger on it...? I pretty much have lived on this forum this last couple of months, but i've barely been on this week...
  2. Well, i've not got a lot of experience staying in fancy hotels, but i thought it was amazing! Was very very plush, with a beautiful massive room and very posh bathroom. And the food in their restaurant was excellent!
  3. The Malmaison is very nice, but i know for a fact it has no parking... i had to park on the street in a pay and display bay ...so dont go there!
  4. Sounds like you're a bit horny...! i couldn't resist.
  5. Hey bud. I'll stick with my original suggestion. Im not a fan of colour matched spokes, i think it looks a bit 80's. I'll do some photoshops for you after tea...
  6. marzman

    New wheels?

    Deal... only £700 for delivery too
  7. marzman

    New wheels?

    That they do. So much so that they'll be going in the bin soon i think. I've emailed the company i got them from to see what they can do about it - and if nothing, then they're going on eBay. for 10p.
  8. +1 on the space in posts ekona. Thats the first thing i noticed. And it sounds daft but one of the reasons i dont use other forums...! The posts dont flow anymore as they're all a standard size post, even if there's only 1 line of txt in it
  9. The kit cost me about £80 - it was one of the first mods i did to mine... ... just looked up my old thread - they were from a company called Delsea Motorsport... got them on eBay.com http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11454&highlight=delsea Not sure if Delsea are still running though...?
  10. Tim, you mad sod. Your car is a minter, its worth more than 10k! If you really want to sell it, you should honestly strip it and make a load more money.
  11. Thats disgusting! 1. Why does it sit so high 2. The front lights make it look like its crying 3. Its awful!!!!!! Damn, i was quite tempted in one till i saw these pics!
  12. Do the list of mods in people's signatures get brought up in the search listings? Because if they do, thats crap!!
  13. ...its definitely the wheels. I run standard 17" JDM's in the winter and the car was fine... then i swapped to my 19" 'summer' rims and it started instantly. I think i started this thread that day... Am going to call DPmotorsport where i got them from, or Wolfrace this week, as its too much of a problem, and they've not developed another fault (which i'll be starting a new thread on sooner or later )
  14. I can vouch for this that it sounds MINT! More refined than the K1, but still aggressive sounding Hope it doesnt end up rusting in a few months bud... but i'll sell you my stock exhaust if it does
  15. Hey guys, Had a good time today - many thanks Mike for organising it! Just dumped all my pics on here...
  16. Mate, there's absolutley nothing you can do. Its just a postcode lottery. £2k is less than what i paid at 24 - and i called EVERYONE!
  17. Oh my god, how lucky are you?? Result!!
  18. Rubbish. I got up at 8.30am and washed my car - but its propper clouded over here - i think its gonna rain
  19. I love reading these posts - i find them really interesting.
  20. What the hell. I've just watched your vid after posting my suggestion and i take it back - your vid is way cooler
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