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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Thats a really cool story. Im jealous.
  2. Anyone watching it at Didsbury cinema tomorrow afternoon...??
  3. And who said men can't multitask. Well i could watch DVD's on my laptop in the garage, but its warmer to bring my wheels into the lounge. ...and the missus has hardly complained once! That's probably because you fumed her out. ... correct
  4. You must have an awesome set up, i really need to get chummy with someone with a garge Well i could watch DVD's on my laptop in the garage, but its warmer to bring my wheels into the lounge. ...and the missus has hardly complained once!
  5. I like it. If they didnt have the retarded lights i'd seriously consider one.
  6. lol, im watching F&F1 on dvd right now, while painting the lip on my wheels...!
  7. Interesting. Looking forward to the pics, and seeing how they made oval look oem
  8. Hey - pic-fest is below! I ended up doing 7 coats of black, left them to dry a couple of days, and started on the red lip last night! I underestimated how difficult the red lip was going to be - for starters the paint is really thick and shiny, so its very difficullt to paint it on evenly. And getting a straight line by hand is impossible, so im using electrical tape to mark the inner line as its flexible enough to put a curve in it. I can see this taking me another week at least of an hour a night on these lips.. Still, at least i've moved in from my garage - have got them on a sheet in my lounge while i paint, while the missus (and me) watches Desperate Houswives boxset DVD's...
  9. +1. If you get it the front bumper it will behave. Common problem.
  10. Yep i personally would be a bit scared of wire wool - try it on an out of sight bit first...! I used brasso on my stock system and it worked a treat.
  11. Cool mate. Hope it goes well for ya...
  12. Do you know, its impossible to take pics of headlight bulbs...!
  13. What time you picking it up bud? I'll be in Macc for 6pm if you wanna hang around and get a pint or something...?
  14. I have 8000k D2R's in mine and they look great. They are perfectly white - no blue in them though. I'd try the 10000k next time just to see how they look. IIRC the standards are only 4300k. I got mine - just a generic make off eBay for £27 delivered for the pair!! Nissan charge around £100ea!! I've had them in since January and no problems so far - but whether they'll last as long as the expensive ones i dont know.
  15. When painting anything, prep is the key. Sand down the covers before painting, making sure the whole thing is sanded nicely, maybe using 600 grit paper... Then wash the covers in water to make sure all dust is gone, and then dry thoroughly. Next, spray maybe 3-4 coats of primer on them. Each coat should be very light, for the first 2 coats you probably wont even cover the whole thing...! You should then allow the primer to dry overnight, before sanding it with 1200grit paper, and then doing the same with your colour of choice. NEVER spray on an area constantly to make sure it gets covered - just keep building the layers... :thumb:
  16. Thats quality mate! God times.
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