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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Hmmm... i took mine out a couple of months ago for a track day, and cant find it now...
  2. Well, this is the life...! Got here about 6pm... weather is a perfect 24 degrees C. Hotel is 5 star over looking the Acropolis (i dont even know what that is!), and we have a 45 euro a meal budget...! So just been out for a small bite and several beers Still, they're 7 euro's each, which is about £7 Am sat chilling out on my balcony now with a coffee, although its 1.45am here and i've got to be up at 7am for breakfast, and be in the city center for 8.30am for work... Time for bed i think...!
  3. 1. H5 2. Chesterfield 3. Chris`I - (Track) 4. sunset350z 5. MrLizard (Track) 6. shire350z 7. Ian (NO) 8. Lexx (TBC) 9. M350ZB (TBC) 10. Nurrish 11. IanS16 (Track) 12. Mitchell 13. Darren-B 14. R800NER (TBC) 15. Eraserhead 16. Marzman (Track) 17. martek 18. the choo 19. Patto (tbc) 20. rich5259 (Track) Rob, im out of the country at the mo and have just piggy-backed onto an unsecured network tonight... if i cant get on for the rest of the week im back on Saturday... so keep me in the first 20...!
  4. Alright Pal, you gonna be there on May 9th for the next drift day...? I'll be there with my silver zed. Darren, how was it... you have a good time?
  5. Looks like a top day...
  6. Welcome bud. Im not a fan of Mini's so get a zed bought, quick! How old are you? If you're under 25 then check your insurance before buying.... cheapest i got at at 23 was £2.5k!!
  7. Hey guys... Im off to Athens for a week on Monday for work... Staying in a propper fancy hotel, and its a bank holiday over there on Monday too, so nothing to do on the first day...! My office for the week is the Olympic Stadium, and i'll be doing some easy-ass work when im there... ...and when i get back i'll be going on a sunbed so i can wind everyone up back at the office even more on Monday... They already hate me for getting to go!! I'll probably be out every night so i doubt i'll be on here much... what am i going to do??
  8. I have got a spare set of the camber/toe bolts for the rear that i havent used. Think they are about £30 new... ...and are they all i'd need when lowering on springs...???
  9. I like the sound of the last part of your comment. I'd say thats probably the issue... i can live with that.. Oh, and im loving the new forum design... i didnt like it at first but its really grown on me now.
  10. Hmm - website looks interesting - i'll have a look on my lunch. As for the paddles... im not worried about them yet - its the lever mechanism i need, which i can attach the paddles to later... how to get the feel of the movement is the hard part.
  11. Yeh i was looking at that, and thats the sort of route i need to go down... but i think i need to see the paddles first before commiting to an order, and decide on whether i can integrate them into my setup... its a tough one.
  12. It will just appear in Unread Posts as if its been there all along...! Just maybe hours or days late... Its not a regular issue though (i dont think), so will be hard to trace...
  13. Yeh - whats the price of an MOT - 50 quid? You'll save a lot more than that by getting your parts from ZMANALEX and getting the work done elsewhere.
  14. Had a sticking caliper on an old bmw once... used to eat rear pads every 3 months! But the pads were only 12quid for a pair so it was cheaper to replace them then replace the caliper. As for you - i dont know the answer to your problem, but if warranty wont fix it AND you've almost run out of warranty, wouldn't it be substantially cheaper to not get the parts from Nissan and get them fitted elsewhere??
  15. Hey, I dont know if im paranoid but i swear that some topics mustn't be appearing when i click View Unread Posts... Its happened about 5 or 6 times since we swapped forums that i'll see a topic that has a bunch of replies from other poeple, and its definitely something i would have wanted to read, but i only just see it maybe 1 or 2 days late...! And its highly unlikely that i would have missed it or that it was far back, as whenever i log on i always go back enough pages to see posts made since i last logged in...!
  16. Well i worked on my wheels last weekend so havent had a look, but im a bit stuck for ideas The action of the levers is too flimsy, i need to make it feel solid which i cant do with what i've made so far, so i need to start from scratch again. The movement is perfect its just too lightweight! I've been looking on eBay daily for paddle mechanisms but havent found anything at all, so i might need to visit some other car dealers and ask to look at their paddles and maybe purchase one direct from them... but then i can see those being big bucks... i want to keep all of this below £50 if i can as there's a chance i'll screw them up if i start modifying them etc, and then that money's wasted. So if anyone can think of a lever mechanism in any everyday object that i could adapt, then that would be great... i made whats in my car now out of the levers from a radio controlled helicopter handset...!
  17. Well im happy to say - we've had 2 days of rain and the paint hasnt washed off yet... The rain was that heavy yesterday that it woke me in the morning, and i was expecting to look out of my window and see some nice silver wheels and 4 black puddles on my drive, but no - they're still black! I've just PM'd CS about getting some spacers sorted out... as i daren't show my face at Wales without them... I was going to order some springs too but have been reading about needing to replace something else so i can adjust the camber - and i dont fancy forking out for all that too (unless someone can tell me it only costs another £50 ) ...but it would have been nice.
  18. That looks cool... i like it. What does the rest of it look like? Mount it on your sunglasses holder if you can still see it up there...?
  19. Not sure why you'd want to do this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E85
  20. This topic is so funny it makes me want to...
  21. Phil, Jay.... what happened with this??
  22. does look like a deep patern, very deceptive, i'll hopefully be at the wales meet on the sunday, so people can look then, i might even bring the roll with me if people want to buy some. Do it... i'll buy some off ya for the steering wheel trim
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