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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Am sorry to hear this mate... Cant you drive it to cyprus??
  2. Boll*cks i was going to go to this and i forgot all about it...!
  3. I actually like these iQ's. I detest city cars, but the iQ looks good... i like the front end styling and would like to see its que's cross over onto other toyota's such as the rav4.
  4. Links are all the same colour as text on this new forum for me... is that the same for you lot too?
  5. Thanks, can you let me have the contact details? PM Sent.
  6. You still haven't listed what tyres are on them...
  7. Excellent place in Macclesfield. Family run business (father and son) and they do superb work. Very descent prices too...
  8. Brilliant write up.. . I was supposed to be going this summer but funds haven't allowed it. Great pics too. Am interested in the bmw 116 bit too... thats ace!
  9. Welcome mate. Have u had a rear wheel drive car before? You cant put the power down at will like you can in a front wheel drive car - you have to respect it at all times.
  10. Hi all, I think there's something up with my zed. Its happened 4 times now in the last 2 weeks... twice in the last 2 days! I have an automatic, and when driving in auto-mode it changes up and down gears when your revs get to a certain point. You dont know which gear you're in though, so its hard to diagnose where exactly this problem occurs. Whats happening is when im going slowly but in a high gear, say 15mph in 4th, usually up hill, the car is not changing down a gear when it normally would. I have to press the throttle to make it rev in order for it to recognise the load and change gear. What happens if i dont do this is the revs drop very low, the gear lever shakes, and the car come close to stalling. This only happens for 1 or 2 seconds max though before changing gear. Even worse, today when i pressed the throttle to make it rev - the throttle travelled about half of its length before it registered input! Also i dont know if im imagining it as im listening out for every noise at the moment, but it feels like its struggling to go up hills, as if its lost torque. As i said, this has only happened 4 times so far, lasting at most 2 seconds each time, but its cause for concern i think? Im thinking throttle position sensor may be something to do with this (i dont know WTF this is, but it sounds like it could be related!), but could it be the auto-box or do they have a clutch or something? Cheers.
  11. I love it and would have a satin black car any day.
  12. i do a similar thing, but i also keep a breaking bar down the side of the drivers seat. i'd never hit anyone in the head with it, but i'd sure as hell make sure they wouldn't be running off before the police get there (and yes i know about reasonable force, thats why i won't be repeatedly kicking them or hitting them once they've gone down.) i used to be a door man in coventry and my size tends to be a big enough deterant as does the shaved head and beard. i am very placid by the way,it takes a lot to get me wrlyed and i learnt a long time ago to be defenseive not offensive. +1. Being 6'2" and 17Stone helps me stop any trouble before it starts
  13. I have these bud. Dont bother putting them on a switch - making work for nothing. They've been on my car for 18months and i've not been stopped for them yet.
  14. +1. If both speedo readouts aren't working then thats pointing to a more serious problem. Doesnt the AC-module control speed output? I know it has the speed wire going through it. Its just behind the AC controls and is a white box with a lot of plugs going into it... but i know they're expensive new... As for ABS, i dont believe they test that on an MOT so i would remove the bulb/stick black tape over it. Screw paying £4500!!
  15. Sorry to hear this mate. Whenever i get into a bit of road rage with anyone the first thing i do is take me seatbelt off and dont take my eyes off where they are.. even if its for a few miles. That way if i see them making a move, i can be up and at them before they get near me.
  16. marzman

    New Ken Block Video

    Very smart. Love the slow mo shots.
  17. Bugger, this is 20mins from me and i walk into tatton on my lunch in the week as i work in knutsford - but i didnt know this was on!
  18. My best mate has one. The 19" optional Rage alloys really set it off.
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