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Everything posted by marzman

  1. WTF? I thought they were extinct I've not seen one since i was about 12.
  2. I'd rather eat my car than put my face near Ian's kit... Does that work?
  3. Hi Neo, I actually did a search before i posted this topic to see if i'd mentioned it already, and i had - and you'd replied which i'd not seen. So i was looking at your ultimarc link last night and it may prove very useful - the ipaq sounds ideal!
  4. Hey Rich, Yeh that'd be fantastic when i get round to it! I looked at doing acrylic but wouldnt be able to drill it, but laser cutting Cheers Rich!
  5. marzman


    He didnt mention brightness... he said they dont look as good.
  6. marzman


    Standard zed D2R's are 4300k i think... maybe thats why they dont look as good as your old 6000k? I cant remember if i've got 6000k or 8000k in mine, but they look ace!
  7. Sounds like a very good price...! Have you used them before?
  8. I went to the nissan dealer in Macclesfield in Sept 07 asking about used models. I sat down with the manager and asked him all about them. I was fully read clued up with the known zed issues and questioned him about them, and he denied all knowledge. Then, after about 10mins he told me wouldnt be able to afford a zed, i was too young for one, and i should look for something more suitable for my age group... a few voices were raised at this point and i told him i'll bring my zed round and get him to wash it for me when i get one next month! Lo and behold, 3 weeks later i got one - but i never went back. Ten they shut down last year!
  9. It was the A-team van i posted...! Its worth watching the video if you can, just for the grooms reaction!
  10. Hey all, I thought i'd post this here as i know how much we all like build projects, even thought its totally not car related! In June i decided to build myself an arcade machine, to keep me from tinkering with my car! I always have to be working on a project of some sort as i get bored very easily! I've only spent 2 days working on this so far... one in June and this Sunday just gone... I was originally going to use an old 15" CRT monitor i took from work but it was too small, so i've been looking for a 19" LCD - and i got one on saturday for 50quid - so the building starts again! I bought some USB arcade sticks off eBay and dismantled them, and am currently custom mounting them in MDF... However im not happy with the quality of the buttons/stick, so after i've finished the build i'll probably revisit this area and look at professional quality parts. I've got a PC in there and will also be including a sega dreamcast (awesome for arcade games!), and will be doing neat touches like ccfl lights etc on it...! The downside though... its probably cost me £150 already for the monitor, sticks and wood... i didnt pay for the PC or dreamcast etc... and there's still a lot to go! See the pics below. Oh, and if anyone has any suggestions for good additions to it, then please shout up! Updated 31st Aug 2009 - Almost finished!! And a quick video:
  11. Welcome home mate, how long have you been away? Well deserved break i take it?
  12. No way...! Until they get all the chris bangle influences out of thier lineup im staying well away!! They're all hideous with the exception of the outgoing 5-series. The X6 is ok i guess, but i dont think it has anywhere near the same appeal as a Range Rover Sport. The e46 shape was the last of the hot bmw's... IMHO.
  13. Yeh im pretty sure you can buy blank keys for about £35 off ebay... then get it cut, then get the dealer to recode it...? I might be talking crap though. It wouldnt be the first time.
  14. Check out the rarerims thread for returned wheels...?
  15. This happened to my mate... he was in a minor accident a week earlier but a garage checked his car over and said it was safe to drive... but then at 60 on a dual carriage way it went, and like yours totally smashed in the roof etc...! I couldnt stop laughing when i went to pick him up... Good luck with the insurance company.
  16. Disconnect the toad alarm?? My Sigma alarm has a 30 second time limit on it... if i dont start it within 30 seconds of unlocking the car, it wont start until i blip the alarm again.
  17. Insurance really chaps my ass... I was gonna get a zed at 22/23 but the cheapest quotes i could get were £3500... then the day after my 24th birthday i checked again, and it was down to £2550 - so i bought one 2 weeks later... Looking back, i cant believe i paid that to insure a car...
  18. Yeh didnt ZMANALEX have about 3 for sale recently?
  19. marzman

    Police in my car!

    Not a propper copper? Shame... i would have let her handcuff me
  20. marzman


    Glad to see you got one mate. An H7 is a standard headlight bulb... the zed uses D2R HID bulbs. My zed (and a LOT of JDM's) have the HID hardware but its often disconnected to get it through the SVA test when its imported, and then subsequently not reconnected. Have you definitely got HID?
  21. Range Rover next for me, or caterham and a normal car...
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