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Everything posted by marzman

  1. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=27138 See Lexx 2/3 way down...
  2. Try PMing LEXX mate... i think he's in the marked for a Supra?
  3. I think maybe thats what i was thinking of
  4. marzman

    New Car

    That looks very very sexy in black. How old are you, if you dont mind me asking (as you've only had 3 cars!)? I've had 7 cars since 2004!
  5. I dont think there is a better middle ground between 18 and 20 than a good 19 is there? Mark, this thread is bringing back faint memories, werent you talking about carbon lip wheels about a year ago? Or was it a vinyl finish or something? Or i might have dreamt it.
  6. Insurance is a postcode lottery mate. When i was 23, the cheapest quote i could get was £3600, and i had to wait till i was 24 for it to drop to £2550. And then i bought the car. (apologies to everyone, i must have posted this fact 5 times in the last few weeks - i wish people would use the damn search button!!!!) See, i SERIOUSLY wanted a zed - there was nothing else that would have done for me... and i was happy to pay the £2550 insurance. In fact, it made the car seem even more special the fact that there was this 'ownership tax' so to speak. In total in my first year of ownership, with my loan, insurance, and petrol (70miles a day) i was paying out close to £900 A MONTH just to keep it on the road, excluding tax/maintenance, and mods 2 years on and would i pay that now...? No - i've grown up, and im kicking myself for wasting all that money - but in your early 20's you dont give a sh!t about the future... you're just bothered about impressing chicks and your mates, and what better way than to do it than with a zed, right? One thing i will say though, is if you're buying a zed, but are still living at home off your parents, then thats not cool Get saving for your own place!
  7. Welcome pal. Nice low mileage for an 04 plate. Now you just need some spacers and a stubby
  8. Yeh definitely not an insurance job... i'd keep my eye out for a 2nd hand bumper in blade and swap it yourself...
  9. It feels weird for me being online... i've not really been on here since last Wednesday really as i got an iPhone and have been playing with that non-stop! I think thats my longest time away from the forum...!
  10. That sounds about right... although i think it is fair, or else registrations would never become available again.. people would hold onto them forever! But i can see both points of view.
  11. Oi quiet you... back to the fiat forum. Yeh i've just phoned the dvla and they said the same... and they'll re-register my rex as part of that...
  12. I've just been reading on the dvla website, and i think you need to pay to keep your current reg on retention... and also pay to transfer from one car to another. The crucial issues now are if my rex plate is listed as non-transferable, then i cant transfer it obviously... and how do i get a new plate for the rex.
  13. Hey guys, I've got a quick question that someone might be able to help me with... I bought an '88 Mazda RX7 recently and its got a standard plate, although its 6 characters and dateless - so you could consider it a private reg on a modern car. My question is.. could i transfer that to my zed, and have another standard plate issued for my rx7? Basically bagging myself a free private plate?? Any thoughts? Cheers Chris.
  14. I love it...! Very original. Am loving the matrix design on the bonnet. Great job.
  15. Sorry Dave... My Dog died last year at 15 years old... we originally had his mum, and then she had pups. We kept Jack, and gave his brother Ug (for ugly) to my Auntie... 15 years later, they both Died on the same day! Jack was put to sleep, and Ug had a stroke later that day. Freaky, but comforting
  16. Cheers for the comments guys I was working on the software side of it last night, and i've got this fantastic frontend call Maximus Arcade. Its totally customizeable and starts as soon as you turn the PC on. It has really flash graphics and sound, and you basically scroll though the consoles on screen, select the one you wish to play, and then select the game to play. Its all controlled through the arcade sticks/buttons. And you assign hot-keys to do things like quit the game, or shutdown the PC etc... i.e. hold buttons 3 & 4 for five seconds to shutdown... im very impressed with it. Cheers Stan... yeh get your pics up too! Im actually getting a bit stressed now as i dont know what im gonna do for my next project!
  17. eBay is unreal... Who the hell keeps magazines for 6 years, let alone sells them on eBay at the exact time someone is looking for them..???! Great find scott.
  18. - Do you remember when you were a kid, playing Nintendo and it wouldn't work? You take the cartridge out, blow in it and that would magically fix the problem. Every kid did that, but how did we all know how to fix the problem? There was no internet or message boards or FAQ's. We just figured it out. Today's kids are soft. Brilliant!
  19. marzman

    Rattly K1

    ridiculously loud...! I sold mine as i couldnt cope with it anymore!
  20. marzman

    Rattly K1

    Have a look underneath - the K1 sits very very close to a metal cross member thing... i read a post on here about how to deal with it, but i cant remember it...
  21. Jeez, thats an interesting one! And a good decision i'd say. Although platform sharing with a future VW? Bluesport roadster maybe? I like the look of them.
  22. One step being the best description... you'll have to wait another 12 weeks to make that second step
  23. Right - updated the blog with more pictures... im almost finished now! I spent half a day last saturday on it, and then all day Sunday and Monday this bank holiday. I've still got to neaten up the wiring inside, but its good enough. I've got a PC in there which is hooked up to the arcade sticks, but there's also a Sega Dreamcast too (and i've downloaded every good game ever released!). The Dreamcast needs to use its own pads though - so i've got them hung under the controls area inside the machine... they can just be lifted out when required All thats lef to do is: Finish the edges - i need to order some T-mouldings and route a channel in the edges - to give it professional quality finish. Get some perspex for the top... i've got a light in there and need a perspex screen. And im going to print off some arcade logos onto acetate so its a back lit image. Decals... i've emailed a guy on eBay who makes vinyl stickers asking if he can do custom jobs... i've got a couple of really stylish street fighter graphics that i want to put on it...! Now i just need to get a stool from argos to sit on while playing
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