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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Ha ha, brilliant! Steve, you managed to get my 2 worst crashes on video there! Look at the video at 1:40... and im in the background at 2:21 And a couple of good pics I struggled on the day as that was my 5th this summer, and im passed my comfort zone now and i was trying new things, and they often went wrong! Still a great day though, thanks as ever Steve. Martin, you were missed today, hope you're alright after your accident
  2. Bugger - thought this was gonna be me! I've never been to Anglesea but was there yesterday! I only saw one other zed, on the A55 on the way home, an azure 07 plate, and we pulled up next to eachother!
  3. Hey all, Im in love with my zed again now that it has got brakes that work!! I knackered them on the May wales run... about 45 of you passed me just after lunch while i was stopped at the side of the road, and not one of you stopped... thanks guys ...i caught you all back up though, i just had to drive slowly. Anyway after that i got in touch with CS about replacement disks for my non-brembo's, but then changed my mind as i bought another car that month for drifting, so i was skint - then the following month the front disks ended up being out of stock with EBC ...Long story short, i got the rear disks off CS and they were fitted in early august, but my braking was still terrible... almost non-existant. I've had to drive so slowly for the last 6 weeks or so... and the EBC fronts were still unavailable, so i bit the bullet on wednesday and bought the DBA 4000 grooved disks @ mucho £££ and they arrived the next day - CS - thanks as always So i took them down to the garage today and rather than leave them to do it, i asked them to show me what to do, so i watched them do the left front, and then i did the right front on my own First time i've ever done anything on my brakes. To top it all off, total cost? Hows about 20quid! Bargain, even though i did half the work myself So as i said, im in love again... i came home and gave her a bath, and a nice blast round town.
  4. My boss at work is trying to get me into sprints. His mate does it and is in division 2 or something - you have to commit to 6 meetings over the season, and they can be whatever dates you want. He said if you have the car already, typically it only costs about £1k a season. I think im going to stick to my drifting for next season, but will be going to some of these events to get a feel for it, an may do it the following year.
  5. A34 - Prestbury to Didsbury. Epic. The best dual carriage way ever!
  6. Whats that mate, any pics? I was just reading this thread thinking i must go and do the 1p trick on mine. I tried to do it a few months ago and ended up snapping the plastic edges off the spring holder and had to buy a replacement of lomoto.
  7. Cheers guys, i feel a bit better now. I usually end up helping them out as you say chris. I once spent an hour sat 10 feet in the air in my car on the lift as they were trying to diagnose a brake problem on one of my old bmw's. ...and yes i have non brembos (doesnt work out any cheaper though - you cant get hold of stock disks for it, so im having slotted dba's on the front @ £300 for the pair!)
  8. Hey, I need to get my brake fluid changed within the next week, and for all simple work i take it to my local where my mate does work as a foreigner (and i dont mean he blacks himself up). He replaced my rear disks and pads a few weeks ago, and will be doing my front discs and pads early next week. However, i've got braided lines to go on, and want a full fluid change... should i trust them to do it at the same time as replacing the disks (if i give them the order of the calipers to bleed), or should i leave this part to a more technical garage - which will no doubt charge me double what my mate charges, and it'll cost more as they're doing it from scratch anyway. I think basically what im asking is - can anything get f*cked up if you do the brake fluid change incorrectly, or can problems be sorted with just a bit more time?
  9. Ha ha Cheers fella sorry its my new favourite toy
  10. Yeh tenner a corner usually, but that 11.50 might include disposal of old tyres.
  11. Cant find a definitive answer on here mate but found a few posts mentioning it e.g. viewtopic.php?f=32&t=6720&hilit=clocks+mileage just do an advanced search for clocks AND mileage.
  12. I think there were only 2 zeds in the film... one in the background of the workshop where vin beats a name out of the mechanic who uses nitro meth, and one as a tiny picture when paul walker can select which car to take from the impound.
  13. Oh my god are you kidding? I was stuck behind one of these on Sunday in that exact colour! It was an absolute minter, not a mark on it, and it had a note in the window saying 'Please pass, running in'...!
  14. I think its a good idea in theory you selling these, but there are 2 potential problems i think... 1. Clocks - isnt the mileage stored on the clocks? So if i sent you my clocks they'd say 60k on them no matter who's car you put them on? 2. Whats the likelihood of you screwing one up? I used to 'chip' people's playstations at school for £15 a pop - it was only soldering 7 wires onto the board, but i screwed one up and wrecked it, and then had to buy the guy a new playstation! That could get expensive doing that with clocks!! That said, i hope you do start offering the service though as they look great!
  15. Its not just the occupation setting that value mate. Its the postcode lottery and your age mostly. I paid more than your quote when i was under 25.
  16. Jeez darren you've put on wait since you've been laid up!
  17. Mate, i lost my voice watching on my own from home! Cant imagine how good it was there.
  18. Whats your point? The bug clubs deserve the bonus of extra time!
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