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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Z21 - Fantastic posts. On another note... does anyone want to buy an Rx8... i'm starting to have second thoughts.
  2. ...everyone is assuming it has to be a conscious choice to move out of the way, but not necessarily. If you're only belted in you're likely to move around in the car. If it rolls and your head is put under pressure your body will move into an empty space before your head is crushed (hopefully!) But if you're strapped in and can't move anywhere then your head is going to get squished. Either way... this was just an opinion from another forum, but it seems to make sense to me.
  3. Thanks guys. Good info. Regarding the harness without a cage... i've read some people's opinions about it being a no-no as if you roll the car without a cage, and you're strapped into the seat you cant get your head out of the way...? Seems to make sense and is a bit off putting.
  4. Hey guys, Fairly boring topic i know, but what kind of safety gear do those of you who do track days use? i.e. Helmet, Hans Device, Roll Cage, Harnesses, other? I've only got a couple of cheap lids that i got at a car boot. Purely just to satisfy the requirement to allow me on track at the moment, but i'm in the market for something better. I read a fantastic article about the Hans device a few years ago, and why one us a must when tracking your car. Do you guys see many people at track days with these? As i'd rather be spending my money on 'fun stuff', i obviously dont want to break the bank on safety gear so looking for any cheap but good helmet recommendations. Hans devices are expensive (circa £350+) for what is a pretty basic concept. Does anyone know of any cheaper alternatives? In terms of cage and harnesses - am i right in saying you shouldnt add harnesses until you've caged your car? And how essential do you think a cage really is for your average track day user (i'll be in an RX8). In terms of where to buy... i've checked Demon Tweeks which is quite dear, and eBay... but where else is good? Cheers Chris.
  5. Just gonna tax/mot it for the first month and see what happens... then probably aim to do the trailer test in June perhaps.
  6. Tidied and rearranged my garage today to fit the rex in...!
  7. I've literally just finished laying my own artificial grass in my garden - but replacing old lawn so cant comment on your situation. I can definitely recommend http://primelawns.co.uk/ for the grass - i got the Sailsbury grass at £15 per sq/m, for a 4m x 7m roll + £35 delivery, so a total of about £455. They do a 6x free sample box. You want to choose a lawn with 'dead bits' in it for realism. The only other advice ive got is that the grass on a roll is incredibly heavy! I'm 6'2 and pretty handy, and this stuff was really difficult to move. In fairness i did it all on my own without any help, but definitely bare it in mind.
  8. I did took the same route as you Brindgestones > Goodyear Eagle F1's and they're a million miles apart IMHO. The bridgestones just felt like cold, solid lumps of rubber with no feedback. The Goodyears were the opposite, and really came alive on track.
  9. Yep, pretty sure they were.
  10. My JDM 350z with Nismo kit had what i believe were factory fitted front cameras, one the left and right so you could see out of tight junctions! They were removed by the time i bought the car though, but the mounting points were still on the bumper. You can see the small black squares right above the front reflectors in my sig below.
  11. Ah back in the day i'd have bit your hands off for these to put them in my 350. I tapped into the AT gearbox wiring harness and made my own custom loom and switches. Ended up fabricating some paddles using a ford escort stalk assembly.
  12. Cheers Chris, i appreciate it. To satisfy your appetite for this soap opera, today's news is that she's contacted the police about her husband fraudulently taking out credit in her name without her knowing about it!! She's arranged a meeting at the police station over the weekend to file a complaint. Again, this is against my advice as she should be trying to keep the husband onside through these proceedings IMHO. Now he'll just want to be as mean as possible i'm sure. Me too Graham.
  13. I rarely do them directly to here, good shout. Tried to view yours and it says there isnt any. Using this tool, do you see the exif data on your original file? http://www.verexif.com/en/ver.php
  14. Mine are uploaded from photobucket so I assume that's safe but a very good reminder by Matt. Cheers Yes but doesnt the forum allow people to upload attachments? in the My Media section? Its not something i've ever used so dont know.
  15. And what about photos uploaded to this forum? Anyone tried that yet?
  16. Small update on the sitch with the sister in law then... Following the great advice from you guys on here we let her down gently RE being a Guarantor, and also fed back a lot of the other useful tips and observations that were highlighted. Fast forward a few days and she's not listened to a word we've said, she's fell out with my wife and I "because we wouldn't simply sign a piece of paper for her", and she's talked another family member into being a guarantor (a distant Aunt of hers in Scotland). I've told my wife that we really should call the Aunt to highlight the risks she's taking and the fact that its a move that will probably be worse for her in the long run - but at the moment my wife would rather her sister is cheered up in the short term. Im staying out of it now. She's not burnt her bridges with me yet but it's amazing how shortsighted people can be.
  17. With the car vibrating... so you've replaced the tyres, had them balanced and it's still vibrating? Does it feel like it's on rotation of the wheels, or does it match your engine revs? If on rotation of the wheels and you've already done they tyres then have you had a look at the brakes, and could the pads be catching on the discs? Does one wheel feel hotter than the others after driving, which would indicate a brake catching etc?
  18. Hi, Worth having a read of the AT section of the 350z manual. This discusses possible faults and corrective steps to take. Page 45 onwards looks useful. http://pdf.textfiles.com/manuals/AUTOMOBILE/NISSAN/350Z/coupe/2005/at.pdf
  19. Christ, i hadn't thought of this... Thanks mate. The theory is that the husband is the one that's irresponsible with money and she is just naive and thats why they're in this situation, but i see your point. Cheers mate, i'll make her aware of all of this.
  20. Thanks everyone for this valuable input. To clarify, there is no domestic violence here - their problems are financial and infidelity. He has 'allegedly' opened credit accounts in her name without her knowledge, as well as strongly suspected but no proof of cheating. Yes, i think this is accurate. Using the benefits that she is/will be entitled to, as well as her part time salary. I've worked out her budgets with her and she needs the benefits to live on her own. Thanks BBK. Whilst not a definitive answer int hat post, this is the kind of thing im looking for. Good shout. This is something we'll look in to. Abduction - jeez i guess you're right. Yep should have mentioned i'd talked her down to a 6-month lease initially - but 6 months rent up front? Ouch i've not encountered that before. Good shout Col. It's the kids i'm really keen to help though, and am prepared to make some sacrifices to make sure they're okay and stable.
  21. This I didn't know, thanks. I'll find out a little more about this and use it in the conversation. I know what you're saying and my head's saying the same but it is family at the end of the day - you can't turn your back on them. We're the only family she's got. * On a lighter note I must point out that whilst this appears to be a proper Coronation Street style drama, it does not reflect in any way me or the rest of our family's affairs. This is an isolated issue.
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