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Everything posted by marzman

  1. I've been online for almost 11 hours now... and i've only played it about 4 times. Every time i play im on till 2 am and then am a wreck at work... so it takes me a few days to pluck up the courage again to play it.
  2. +1 on both points. Love the mazers...
  3. Bit early to be on the sauce no? Or are you just getting in? ...ah the life of a play boy
  4. how do i let the silvia guys know? am i asking too much money? Get over to SXOC.com the 200sx guys will snap them up no probs. I've already sold 2 sets of wheels over there Dont you have to pay to be on sxoc? Im sure i tried selling some 17" JDM's on there and i couldnt register...
  5. Get one of these bud! Think this is gonna be my next project now i've finished my paddle shifts and the arcade machine... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1zIGPyJunI
  6. Cool pics husky dog. How did the pug RCZ look? Interested to see the proportions. And im with you allessandro... LD HF Integrale all day!
  7. try e36coupe.co.uk or i think e46fanatics is uk based...
  8. See this a lot with JDM's as they have a smaller battery, but this shouldnt happen to yours. My JDM battery went after 2 weeks as i'd left the reversing camera switched on while i was away
  9. I love it!! I watched 5th gear today where VBH did a piece on car clampers too... got me in the mood for getting clamped now!
  10. Yeah but they measured it from way down the tunnel. Notice how as they got close they eased off. I am sure it would have been way louder if they had blast past the mic (not that the iPhone is anything like that accurate lol *cough* they measured my K1 from 2 streets away...
  11. Very nice work pal... thats an original idea!! really impressed! If you start banging these kits out at a tenner a pop, put me on your list
  12. I was well happy with the sandero appearance, wish they would have brought it back and put it on the track. And clarksons drift in the AM... that was wicked... and the helecopter pilot too! Awesome!! ... and only 89db in that tunnel... my K1 was 99db
  13. Oh look he as just typed it in Even more abuse of forum powers, im shocked and appalled.
  14. Didnt some girl get murdered in blackpool and put into kebabs a few years ago, or have a made that up?
  15. Swine flu got the better of her would be my guess...!
  16. So if i were to say DIBS now, would that not overrule nrenz's claim? In all fairness it should, what with the member trader guidelines at the moment... ....not that i want it, im just causing trouble...
  17. Is it a loud grinding? Its likely to be a brake pad worn out. A bearing will be more of a thrumming sound...
  18. On HQ im prolly getting 3k to 3.5k in XP if we win. 1500-1800 for yourself and then if your team wins you get about another 1500. You get about 400 on TDM if you win dont you?
  19. How you feeling boys? I woke up fine this morning... had 12 pints all day without any tea... drank from 2 till the end of the Courture fight, but i was flagging that last hour in there - my hangover had kicked in by then, so i didnt go back out into town. Managed to blag our way down to the front and were sat on row D for most of the night Got the train back home this morning and have had a Tesco breakfast, which cures all hangover's...!
  20. I've not even started single player yet. I cant be bothered with it.
  21. Very hot wayne. Loving the offset on the rear
  22. Hmm... im ony at level 23 after 9 hours of play...!
  23. you will never get full control in the same way as a manual car. Useful information
  24. Was sorting this today... getting the train in on saturday at about 2pm and getting on the pop... i've budgeted about £75 for drink and £25 for travel... (staying in Altrincham, and then tram/train back on Sunday). We've guessed at an average of £3 a pint over the whole day, leaving me with enough for 25 pints... result! lol. I'll be asleep by 6 i know it.
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