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Everything posted by marzman

  1. marzman

    clever man

    1. What a tit. 2. I love this forum... looking at other forums just hurts my eyes!
  2. Sorry for off topic, but i was at a track day yesterday and my stock JDM exhaust with just a pop charger measured just 81.7 decibels!! Shocking!
  3. Happy birthday Neo's zed...!
  4. marzman


    What fantastic camera work. This is what we should be doing for some of our meets - filming a quality video rather than going for a drive out sometimes. The opening to the 2nd vid also has my all time fave tune...!!
  5. Check your oil level first, make sure they didnt put to much oil in. Next, let the engine warm up and then check the pressure again - if you have thicker oil now the pressure will be higher to begin with, before it warms up and drops off a bit.
  6. For what its costing you in eBay fees, it would be cheaper to just give them to me...!
  7. View unread posts is only going to be of use to those of us who live on here though
  8. Great find Mike... I've been struggling since personal shipper stopped trading.
  9. I see your point Sarnie, but what if someone gets properly called out over the price/quality/history of something (again probably by you ) and then the seller has the ability to delete these tough questions? To the less clued up buyer, things good look like a good deal. Imagine some of the recent 'traders' threads and if they hadnt been called out by some people here...
  10. marzman


    What ron fuel do you have in Poland? If you've just got the car, 14mpg is to be expected as you should be out enjoying it... but if you're really driving as sensibly as you say, you should be getting at least high teens.
  11. Just picked the car up and the brakes feel better already, from just the 20mph drive pootle home in traffic. One point though, the mechanic showed me the old lines and there is a little locating bar that stops the end of the line rotating when attached. He said the goodridge lines dont have this, so i need to check it over the next few days, and then probably every couple of weeks after that... anyone heard of this before???? Seems like a bit of a chore! On a side note... this is the first receipt i've got for any work on my car, in 2 years!! Finally!! My mate at the local garage does everything for me for next to nothing, but obviously its off the books, but he didnt fancy doing the lines for me as he said its a b!tch. So thats one for my collection...!
  12. PM zmanalex or r35lee mate. They'll sort you out at much cheaper prices.
  13. DIBS!! Mate, i'll pick it up this weekend off you??
  14. Ugh... just woke up. I fell asleep watching Top Gear Yeh i know, i've been meaning to fit them for ages...! Fingers crossed they make a big difference cos im on a rack day on Thursday
  15. I've literally done about 17 minutes of work so far! I've watched The Bill, Jeremy Kyle, and am now watcching 'Most Shocking High Octane Impacts'...
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