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Everything posted by marzman

  1. ...and with regards to the contact - all the drivers know these cars can go wheel-to-wheel without risk of severe damage... he knew what he was doing.
  2. Am i the only one here who thinks this was great TV? Yes it was wrong etc etc but it's reignited this thread as well as a lot of people's interest in the sport, albeit that may be short-lived. I say dont punish him - 10SG was adequate.
  3. Why would you consider getting HTB when you've got enough for a 20% mortgage? I would absolutely be putting the biggest deposit i could into the purchase, and getting it over the shortest number of years possible... i.e. if you can get your mortgage over 20 years rather than 25 then you'll be saving 10's of thousands in the long run.
  4. Nah the car sounds are terrible from the GoPro as it's in the waterproof case. Needed to cover the awful quality. No fuel cut problems... and the DSC could be turned off fully by holding the button for 10 seconds.
  5. Looks like youtube have blocked it because i put a song in it... ffs. Edit - now hosted on Vimeo.
  6. Had my first drift day at Oulton since about 2011 last week. Little vid below. The Rx8 handled far better than my previous Rx7 and E36 i'd used there before. Had trouble with it overheating though... it blew the fan fuse 3 times (twice on track, once on the way home). Common problem apparently, the airbox mounts drop and impede the fan. Should be an easy fix. I've also booked Anglesea in August for a full track day. Edit - i'm the tall one.
  7. Sounds non-standard to me. Take a picture and post here to see if we can identify it.
  8. Check your tyre pressures.
  9. Have you come across this site? http://www.arcadepun...downloads-page/ I've not delved into it yet, but it appears to have a 128gb download which is a full retropie setup. Im assuming it's got all of the sample videos for all the games etc.
  10. Gutted for you, after you've had your heart set on this for so long.
  11. Yes, but the house doesn't always win. I abhor gambling to be honest and am traditionally very risk averse. Going forward i'll be investing in much less volatile things... this is just a one off so that I dont miss the boat. A couple of my work colleagues have been returning around 20% per year for the last 3 years.
  12. A colleague got the tip on Friday from his business partner in Thailand who's doing pretty well for himself. I'd been on the verge of getting into Bitcoins anyway for some time but this pushed me into Etherium. Haven't read too much into it so far but didn't want to miss the boat so jumped right in rather than reading and deliberating for too long. Good job too - it's gone up 25% since i purchased!
  13. Okay Mattross, you've sold me on this. Im a massive retro games fan. I built my own arcade machine years ago (all emulated), and i've got essentially all mainstream retro consoles in my games room, and 300+ games. I've been considering selling it all for a couple of months and turning the room into a cinema, with projector and recliners etc, but that's for a different thread. At last count my collection was worth around £3k excl the arcade machine which i wouldn't sell. I very rarely play anything, its just nice to have. Anyway... I wasn't overly sold on the idea of a Pi until you mentioned the splash screen idea which got my attention. I've been watching vids all day and have just bought a Pi 3 with Retropie and a load of games pre installed, a basic case, 32gb card and a USB SNES controller. Not bad for £60 delivered. The best part is i can keep this in the lounge and play it a whole lot more than i do with everything now. Regarding modding like yours... i'll see how it goes but i'm thinking i might build it into an original Game Boy case. A couple of pics of my games room if you're interested.
  14. My hay fever is always worse on rainy days... as the rain brings the pollen down. Loretadine - I take 2-3 of these a day (dosage is 1 but im a big guy and 1 does nothing). Only buy the generic versions. i pay about 90p for 14 from my local Home Bargains store. Buy about 10 boxes at a time. Hayfever injections - I dont think this exists anymore does it?? My cousin took it in '94 and died from it. It was banned that year, as is my understanding. It contained steroids which reduced his immune system, and he died from a common cold.
  15. Thanks GM, it was driving me mad. Is there any way that us plebs can search for archived posts, as I do this quite a lot! I can't believe it's over 4 years since that thread was posted on. It feels like a couple of months.
  16. I do have a decent set, just not the one piece I needed today - I would ask how many times has that happened to you !!? It used to happen alllll the time until one month I made a list of all the things I tend to struggle with and bought the lot. Decent socket set, every kind of socket connection/extension bar at different drives, stud extractors, drill bits, breaker bars etc etc. It honestly made a massive difference to doing the little jobs.
  17. Hey guys, What was that thread called that was 70+ pages long talking about shares? I'm sure it was something like 'The 350z-uk share dealing tips club' and fairly sure it was started by 'Captain'? I spent 20mins searching for it yesterday but couldn't find it. I've not traded before but after finally getting on the property ladder a couple of years ago and just sorting out my first re-mortgage I feel now's the time to finally get into the game. I made my first purchase yesterday - I bought 1.3 Etherium coins (Bitcoin alternative). It's gone up from £18 per coin in March this year to £275 per coin as of today. It's gone up £40 since yesterday so i'm already in the money. I'm going to put £1k in Etherium for now, but have a £325 maximum until i've verified my bank account. A work colleague of mine got in early on Bitcoins in about 2011 I think... just £125. I remember him telling us all about them at a poker night, but no one else got involved. It went quiet for several years and then it spiked and he cashed out for about £1200. If he'd have held them then they'd be worth about £660k today. If we can't find that thread, or its totally out of date, then please feel free to share any tips in here. What site are people using to trade these days?
  18. I'll be the first to say it then... Long time modder without a decent socket set. What's wrong with you man?!?
  19. Brilliant. Would definitely like to see a startup vid with the splash screens and game selection once you're up and running. On the motor, is there any way you could hook in to the lid opening mechanism to activate it, rather than running on a switch? The grey post in the right rear of the disc tray recess used to control that (you used to have to put blue-tac into it to keep it depressed when doing the disc-swap trick to play copies).
  20. Hey. I should be available on the next couple of weekends if you need a lift with anything. It's an excuse to get out of work.
  21. Yeah, i hear you. I end up with the back seats down what seems like every other week in my Range Rover. I dont know how i managed all these years with coupe's
  22. Some great info Oh no, whats wrong with the 8? ...nothing. But i now feel like i should spend about £2k on safety gear before i let loose in it
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