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Everything posted by marzman

  1. 1. Rich... who said its a residential area? That looks industrial all day to me. If he's doing it outside a school then yes he should be shot. 2. Husky - obviously this is a matter of opinion. Speeding is far worse than drifting. This guys drifting isnt going to kill anyone is it?
  2. Its nothing to fall out about bud. Yes, the law sees it as wreckless, the same as doing 70 in a 50. As i said before, i wouldn't/couldnt do this, but i would trust a seasoned drifter to do it safely. ...and you must work for a tabloid as thats a proper mis quote "on a public road drifting is not wreckless....". This came with a 'There's a time and a place'.
  3. ...but drifting at 25mph where he can stop in 10yds, on a roundabout where everyone can see and hear him is far far safer than doing 70 in a 50, or overtaking when you're unsure. DRIFTING IS NOT WRECKLESS if you know how to do it.
  4. +1 There is a line that should be drawn with this. I dont think its bad or wrong for this type of thing to be done on the public road, but obviously there is a TIME AND A PLACE. For those of you that think this is wreckless driving - no its not, its just drifting. He has drifted pretty well in the video IMHO and is obviously in control of the car. Head over to driftworks if you want to meet some street drifters... they get up to this sort of thing every day. I've been to a few legit drift meets and everyone was talking about what they did on the streets in the week etc... they're different kind of people to on here. ...and can any one of you on here tell me that you've never exceeded the speed limit on any road? That is probably more dangerous than this That said, he can see other traffic, so he should have stopped. Lastly, i would never dream of doing this in my zed, and i've never done it in my drift car or my current shitbox. I stick to closed car parks at night. For people saying its wreckless and dangerous
  5. Iphone all day long. It won gadget of the decade on the gadget show! Why settle for just a few Apps? The iPhone has literally about 100,000 apps to download, most of them free (or stripped down versions). It is sooooo easy to use yet it has more features than any other phone. It is so intuitive too. The only gripe i have with it is making calls... on any other phone, i can press the 'call' button twice to call the last person i dialed. With the iPhone its about 5 clicks in different places on the screen, which is annoying.
  6. i urge anyone who has not been on one of these days to go - it is awesome! There is no danger to your car as there is plenty of runoff, and it doesnt touch your tyres at all... its like driving on ice. This is considered a beginner event due to how easy it is to unstick your wheels, but there are plenty of seasoned drifters there... I went 5 times last year and loved it... but i doubt i'll be able to make this one due to lack of funds.... ...look at my sig for a pic..!
  7. I cant put Fifa 10 down mate... but i downloaded the demo for Mirror's edge and loved it, so i bought it for a fiver off eBay and its really good. Very original.
  8. Im not watching it. Will hit it all in a weekend once it's over.
  9. bump. Can separate these items, or pack up for posting.... ( you can sort your own courier out). Going on eBay next week.
  10. I replaced one of my headlight once... got the whole car back together, packed all my tools away, came back in the house, and i'd forgot to put the plastic cover on the back of the light back on ... so had to do the whole lot again.
  11. Cheers all.. I used white spirit in the end... but im not sure how it has turned out... it removed most of the gunk, but has left a slimy/sticky finish to it finish to it so i dont know if its melting the plastic too. Its in the bath with hot water and fairy liquid at the moment so we'll see...
  12. Hi, The last outstanding task to do before im happy to sell my car is to re-finish the interior transmission tunnel. This was covered in carbon cloth but it didnt look good, and R35LEE cant find a replacement... so im stripping it and repainting. Does anyone know of a solvent or anything that will remove this glue/contact adhesive residue?? Will brake cleaner do it??
  13. Every other car round here is an AM. They dont do anything for me...
  14. Has anyone got the iphone lolcats and loldogs apps? They're free, and awesome!! I'll save he funny ones to my phone while browsing... here's my current fave:
  15. Lambo for me, as im not sure if F40's are under £150k... if they are then F40 every day of the week.
  16. Wouldnt it be easier to put your spare on and send it away?
  17. +1... i'll be there - although i may have sold the zed by then so i'll park round the corner Where are you from if KK is local?
  18. Yep, talk to my dad in the states via iPhone skype. Is fantastic, although video calling on the laptop drops connection quite frequently...
  19. Wrecked it how? Any ideas when the thread was posted? Cheers. Absolutely no idea unfortunately on both parts. ...and you cant search for 'LPG' on here as its only 3 letters
  20. There was a thread about an LPG converted zed on here not long ago, and that it had wrecked the engine after a few years.
  21. Dont do it mate... while it looks good, taking the headlights apart is a very nasty job... i dont know how Paul did it. You have to melt the plastic apart using a heat gun and the point that the thick black glue/gunk melts is about 2 degrees different to the point that your headlight plastic melts
  22. I see your point, but i think the zed is a lot more fun to drive than 95% of other cars, even though its not the quickest. I've had fast bmw's in the past and they are so boring.
  23. I'd keep out of site of the marshalls etc... may not allow you to do this as you're making money off the back of them. As for a name... something simple and obvious. track-pix pit lane - pics etc etc
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