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Everything posted by marzman

  1. marzman

    Few night pics

    Absolutely fantastic work mark Very impressive.
  2. Oh and kobi, you're right. Even if they're sh!t i love their ads...
  3. Think they offered me £6900 for my zed, which is quite reasonable i though.
  4. Nice work mate. Glad you got some decent pics up, cos your car is looking mint.
  5. My lens got water in it which ruined the picture completely, so i took it off and dried it out, and resealed. Now its fine.
  6. Superb choice mate. I've not driven one yet... please post a review of it...!! I think running costs are the only thing putting me off...
  7. marzman


    I only just found out what twitter is... its that little place on a girl between her tw@t and her sh!tter.
  8. No, i havent started smoking, but i managed to snap the lid of mine! I dont think Lee's got one, and there's none on eBay
  9. Ahhh right. I thought they were 15" wheels or something!
  10. marzman

    0-60 times

    I can normally smell a troll a mile away... and i dont think Nuno is one. Give the guy a break... When i first got my zed i had some issues on upshifts from 2nd to 3rd causing fishtails... it turned out to be tyres and the cold weather. Also, as others have said, you dont need to use your handbrake for drifting... drop into 1st, turn the wheel and floor it lifting the clutch quick.
  11. Loads of people on here run these wheels. I think a set with tyres will run you about £1250.
  12. Big +1 on this. I had 3 BMW's before the zed, and i was bored of all of them after a few months.
  13. A woman came home to find her husband in the kitchen shaking frantically, almost in a dancing frenzy, with some kind of wire running from his waist towards the electric kettle. Intending to jolt him away from the deadly current, she whacked him with a handy plank of wood, breaking his arm in two places. Up to that moment, he had been happily listening to his Walkman.
  14. Fantastic stan and luce... so happy for you both. Thats made my day
  15. Yeh, thats the one point we can all agree on - he is a tool for filming it and posting it!! ...but people saying 'its like a marksman going out with a gun'... what a ridiculous analogy. I'll say it again for the last time, and then im not posting again - This is not as dangerous as speeding! Nobody is goint to die! ...and Captain Sensible - you definitely live up to your name dont you? I guess im one of the people bringing this forum down hill.
  16. I think my JDM with a pop charger came in at 87...
  17. Nothing 'special'. But trust me, i'm getting itchy feet Ha ha... bus pass! Busted.
  18. If this is the wife's car, what have you got now?
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