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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Thank god u didn't get my wheels in the pics!
  2. Exactly why mine has stayed dirty for a couple of months. Yes a couple of months! At least when I get out this weekend and clean it, I can take the dirt off nice and gently and not do it any damage. I'd much rather have layers of dirt on there than take it to any kind of carwash and let someone else inflict swirls and scratches on it. +1. Washing my car completely murders my back. The last time i washed it, wait for it, in september (!) i had to work from home for the next week as i couldnt physically walk It needs washing before the KK meet tomorrow, and i dont know what to do... take it to my local scratch wash, or risk serious injury... Andlid, feel for you mate that is horrible.
  3. Agree and disagree... by me taking the loan over a longer period, i am effectively releasing some of the equity in my car I can still sell it during that time, as im not tied into a contract for the car, as its a personal loan.
  4. Nope - cant cut back on anything. We're almost down to the absolute bare minimum on everything, so the £150 a month this car will now cost me will be my only luxury. You've seen everything i own on eBay sarnie We're going through some life changing stuff at the moment, which is hopefully going to get sorted one way or the other this year, good or bad. I wont go into it until its all sorted though (its nothing bad, just personal!). On paper getting a second loan sounds like the wrong thing to do, but im only doing that to pay off my existing loan in FULL. Doing this gets me a better rate on the new loan, than adjusting my existing loan to suit. The cost for this switch after all said and done is only an additional £700 over 5 years, which is £11 a month. I'll pay that to hold onto my zed.
  5. Yeh im quite excited at the prospect of a blank canvas again!
  6. I'm afraid I tend to agree. If you are having to get loans etc to cover paying off the car then any issues that may arise and are not accounted for may lead to you resenting it. But if you really really love it then go for it! Whats wrong with having a loan to pay for a car? Im not offended or arguing here, im interested... Ideal world obviously, you'd pay for it outright, but in the real world unless you're very lucky that's not possible. Who has £15k lying about to buy a car outright that isnt: a) still at home with their parents older, therefore had chance to save/make money on property etc c) a spoiled brat d) Have a ridiculously good job (i.e contracting or self employed etc). Im in my mid 20's, only been working for 3 years having come out of Uni so had no chance to save, but earn enough to have a nice car in my life... finance makes the world go round!
  7. Damnit.... I know whereyou live, i'll come get it in the night (Kidding)
  8. Hey All, About 2 months ago i decided to sell my zed to start saving some cash, and then my other half gave up work indefinitely, which pretty much meant i had to sell it anyway. Looking at the figures, i could save myself around £250 a month by having a cheap car. So, bought a crappy e36 bmw 320i and put the zed up for sale initially, and then removed it again and stripped all my bits off like wheels/jwt/spacers etc etc to make it more sale-able. However, i was waiting to get some other work done on it (head unit repaired, exhaust swapped etc) and never put it back up for sale. The headunit was returned this weekend, so i put it back together.... Well, i decided to start driving it again yesterday and... it is amazing!! I cant tell you how good it feels, the handling, performance, the sound oh my god. I cant believe i didnt appreciate it! So on my way home tonight i was thinking about how i can keep it. On my current loan i pay £250 a month and i have 2.5yrs of that remaining. However if i get another loan over 5 years at about £140 a month, and pay my existing loan off with that, then thats quite a bit cheaper a month for me, and i can afford that... So i just need to see if i can get a loan now ...oh, and i've got a bog standard car again. D'Oh EDIT - i realise doing this will cost me more in interest in the long run, but as long as i get to keep the car with reasonable monthly paymnts i dont care...
  9. Happy birthday mate. Read your AE article today. A cool birthday present for you that eh?
  10. are you all aware you can watch live freeview tv (in wifi area)? On your phone go to htt[://iphone.tvcatchup.com You have to register but its free, and is perfect!! I can watch Jeremy Kyle live at work in the mornings
  11. I agree, it should have been 4wd. However lets be honest here, for 90% of drivers, they would be able to get much better performance out of a FWD car than a RWD car. I may be letting myself in for some flaming, but on a recent track day (which was wet i have to add) i was probably one of the slowest drivers there. All but 2 cars were FWD or 4WD. For the average driver, they're going to struggle to get the most out of a RWD car. On the road too... having to slow down at roundabouts while crappy CTR's can floor it round them without even a second thought about it...
  12. I'd buy the autobox if i got a 370. I've been driving my crappy bmw for th last month which is manual, and then was back in the my auto zed today for the first time and it felt so much better
  13. Datsun was before my time. I've never heard it called that outside of this forum or Top Gear. I normally refer to it as a Nissan though when people ask me. I hate saying i've got a 350z cos i feel like im showing off, so i just say a nissan when they ask what i drive.
  14. So frustrating lane hoggers. If i have to undertake somebody, i make sure they have seen me behind first, and then in their left hand mirror before blasting past as quickly as possible - as you know if they decide to move they wont check their blind spot
  15. I cracked it as i had my fat dad in the car in september and it was lower than normal over the speed bumps. Then i didnt bother cleaning it again after that as i knew it was being replaced
  16. Gross Sarnie, thats what happens when you leave the missus to list your sh!t. I've already revised about 15 of the auctions
  17. eGay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :MESELX:IT
  18. On eGay now (using my fiances account, thats why there's girls clothes being sold on there all you snoopers ) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :MESELX:IT
  19. So what causes an airlock?? (am searching now btw )
  20. Yes mate, there is very little braking function from any caliper. Back to the garage i think.
  21. Hey guys, My brakes arent working. They almost dont stop the car at all when at very low speeds! With moderate speed they are working a little, but when you slow right down, they're doing nothing!! My zed has been sat for a month apart from 1 trip out to the garage. I have all brand new brakes with under 1500 miles on them - discs/pads/braided lines/fluid... When i went to the garage I was having some work done which included the anti-roll bar end links being replaced, but the nuts were rounded on so the guy at the garage cut them off with the acetylene torch. Now this is a directed heat source but the end links are still very close to the brake lines... do you think its possible that this has cooked my fluid?? I went out for a drive tonight for about 20mins... there is a fairly large amount of travel in the peddle, and i tried some spirited driving to get a little heat into them but they didnt improve at all. I checked the fluid immediately after this and it was on the 'max' line. Any ideas?
  22. Yeh he's just avoiding the roadside bombs.
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