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Everything posted by marzman

  1. I started JC3 but only played for about 20 mins. Not touched the PS4 since. Keep finding other things that need doing.
  2. The F1 games are immense. Really immersive and lovely controls. The only downside i've found is the sheer amount of time you have to dedicate to each race weekend if you want to play on a higher (more realistic) difficulty setting. I found F1 2016 marginally better, as the start procedure is carried out using your flappy paddles, similar (but not the same as) the real deal. Also, i have mine setup on PS4 so that my engineer talks to me in my headphones running off the second controller, rather then through the main game audio through the TV. I can also press a button on my wheel and speak to my engineer, asking for info or pit stops etc. Love it!
  3. I'm not working at the moment so getting a fair amount of gaming in. Currently playing GT Sport with my G29 and racing rig - gotta say, i'm really enjoying it. The controls are really on point imho and the online racing is exhilarating. Streets ahead of the Forza games in terms of controls with a wheel. Also just bought Farpoint with the Aim controller for the PSVR. This is a pretty special experience, it all feels so natural. The game is fairly dull, but when they make a COD style game to use this controller it will be mind blowing. Lastly i've got a few 'new' games to play (downloaded for free via Playstation Plus). Metal Gear Solid V, AC: Freedom Cry, and Just Cause 3. Which one should i start with?
  4. Hi all, I've not been on here for a couple of months, but thought i'd better post this in case anyone knew him. I'm from Macclesfield and there has been a lot of chatter on social media about a local 22 year old lad who went missing last week. Sadly his body has now been found in a canal in Manchester after a night out. I don't know the guy, but reading the article it mentions that the alarm was raised after he didn't show up to collect his 'beloved 350z'. I thought i better post this here in case he was known on the forum. http://www.macclesfield-express.co.uk/news/local-news/family-caspar-blackburn-praise-outpouring-13735003 According to facebook, this is his car. Chris.
  5. And for what its worth, my only criticism of this new skin is the main thread view page as it's unclear. Everything else is an improvement. ...but because im using the site a whole lot less maybe i've not encountered all the other problems yet.
  6. Exactly right Doc. You can't say anything. Last time i raised my same observations I had the same defensive response. If the analytics back up the general consensus on here that site traffic is down, that surely means our concerns are valid and worthwhile listening to? I've been using this site for a decade and i want what is best for this club, not just for me. But it seems i'm ungrateful for expressing concerns. If you've not got the capacity Lexx, why not ask for help? I'm sure there are plenty of capable people on here, myself included. Adrian - when designing sites we make sure both the mobile and desktop journey's are fantastic - we don't just forget about desktop because the mobile is good enough. And because my personal preference is to use desktop instead of mobile when i use this site how does that make my comments less valid??
  7. I'd said it in one of the early threads... the killer for me is the way posts are displayed in the main view - such as 'LRF4N replied to gsexr's topic in Off Topic Discussion.' I really dislike having to read a full sentence to see who's thread it is, and what section it's in. This info used to be in columns in all previous forums. The eye is drawn to LRF4N so you think it's his thread, and I find it's a lot harder on the eye to filter out the stuff I don't want to read. e.g. Introductions & Welcome Messages i'm really not bothered about reading, but i now have to read the thread title and the sentence below to see who posted it and what section its in. I work in software and our company produces eCommerce websites, and i get involved in UX (User Experience) a lot, and I wouldn't want this flaw on one of our sites. I've never logged on via mobile or tablet either so that doesn't benefit me... i'm a dektop user only
  8. It wasn't S1HNK was it? Used to be a user on here years ago with that plate and username, and i used to see him in Knutsford frequently. About 6 or 7 years ago he got a Fiat 500 Abarth and then had a few other things, but i think he went back to a 350z.
  9. I agree sadly. I don't want to knock the hard work people have put in but its not a patch on any of the previous iterations, for me. My experience sounds similar to yours... i've been on here far less since the change to the point that i almost deleted my bookmark for the site this week to save me clicking on it by habit. Still... I have been walking the dog more rather than wasting away on here
  10. Bump. Anyone? Price reduced to £75...!!
  11. Im jealous. I quit my job this week! I've now got 10 weeks notice still to work. People are getting made redundant all around me, but because i'm a valuable asset I dont get the same luxury and have to quit to escape the shambles. I'm not happy! I've not even lined up another job to go to, I just needed to get out of there. Going to give Contracting a go. I've been there for 11 years, and its the only 'proper' job i've ever had.
  12. Thanks Stu. I wasnt sure if this would be approved as there is nothing to photograph - all i have is a confirmation email. I spoke to the organiser today (Javelin) and I will just need to phone them with the new attendee's name and vehicle details to transfer it. More details can be found here: http://www.javelintrackdays.co.uk/trackdays/index.php?route=product/product&path=60&product_id=425
  13. Hi guys, I have a trackday booked on 18th Aug all day at Anglesea. I paid £170 for the day but i can't attend (well, i can but i've quit my Job this week so now cutting all unnecessary expenditure). I'm asking £120 for the day please, via Paypal. Let me know if interested.
  14. Hey guys, Im 33 and have worked with the same company for 11 years and its the only job i've had since leaving Uni. I started as a developer and then moved into Consultancy / Project Management before ending up managing the department. Sadly our company is being run into the ground by a terrible new private equity owner and over half the workforce has left or been made redundant meaning the job is becoming almost untenable for the few that remain. Annoyingly i'm on a 3 month notice period which makes me feel somewhat trapped... I've started looking for new jobs and have applied for a couple (on the same or slightly less money). However what im starting to think about now is contacting. Does anyone here do it or know people that have done it? I think i could very easily do software project management contracting and work on different projects at different companies short-medium term, as this sounds very similar to what my job used to be before i moved into management. If you have any info, what's it like? How do you get treated? And do you really end up able to earn the high amounts that appear to be possible (e.g. £350 a day is about £80k per year once holidays and bank holidays have been taken out). At that rate I could work 8 months of the year and have 4 months off! Can anyone recommend any good sites to find contract positions or am i best signing up with an agency? And the big question... should i just hand my notice in now with the hope of getting a conny position at the end of my 3 months notice????
  15. I went from a Samsung 55" to a Samsung 65" a few years ago. Bigger is definitely better.
  16. Who else is going to Silverstone this weekend then? I am! Me and a couple of lads from work are going. One of whom is a former Silverstone employee so is local, so we're staying at his house for the weekend. Im taking my PS4, PSVR and Racing Rig for a few laughs and beers at his house in the evenings.
  17. The only other solution I have is i'm fairly certain it's the same Herpes driver that deliveres to my area every time. I could send something to myself via them and then confront the driver. Won't get my money back but i'll feel better.
  18. Pi, Case, Controller, 32GB card, PSU. I've since bought another from an online shop and the same gear came in at £66. Agree, dick move by the seller. Both ebay and paypal have refused to refund me as the item was marked as delivered. I've literally just had confirmation from My Herpes that they've closed the case and that the item was delivered successfully.
  19. Just after ideas guys... im not bothered about the money, but it's the principle that's pi$$ing me off... I bought a Raspberry Pi for £55 + £5 P&P recently. The auction stated P&P by 'Economy Courier'. I didnt receive the item and so contacted the seller, who checked with the courier. The order tracking states that the item was delivered successfully. Having contacted the courier to ask for more details (My Hermes), the delivery note states 'Delivered to secure location - Storage Cupboard'. I dispute this as a) I didnt receive a note through the letterbox to say delivery was attempted and the description could not be my house - there is nothing that could be considered to be a storage cupboard at my address. So far, the courier has refused to speak to me but says they will conduct a driver interview. This has now been 2 weeks with no response. I've asked the seller to chase, but he's got no motivation to do so. eBay say I am not elligible for Buyer Protection because it is stated as delivered successfully by the courier. The seller has also told me they didn't pay for insurance, so even if it was lost in the post we wouldn't be able to claim for it. Am i in the wrong to assume an item of this value should have been insured by default by a responsible seller? Would this give me any recourse to claim a refund from a poor seller? I can't believe I have no protection, or recourse in this case. This is either an honest mistake from a courier delivering to the wrong address, or I have literally just been stolen from, and I have no form of recourse or protection.
  20. Also just realised I can't see when a thread was started either, without going into it. Im really struggling with this new main thread view.
  21. You can see who started a thread, but the OP's name is in the centre of a line of varying-length text meaning you've got to read the whole line before you see it. I want to be able to see it at a glance without having to read it. Im reading in the Condensed view as opposed to Expanded too, whether that makes any difference.
  22. Yes. Or OP's name... so I can easily see who's thread it is. On the old forum it showed thread starter on a left hand column, and last comment in a right hand column. I'm fairly sure i asked for this and it got implemented last time the forum was changed (or the time before )
  23. Is there any way to change the thread view from the current one? E.g. PART EXCHANGE PRICE Coldel replied to JEMAN's topic in 350Z General It shows the most recent replier's avatar alongside the thread, so it just looks like a thread started to Coldel in this example.;
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