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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Few night shots for anyone interested. They look blue in one shot, but thats compared against my stock yellow side lights which i haven't got round to removing yet. 3 days in and the testing's going well...
  2. I bought non-branded hid bulbs from eBay over a year ago for £26 FOR THE PAIR and have had no issues what-so-ever. Very pleased with them.
  3. What a knob that guy is. Cant we let him back on here so we can give him some abuse?
  4. Cheers man... I went out about 4 times in the dark last night to keep switching them on and having a look
  5. +1. Make sure if you change the rear sizes, you also change the fronts at the same time. If you dont do this, your traction control will be affected and will keep coming on very frequently and make the car almost undrive-able. The rolling radius difference of front compared to rear must be always be kept the same, or very very close.
  6. Yep, I agree "white" suited YOU better Chris but didn't suit me.....yellow thumbs suit us orientals better
  7. +1 That is sick. Where do you live? Im going to come round and set fire to this pricks car.
  8. I want these wheels so much... i hate being poor.
  9. And i might have had the reflectors...!
  10. They're nothing fancy, they're literally a sheet of plastic cut to shape, so i dont think they'll interest you, especially for what they'll cost. At the moment i'd probably have to say about £90 for these due to the effort involved , and they are far from oem quality Although if a few people are genuinely interested in these, i could look into getting the parts made professionally... Lastly, i cant put that many LED's in the standard reflectors, as the plastic is too brittle to drill that many holes in.
  11. Should these have a yellow thumb or a white thumb?? Im sure they're white but mine are now yellow...?
  12. Im going to give them 3-4 weeks testing on my car before i offer them for sale.
  13. Well, i spent all day working on these yesterday... i decided to make my own from scratch... That was a lot of effort! First though, here are the standard reflectors fitted with 7x superbright white LED's. These are taking me about 5 hours to make, so £40 P&P is a bargain... These are now on my car being 'tested' to make sure they can handle the weather etc. Off... On... Next up are the ones i made from scratch. I got some 2mm plastic and made the basic shape... they dont need to be perfect as the majority of them is hidden, but i needed to get the curve right that will be on show. I then drilled holes for 14 LED's...! I wired a circuit for these to have all white LED's, which can be seen in the pics. However, they are very bright, and probably overkill, so when my amber LED's arrive later this week i will be having one row of white and one row of amber on a separate circuit for the indicators. I have now also sprayed these black since taking the pics. I think i'll be running these on my car permanently when they're finished. In terms of selling them, i dont know if i'll bother as the effort required is too much to still charge a reasonable price. Lastly, i was experimenting with black mesh, with LED's behind. It actually looked okay...!
  14. Bump. Still available. Going on eBay this week...
  15. If i was 17 i'd have one of these...! Looks good. http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=21557
  16. Colin (Ebized) has some for sale... PM him. Oh, and welcome by the way... head over to the intros section and introduce yourself...
  17. You would hope so... else it should just be called a 'pack'
  18. I'm with you. just never had the interest. Prefered football, drinking & women what some people would call a LIFE. Yeh but when you were a teenager the height of computer gaming would be writing 'SHELL.OIL' on a calculator Seriously though, absolutely nothing wrong with gaming... in my early teens i was out playing footy every single day, even in the dark in the winter, but then after tea with my mates round, we'd stay in and play computer games... Beer and women didnt start until i was 15
  19. Sacrilege, dont do it... i want them...
  20. Thats a good idea, post your console history...! Megadrive '89 Snes '94 Atari Jaguar '96 N64 '97 PSone '98 Dreamcast '99 PS2 '2001? Then i got on eBay and bought every other mainstream console again... That said, to this day i've never owned a Nes or a Saturn.
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