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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Hey Stan, We stayed at the Newstead Inn in on New Road i think in Windermere last month. It was apparently a 5 star B&B but i thought it was fairly average to be honest. Nothing special. It was nice old fashioned decor but our room was too small - however they did offer rooms with 4-poster beds etc, but i didnt see them. The owner was very nice though and basically listed every point of interest and restaurant to eat at! However the reason we chose that place was that for £5 each per day you got a pass to a health spa which was 5 miles away... it was pretty nice with a pool, sauna, outdoor hot tub etc.... Location was excellent - 2mins walk from the center of Windermere. We hired a little motorboat too while we were there... 2 hours on the water for £36 which i thought was alright...!
  2. Ah, found it! I've been on the forum all weekend and didnt see this?! You're welcome matey. Glad it worked.
  3. Very nice David... room for one more? I think you owe me...
  4. Okay - couldnt find the link - so ive attached my copy of the AT section. You just need to download and unzip it. I will also say that what you're describing sounds quite bad to be honest. I would say worst case scenario you'd be looking at a replacement box... but im sure you'll be able to get one of these quite easily... You can PM a member on here called R35LEE whi breaks 350z's. I know he's had some auto's in the past...
  5. Hmmm.... In my 3 years on here, i've never read of a gearbox issue like this with the Autos. There is an excellent section of the service manual (section 'AT') which can be found on here, which should be your first port of call. It will allow you to diagnose most issues. Let me see if i can find the link to the manual...
  6. 17mm Front and 14mm rear on the Tein i think...
  7. Nice one bud...! Looks like a good improvement.
  8. I dont believe the 2 terms are exclusive... they're different things entirely. You can have HID or Halogen lights, and they can be of a projector or reflector type.
  9. This is RWD isnt it?? Get it up on www.driftworks.com - this will definitely go on there If you want me to put a post up on there for you, let me know, as there's a 15 post rule etc...
  10. Would be my pleasure stan. i turned up in my ghey fiesta last time, but you werent there!
  11. Ahh cheers everyone...! The congrats are much appreciated! Im still over the moon with my new situation this morning. Chris, I was developing in RPG and a little Java, but the market is Sports Ticketing. We provide the ticketing systems for clubs like Liverpool and Man City etc So my new role will be as a consultant to these clubs plus many more (incl clubs in Greece and South Africa!). Its quite an interesting segment, but high pressure. My life isn't totally sorted yet - as Wayne says, i've been due some good luck. My fiancee who i've been with for 7 years is African and we're having a legal battle with the Home Office at the moment to allow her to stay in the country - meaninig she could be deported, despite her living here for 10 years!! If thats the case then i'll be going with her So she had to give up work and i've been paying huge legal bills for the last 8 months. This is why i had to sell my zed in the first place. So, until this is resolved and she's back in work, i wont be looking at a 370... Thanks again peeps.
  12. Well... i've had my first bit of good luck in a very long time... i've finally got my promotion at work today which has been looming for the last 4 months! Im now moving from being a 'Software Developer' to a 'Business Consultant'. It's a lot more responsibility and will mean longer days etc as i have to travel a bit, but the money is ridiculously good, considering im 26 I cant believe it. This now means that.... der der der der der der der der derrrrr.... i can get myself another 350z pretty soon!! I'm probably going to get one either late this year or early next...
  13. God, you could buy my Fiesta 60 times for the upgrade price alone... (shameless plug) viewtopic.php?f=32&t=40115&hilit=fiesta
  14. Hey... Has anyone here ever used an online broadband speed tester? Im having some problems with Virginmedia being slow at the moment, and want to find out what speed my connection is... If i google it, im getting loads of links, but they all require you to download something, and i dont trust any of them..!
  15. Cars are like women m8. one with personality (clio) will be hard work, the rounded one (bmw) will be boring, the exclusive one (zed) will make you 'happy' for longer haha Love it...
  16. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=12973&hilit=plastix viewtopic.php?f=9&t=18619&hilit=plastix
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