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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Vaseline sounds a bit risky. If it can deteriorate the rubber in JIMMY HATS not sure how it reacts to door seels
  2. Who sells the same things repeatedly and isnt a trader? I signed up to be a trader as i'd designed some LED reflectors and was making and selling them. Im not a trader in real life, i have a job, this was just a hobby. But for me to pay £25 to the club to continue selling them is totally fair. And its fair enough if you've done the work you want some compensation for that, but to think you are entitled to sell just the info is crap - how many how-to's are there on here?? At least if you provided a kit like anders said, then it would be alright, but even then you'd have to be a trader.
  3. Dude, you're making money off the forum... just pay the 25quid!!!!
  4. I dont know if its japanese or french, but it is the same engine as in the Renault Vel Satis.
  5. Using a credit card to pay for goods via paypal incurrs a 3% transaction fee through Paypal i think, but will be treated as 0% on your card.
  6. Think thats called "meta tagging" Or "metatags" Really easy to self promote to the web crawlers too. Dont let anyone tell you they can get your web site at pole position on Google. Its a lot of bollos.... Its the metatags that the web crawler looks at, not your web site.. thats not sticktly true... googles spider is alot more complicated then looking at meta data only, it checks to see how many sites are linking to yours etc.. and alot lot more... Website design also depends on what you require cost wise, for a simple page when for work we employ designers etc.. depending on assets etc you could be looking at £1k for 1 page if it has to fit into a cms backend and do something fancy or if they are creating new assets etc.. But then again if you want a simple html page or site you could be looking at as cheap as £100 or do it yourself. But unless you know html or css then dont expect your site to work on all browsers if you use a tool like dreamweaver/ frontpage.. just my opinion as always.. +1... i thought metadata was finished now...
  7. My work colleague and i made a website a couple of months ago for my former employer: http://fairhursts.uk.com/ This is 6 pages, with 1 main flash image, and the large flash map on the 'Our Clients' page. We charged £550 for the site which was £400 for my mate for building the site, and £150 for me for consultancy. This includes 1yr hosting. My mate is a web developer with lots of flash experience etc, and he can integrate to paypal etc etc...
  8. My mate has just done a 2yr distance learning degree course in photography, and after the first year or so, he started his own little wedding photography business, and now he's charging about £1200 for a saturday wedding.
  9. Fair enough... but you can never say someone has no intention of buying something. If the price is right, it can always tempt you. I personally hate to potentially waste the trader's time by sending a PM, if the price is more than im willing to pay. All done now anyway. I havent even got a zed anymore ffs, so i'll shut up.
  10. I agree far too often with this guy lately and its getting a bit annoying just like we can shop from alex, sarah, cs, adam, lee, opie, rhd and everywhere else. i v bought personally parts from more than 10 different places and that doesnt include ebay. If you ask me how much i paid for smth i will tell you if i remember. No trader here has ever asked me not to mention a price i v paid. EVER. and i v spent on traders here more than what people on this forum have paid to buy their Zed in the first place. Traders dont do charity. They make a living this way. They do business we are the market. We dont like the way they do business we dont buy. I think the whole thing is upsetting people here because some parts cant easily be found anywhere else. So they think they are getting robbed in style by some traders. Which is not true. Its business. And every trader does business his way. One last thing. Never in any case have i felt i have paid more than what i should have for anything i bought from traders here. Priced in advance or not. I have always been treated with respect and dignity and the service was excellent. And i am more than grateful to Alex, Sarah, Lee, Adam, Dixcon, Opie oils, CS etc etc for the great business and the great prices. And i could go on for ages if i started giving examples. pointless thread if you are asking me. hope i proved it My 2p. Good post, and agree with all you said, but i dont feel im being ripped off by traders, thats not my gripe at all. It's my own laziness that i expect the prices to be available to me straight away. I think this would encourage business and tempt me to buy things that i otherwise wouldnt pursue interest in.
  11. I know prices change, but ballpark is better than nothing. At least i'll know if something is £1200 rather than £2200 like i said earlier. And ebay... i could browse it, and get my ideas, and then return in a month to make my purchase. Prices my have changed a bit but i can live with that, i just wont bother looking if the prices arent there... I dont understand what your argument is? As a customer whats wrong with knowing the prices of things??
  12. Whats 'Wanting it bad enough' got to do with anything? If i did really want something then yes, i probably would PM... but how about when im browsing? If im making a plan for what i want to do to my car, i cant make that plan if i cant see the prices to anything. Imagine if you were browsing on eBay, and you had to email the sellers for the price, on every item you were interested in... what a ball ache - you just dont bother
  13. im not really sure what you getting at here, if you have a part for sale whatever part it might be you'll have a price in mind.. ? or would the price be different depending on post count or what? Maybe Im not understanding the q properly.... Then I suggest you go back and read what I said last night Anders. Only permanent in stock items can be priced and posted consistently - and I don't count OEM parts in that classification as Nissan change their prices all the time - especially for pre-facelift body parts. To do this for salvaged and second hand items would not be realistic especially at the volumes that some traders deal in. I mean what would you have traders do ?! Post up a full price list for everything they've got in every week? Name me one car parts website that doesn't have the disclaimer "Prices are subject to change" I think it's the 2nd hand part thats throwing us... If someone has something 2nd hand, then there should be no question about the price - it should be fixed, the same for all people. This is because there can only be one 2nd hand item in that condition, therefore allowing the price to fluctuate from seller to seller etc (not explaining this very well, i know). But totally agree with specialist, or salvage parts... If we're talking about salvage parts etc, then
  14. i did mine myself... used a stanley knife. Was very easy. Carbon intake will look great on your car Here's my write up: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=14856&hilit=intake As for performance increase... nah, it's just for looks really.
  15. But how much business is lost by not advertising prices? I personally assume if the price isnt listed, it's more than i can afford. I dont want to waste the traders time inquiring. A ballpark figure would be good... i.e. 'These wheels will cost £1200 - £1300 depending on exchange rates etc. If prices change significantly, we will let you know.' I cant see prices fluctuating so much that it's outside of the ballpark figure. I dont always know if an item is going to be £1200, or £2200, so the ballpark would promote business as far as im concerned. I agree that's easily done for imported goods but not so for second hand and specialist/limited edition parts Agree on specialist/iported stuff... ...but then i wouldnt be buying these anyway cos they're too expensive
  16. For anyone interested, or those who dont already know about emulation, go to this site and you can download any/all of the games talked about in this thread, and play them on your PC. http://www.emuparadise.org/ I've used this site for a long time, and it is an excellent resource.
  17. But how much business is lost by not advertising prices? I personally assume if the price isnt listed, it's more than i can afford. I dont want to waste the traders time inquiring. A ballpark figure would be good... i.e. 'These wheels will cost £1200 - £1300 depending on exchange rates etc. If prices change significantly, we will let you know.' I cant see prices fluctuating so much that it's outside of the ballpark figure. I dont always know if an item is going to be £1200, or £2200, so the ballpark would promote business as far as im concerned.
  18. For me, im more of a bargain spotter than setting my sights on a particular item, so when the actual price isnt listed then i'll simply disregard the item, assuming it's gonna be too expensive for me! However, if i knew a set of wheels i liked was £1200 for example, i would then have the target in my mind of how much i needed. I understand why they dont show prices, but it really winds me up. Also, i'll never PM a trader to ask for a price, as 99% of the time i wont want the item, and i'll feel like im wasting their time.
  19. Cant you just put some clear silicone around it?
  20. I've never heard of the issue before either, but if Nissan dont come up with a decent goodwill gesture, definitely speak to zmanalex above as he will be able to give you a much better price/service than any dealer.
  21. Nice one Stan. Im starting to like these MX5's now...
  22. Waverace Blue Storm was excellent, and the Mario alternative was Super Mario Sunshine, which was quite weak to be fair, but did include some legendary sections in it. Super Smash Brothers Melee is also good too. Also, Metroid was on the GC too, and got great reviews, although im not a fan personally. Another top N64 game i forgot... BlastCorps!!
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