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Everything posted by marzman

  1. There is a switch under the bonnet that is pressed down when the bonnet is closed... is that not pressed down anymore? (May be aftermarket alarms only, my last zed had it).
  2. Scam... tall them to pay the £75 or sod off...
  3. I see 30+ Porsche's a week... but only ever 1 zed... from the inside.
  4. Ha ha, i've had that before... I feel like they're looking at me with a look of disdain on their face, that im profiting from their country's coolness!!
  5. So i've had my car now for 3 weeks on Saturday, and its been totally amazing... I knew the car was gorgeous when i got it, but it seems everyone else thinks it is too... With my last zed i got a little bit of attention but it's been crazy with the new one...!! So in the last 3 weeks, i've had the following: 1. Two guys on a corner actually cheering at the car when i went past! 2. Left a shop and a guy was walking round it taking pictures 3. Went to Halford to get some cleaning stuff, and the guy asked me if it was my zed, and then came outside to talk to me for 15mins. He asked if i'd only just got it, as him and his mates had seen me round lately and they had all been talking about it!! 4. I was parked waiting to pickup the missus from work, and 2 guys on the other side of the road walked passed, crossed over, and came back... then talked to me for 5 mins about it 5. Came back to my car, and a guy was taking a picture of his young son next to it 6. Again parked, waiting for the missus, an old guy walked past looking, then came back a minute later and knocked on my window, then talked to me for 10mins! He was a retired copper, and 'once recovered a stolen 240Z' which he had to drive, and he said it was amazing... ...and they're just the really obvious ones... other than that pretty much everyone else has been staring and pointing etc... Its actually a little worrying that it draws so much attention!! Anyway, i've not taken any propper pics of it yet (work/the weather), but here's a couple from the other day...
  6. Actually, maybe Tilly's is my next fave zed... is she still around??
  7. Cheers dude, i was going to say mine, but i dont need to now... Other than mine, I would say Clarkie34 or HEADPHONES - both absolutely pristine cars, very well looked after
  8. Tough one... Daily driver: Range Rover Sport Weekend: Gallardo Classic: 68 Mustang, in partial dis-repair so that i could rebuild it Supercar: Ferrari F40 Shits and giggles: Ultima GTR (clicky)
  9. Congrats bud... I had a promotion about 5 months ago (not into management, but to consultancy from development) and its been pretty much life changing (for the better) so far... John, Office Space is the best. 'Do you like Michael Bolton?'
  10. Interior is a bit better on the newer ones... worth seeing both to see if it swings your vote.
  11. Welcome ed... why wait a few months, get one now! What year car are you looking at?
  12. He's only winding you up mate, ad even if he isnt, its only his opinion. Dont let it get to you! You know you have a better car then him.
  13. I told you last time, dont touch your wheels, they're ace...
  14. I'll only accept marzman being a member of the A-Team if he videos himself driving his Zed through some oil barrels. Otherwise, membership DENIED Well no, but here's me shooting a 357 Magnum...
  15. No, any input welcome Mark... I definitely see your point, and wont know until i test fit, but at the moment i dont think it's going to be an issue. From my past work with reflector fitting, it's only about 20% of the overall surface area that's on show, and the unit kind of sits behind the bumper, so it should be alright. However if it is too big, i can use these as a mould, and then use an injection moulding technique instead... Cheers.
  16. Hi all, well after giving up making the LED reflectors last year due to them being too difficult/costly to source, i decided this week to look into manufacturing my own, with vacuum forming being the simplest, most cost effectove solution. So today i made a vacuum forming machine I bought a sheet of acrylic yesterday, cut it into A4 sized pieces, and got to work... The results are below. Obviously these are not finished though... need to go through the LED fitting phase, make a back for them, and of course test fit them, but i thought i'd share the results now... And check out the video here... pretty cool
  17. These: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/10-Electrical-Wir ... 0466212307 Although if you have the same kit as me, it should have already come with 3 in the box...
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