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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Do it... man i would love the chance to do it. If i wasnt coupled up i would be gone.
  2. Okay, i dont condone it, but that was epic...!!! Maybe the best video i've ever watched!! What a rush
  3. How tall are you? Im 6'2" and have no issues. Just tilt your seat back a bit so you dont sit so upright, and you will get more headroom
  4. Scoda Octavia estate... my mate at work just got one last week after i suggested it to him for £1900... a lot of car for the money.
  5. Well, can i say a genuine thanks to everyone for your posts on here. The nagativity is exactly what i was looking for, as my missus has sent this link to her sister to read through (Hey if you're reading this ) What i really wanted is for them to receive some outside perspective on the situation, which will hopefully kick-start them into sorting themselves out. Thanks again...
  6. I started to do this using DVD Fab HD Decryptor. I did a few (taking about 3 hours each) and they seemed okay. However i checked through them and the sound got gradually more and more out of sync as the movie went on... It may have been my laptop though as it's not the best spec.
  7. Camskill or blackcircles.com will be the cheapest place to buy tyres. For drifting purposes, get yourself a set of 2nd hand wheels (17" JDM wheels are worth about £100 for 4 incl tyres) and then make friends with your local tyre garage (National Tyres, quick fit etc)... they will give you part worns that they were otherwise going to dispose of for free...
  8. Hi all, My sister-in-law and her husband are having some money troubles, and they are considering declaring bankruptcy They are early 30's, and have 2 young kids. She is a stay at home mum (although looking for part time work), and he works full time in the manufacturing industry. I dont know his salary. They own their own house, for which they got a 100% mortgage at 6x their salary approx 4 years ago. They have done everything they can with the mortgage company to reduce the monthly bill, and they have got it down to £600 a month. Their immediate problem is that they say they cannot afford that £600 a month for the mortgage - and they think they're about £400 a month short. So, they have been advised (god knows who by) to declare bankruptcy as this will solve their problems. They want to move down to London and move back in with his parents. They have some friends who have been declared bankrupt, and i think they see this as the easy way out (i.e. their debts will be wiped clean). HOWEVER i know for a fact that they could close that £400 p/m defecit with a little bit of effort, as they are living well beyond their means, i.e.: They have 2 cars (1 is a 3-series estate!) They have a top Sky TV package incl Sky Sports, and pay around £75 a month They both have phone contracts They have all nice brand new furniture (on finance) They have plenty of 'Toys'... flat screen tv's, PS3, surround sound, laptops, iphones etc etc etc They have an active social life, having people over, going out, going for meals etc With some effort and planning, they could cut back on their lifestyle, downgrade on some of their toys, and they would close that £400 a month deficit. Up to now they havent listened to any of their family (who i think are enabling them)... they havent got anyone to talk some sense into them with any authority. However, the only person they havent talked to yet is me, and they dont want to (as i think i'm the only person that's going to have a go at them and not be an enabler - they just dont want to hear the truth). Can anyone with any knowledge or experience please point out to me how bad declaring bankruptcy really is please? Just bullet point all of the negative effects bankruptcy would have please... ...or am i wrong? Could bankruptcy be the answer to their problems?? Cheers...
  9. Good thinking mate... i'll do that then.
  10. Im watching it now... are you on every episode Daz? Post a picture of yourself do i know who you are...!
  11. marzman

    New addition

    Now i like that a lot
  12. Look mint. I'd keep them that colour.
  13. Hi, As the title says - do you need a spare bulb kit when driving in europe? (Going to the 'ring in a few weeks...) A few web sites say you do, and others say its recommended. I dont fancy shelling out £40 for a pair of HID's...
  14. Thats it then... My bookmark is http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/ Will update my bookmarks...
  15. Only just noticed my bookmark doesnt take me to the main page with all the stats etc...
  16. I would defo go LED... i've been looking around for the last few months, and despite the fact you can get a 50" Plasma for under £500, they have nowhere near the image quality of the LED tv's... I saw one in selfridges the other day and it was amazing
  17. Look what you did... You owe me a new laptop!!
  18. Nice one Ricey... I have only seen a yellow light so far so hopefully thats it.
  19. Okay cheers.... but how do i know when its fully charged?
  20. Why that? I've just tested its recording length and it only lasts 11 minutes....
  21. ... its working now... Faulty USB connector - tried a different cable and it's working now. Need to charge it so hopefully the battery will hold a charge still. Will come in use next month at the 'ring
  22. Hahaha No i havent poked any holes yet... will do now.
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