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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Which spoiler do you hate...??? Not the zed i hope? You've got a full Nismo kit there...
  2. Excellent... but i was expecting a pimped out Renault 5 from the title...
  3. All sorted - stand pass and ticket now spoken for. (We managed to miss someone from the list from several pages earlier ) Sorry garetgax...
  4. Hey Martin - sorry, i've been out washing my car Not heard back from CarltonX yet, so yes, please post it up if you can...
  5. Thanks Scott. CarltonX and DoubleDeuce1973 - i've just PM'd you again offering the ticket and stand pass...!! Martin - not sure what to suggest - do you think it's worth offering this on zclub as well now??
  6. Okay, Scootg was the first to reply so he gets Peter's ticket and club pass. Peter, i got your email address from before and i've asked Scootg to paypal you directly. Can you let me know when you get it etc... Cheers.
  7. Wow sorry to here this Pete... gutted for you. Martin, i've just PM'd the 3 guys who've all asked me for tickets so i'll give it till tomorrow morning for them to get back to me... Peter, can you send me your email address please, i'll get whoever takes your place to paypal you the £13 directly.
  8. Search for Tim (Lomoto's) old pics... his looked great.
  9. +1... although i've not even washed mine since i went to the 'ring
  10. I know pal... im just glad they let us in
  11. I'd love that car... the F&F films got me into cars in the first place.
  12. To be expected mate... we ddnt apply for tickets until after the deadline has closed...
  13. Usually the pump is fine, but the pipes under the windscreen cowling are blocked. Take off your brake fluid cover and feel around for the tubes, and then pull them apart at the Y pipes, then try running the washer...
  14. Thanks for this Penfold, thats great. Yep, can we all meet here between 7.45am - 8.00am please. It's another 10 minutes to the track, and then it will take us 30mins or so to gain entry and get setup etc, and Dobby and I need to be in the briefing for our track time at 9am, so dont be late
  15. £60 - £70 per pair depending on condition is a fair price...
  16. I use Dodo Juice Mellow Yellow on my Volks (very delicate finish), and it does a great job. I cant get the brake dust off with just shampoo but it comes off very easily with this. http://www.elitecarcare.co.uk/dodo-juic ... 8d289fae16
  17. Thanks Pal... i would have got such good flights without you... The best deal i could find was flying to Amsterdam first before onto NY
  18. Wheel off, spare on, then take it to a tyre place to get repaired.
  19. Okay, all booked. Flights on eBookers - american airlines - £415 Hotel on hotels.com (via quidco) - £429 for 6 nights in a 4 star boutique hotel (and then £51 cashback from Quidco). Not bad...! http://www.ravelhotel.com
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