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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Were you giving it some at the time? The zed can go into limp home mode if you've been pushing it a bit hard... i would try an ECU reset as mike says...
  2. Good man Mark... I cant wait to go again now that i've realised how easy it is...
  3. Awesome Interior looks amazing.
  4. Too cheap... put it up a bit pal.. I'd say mode like £7500. Azure's are worth more, FACT.
  5. I say go for a DIY attempts first... you might get a satisfactory result, and it would have cost you very little and will have been fun in the process. If it fails, then buy a new one.
  6. For anyone interested, this site has pics of all cars on all the track sessions on the day: http://126589.prodarkroom.com/gallery.p ... 2aaacfc182
  7. i just bought an e36 bmw tonight to use as a drift car... For me a drift car has to be as cheap as possible, as it's gonna get wrecked probably
  8. Hey Tilly... this is still to this day possibly my favourite zed on the forum, absolutely stunning. I didnt realise you posted on here so little, i think i've met you about 3 times before at various meets..!! Amazing car... hope it goes to a good home. All the best.
  9. Glad to hear it. I owe you some money too - i managed to sell your ticket on the day... will paypal you now.
  10. Not tonight!!! Britains next top model is on and i'll have to sit through that shite if i cant get on the forum!! http://zclub.net/forum/ Just been on and had a look... not bad
  11. Yeh but Rich, wouldnt you want to know if your wife has been cheating on you?? Im glad Dave posted it up.
  12. Tim - just watched the vid... thats mint.
  13. Not tonight!!! Britains next top model is on and i'll have to sit through that shite if i cant get on the forum!!
  14. I dont post about the site being down, as i feel like im hassling you guys to do something about it - which im not. However it still is down pretty frequently, as someone said usually from 10 - 11.30pm. But I havent had any problems for around a month until just a few days ago. For me, sometimes i leave firefox open, sometimes i start a new session, but i always click my bookmark to go to portal.php and i get a page not found error, or page is taking too long to respond error. Are there any system event logs on the server you can take a look at, the next time people say an outage occurrs? That will usually record incoming requests and report any error messages etc... If you're struggling, it may be useful to post up the steps you've gone through so far to diagnise the problems and the changes you've made? Quite a few of us are/were developers and may have the skills to assist. Keep up the good work guys.
  15. Heh heh heh, it would be rude not to, after they've gone to all that trouble to look nice
  16. Cheers pal. Yep, a Micra spun there apparently. Someone else spun elsewhere, and a mitsubishi estate went straight on at the chicane at 5:35...
  17. Here's my track video... quite pleased with it... **NOTE** Skip to 2:30 for when the session starts. Dobby, here you go mate:
  18. +1... but i just stick a big long screwdriver in there. Also i suggest putting some copper grease on the back of the spacer and the nuts.
  19. Well today was fun...! I thought it was a pretty good show, and i really enjoyed the track time. It was good to put a few faces to the names, and see the usual guys again... Thanks all for attending and making up a good turnout. I've got some video's uploading now (on track video, and footage of the drift display which was insane!), but here is a dump of all the pics from my iPhone.
  20. Please post your pictures here guys: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=51516&p=748967#p748967
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