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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Okay, changed my mind - i can definitely feel it now Been out for a spin today, just friving it round town and you can really feel the difference! I wouldnt call it a performance mod per-se but it does yield some interesting results... Thanks guys for your help and Col for spotting it.
  2. Looks very Just hope it lasts for you...
  3. Maybe it's just me... I'll take it for another spin tomorrow and reprot back.
  4. I dont believe so Sam... unless the previous owners did it. That said this zed does feel much quicker than my last one so who knows (going off to check all previous posts relating to my car now!) James and Col... i followed the guide below which was on the EPRacing thread... this seems to be the same settings i get (despite it being a different version controller ) I've just sat in the car with the ignition on and the engine off and depressed the throttle a bit and held it there. I then cycled through the modes, and can see the throttle position difference between them (Eco5 was 25, Nor was 30, and SP7 was 60) so i can clearly see that it is doing something.... i just couldnt feel it whilst driving. Edit - forgot to paste the guide:
  5. Mine's a V1 too... will go have a play now and see what happens. Cheers fellas.
  6. When i installed it, i held Set for 7 seconds, and then press he throttle until it said 1.5 and pressed set again, then pressed the peddle down fully till it said 2.0 then pressed set again - and that was it... have i missed anything?
  7. Well... this arrived today... took me 5 mins to install and.... it didnt work. It wasnt getting any power so i thought it was fooked, but it turned out that the power wires on the ODB2 connector just needed re-soldering... phew So set it up and went for a drive... and i cant say i've noticed much difference to be honest It was a little damp outside, so my test was doing a launch in 1st in eco, normal and SP7. In eco the wheels didnt spin so easily, and in SP7 they did... so maybe thats all i'll notice. Verdict: Bargain, but ot sure yet.
  8. This is exactly the same noise as mine with uprated clutch and lightweight fly...
  9. Result - nice one Coldel - i snapped this up for 40 quid.
  10. im getting angry just reading this thread. Tractors is another one for me... i have to drive down an A-road for 12 miles every day for my daily commute, and 4 days out of five i'll be stuck in a 30 car queue behind a tractor at 8.50am. If i was a farmer i'd wait till after 9am before going out on the road.
  11. I hate people who pull out of a junction right in front of you, they know you will have to slow down, then they dribble along slowly and turn left again almost immediately! +1. When someone does this, i tailgate them and flash my lights
  12. I ride and i'd never dream of cycling 2 abreast when i know cars are behind me - it's the most stupid, arrogant thing to do. For me, aside from middle lane hoggers also, it's people who dont indicate whilst going round a roundabout - forcing me to stop suddenly, or not be able to maintain my speed when pulling out.
  13. Great idea - good shout mate.
  14. Thats Jenni86's old car... new owner hasnt had it long then...
  15. My god, i need to have a rant as i feel the need to go on a killing spree... [rant] Im going to New York for 2 weeks at Christmas, first week to stay in the city, and then spend the second week with my dad who lives in upstate NY. The original plan was for my fiance to go to Canada to stay with her family but she changed her mind and wanted to come to NY with me. My fiance is African and we have had a painful time with immigration in the past (the reason i had to sell my first zed - legal bills!) - despite the fact that she's been here for 11 years since she was 16, but her status in the UK is all completely sorted now but she's still on an African passport for another 5 months. So - we had to apply for a non-immigrant Visa for her to enter the US. This involves a £90 application fee and atending an interview in person at the US Embassy in London. Well - that interview was today - she took the time off work, went down the night before on the train, stayed in a hotel etc etc. She was at the embassy for 5 hours waiting to be seen, and then they saw her for LESS than 2 minutes, and rejected her without looking at any of her documents! They asked her 2 questions only - What family she has in the UK - answer - me, her sister and her nephews, and then is she employed - answer - yes, but on a temporary contract, despite being there for 6 months already. From these 2 answers they determined that she doesnt have any compelling ties to return to the UK following her trip, and rejected her, and closed the 'booth' that she was being seen at. Absolutely shocking. Thats 200quid down the ****ing drain. The thing that really pisses me off is that she said this was the last booth that was open, and he was just in a rush to close it and **** off home (Friday afternoon, and all that). ****. I've been reading online about it just now, and there's no right to reply, no appeal process, no-one to call and complain to - if you want to try again, you have to pay the fees again and go for another interview where the same is likely to happen. **** man i've not been this angry in a long time - what a disgusting ****ing joke. [/rant] all that said - im still going to NY, albeit on my own - cant wait
  16. I only read Autocar... and it was good until it went pro-electric cars
  17. Some of those were very funny
  18. Most interesting thing there is the production quality... cameras that move on and in the car - very cool.
  19. I've never even looked at my own channel before... almost 10k views, i cant believe it! http://www.youtube.com/user/marz01man?feature=mhee
  20. It's the best fun ever pal - really enjoyable, and you get loads of track time (You're there for 8 hours!) I took my first zed there and while it's fun, you cant really enjoy it. All of those spins on the vid come from me trying to do something new - i could drift that section just using the handbrake at 20mph every time, but trying to drift it at 50mph with just a clutch kick is way more fun... but im not doing that in the zed The beemer also lost a front foglight and both brake ducts from the front bumper lol. Yes, but i can see it taking a few hours lol. BTW as Irfan mentions... the beemer is for sale on eBay if anyone fancies a bash at something similar...: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0795701970
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