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Everything posted by marzman

  1. You should like my girlfriend, she got bored half way through, dropped Sopranos after 4 seasons because it was too slow, I think she lasted 1 season of The Wire that said I know what you mean, it's slow but I find it good none the less. I got half way through the 2nd season of the wire before ditching it Sopranos, I can watch multiple times though Only seen snippets of boardwalk, may have a look at it over the weekend Me to, ive watched sopranos through end to end about 5 times. I just got back from New York yesterday, and while i was there I went on The Sopranos tour...! If you're a fan of the show it's well worth going... It was a 5 hour tour taking in the various locations from the series, finishing up with drinks at the Bada Bing where I had several tequilas with the bing girls... ...also sat in the booth at Holstens where the final scenes were filmed... It was great. Me and Vito...: Booth from final episode: ... As for boardwalk empire and the wire, I only managed the first 3 episodes of each, I too found it too slow!
  2. I like them, and I had colour coded eyebrows on my previous blade zed. Had to stick them on with clear silicone though. If you're getting any, get the ones made by AUT.
  3. +1. Use heat to expand the nuts first, or just grind them off.
  4. Merry Christmas from NYC. ....I'm ****ed
  5. Same here, my dad got me an iPad2. I'm currently in New York spending Christmas with my dad for the first time in 15 years! ...however I'm looking forward to the 30th when I get to go home to the fiancé and spoil her rotten with all gifts I got her in NYC!!
  6. Can you do mine please if I give you a list ? Yeh course i can hugh... just send me the money over...
  7. My Dad's bought me an iPad... He lives in New York, so im off there tomorrow for 2 weeks... and im going to do everyone else's christmas shopping whilst im over there Never been to the big apple before so really looking forward to it...
  8. My shed is a Fiesta too... i love it, i drive it all over the country for work and it's great to drive. Little 1.3 but it's light as a feather and just effortless to drive.
  9. I watched it this morning, the 2 main events were really good. Pretty good card i thought. I also watched the Shogun/Hendo fight this week from UFC139... WOW!!
  10. marzman

    R34 Perfection

    Love the rain shots.
  11. Looks really well, i've always liked these.
  12. he only stopped once for 30 secs before the boy went to town on him. Come on, seriously, does fantasy world really have this effect on people. I get it on cod because i camp alot, but thats my playing style. I just laugh at people when they do it. I know what you're saying, it's only 30secs etc, but without trying to sound like a total knobhead - my free time is the most valuable thing in the world to me as i dont get much of it, so when someone on xbox live wastes it he's literally stealing from me... I hate it.
  13. Im on the scousers side with this (first time for everything i spose). The video poster is an arrogant tw@t to stop a game several times to check his Skype messages... nothing worse when you're the oponent in that situation.
  14. Man it just makes me cold looking at that. The accuracy of where the crashes are reported is spot on. I know a couple of lads that died and have just looked them up...
  15. It wasnt amazing, but it was the best i've seen for a while (that said, the last UFC i saw was when i was in Birmingham on Nov 5th ) It was nice to watch the TUF guys though as you could see how much it meant to them to win...
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