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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Yep - CS above is the way to go... sorted me out with discs all round on my previous non-brembo zed.
  2. Hmm really? I thought that if you tax a car after the 15th of the month it dates it from the 1st of the following month?
  3. Hmmm... so that sounds as i expected - i.e. the system shows you as not being taxed so you shouldnt have been driving i reckon.
  4. Cheers mate... Im less concerned about driving to my MOT as it's only half a mile (famous last words ) ... but what you say about taxing it on the 21st... did you ask anybody if you were allowed to drive it before the 1st of the month or did you know already...?
  5. Hi guys... So my Zed has been parked since early December over winter but im starting to get impatient now - i want to get it back on the road I declared it SORN so obviously i need to re-tax it - but when is the best time to do this? If i were to get a tax disk on the 15th February, that would give me 6 months of tax (Mar - Aug) - but would it mean i can drive the zed from the 15th Feb... or would i have to wait until the 1st March?? Also as an aside... my MOT has run out - am i legally allowed to drive to an MOT test with no tax/mot? Cheers...
  6. Too much political correctness going on here i think... if someone is a muppet then they deserve to get treated like one.
  7. I really hope you actually meant that your fiancée is black, or is there something you're not telling us...? Yep, im going to marry a big black man! Okay, my fiancée is African - we've been together for 9 years (engaged for 2) and literally this week we're going through the final stage of earning british citizenship (costing us £874 ). ...She's the reason i sold my first zed as we had to get a Solicitor to keep her in thr country
  8. ...and so they should (Thats a joke, my fiance is black!) Is that 845 you're paying just for the zed, or for 4 cars? It wasnt clear on your first post... Also, how old are you as that will make a difference, but at the end of the day it's a postcode lottery.
  9. My renewal came through with admiral multicar today... very pleased with it. £1177 for 2 cars (Zed and a Fiesta), all mods declared, business use for me on both cars, 7yrs NCB, and my fiance is only a provisional license holder. The split was £715 on the zed and £463 on the Fiesta. Cant complain at that.
  10. Will remember this facility next time someone i know's moving house.
  11. checkout drifworks, thats a good site and you get to see a lot of rare japanese cars...
  12. Ooosh what a birthday present
  13. Excellent. Wish they did one in azure with volks.
  14. Fairly sure if alters the throttle response Fairly sure it doesn't. My previous zed was an auto and i'd say it improved throttle reponse as well as holding gears... but it might just have been like a placebo button.
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