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Everything posted by marzman

  1. ... after all that searching and you've found one thats covered in rust Welcome mate.
  2. Again don't take this the wrong way mate but I don't think there is any liklihood of you taking a pay cut - you must be brushing the minimum wage banding now. I always err on the side of caution when people ask this question.........this time I am absolutley saying go for it - what the hell is even keeping you from going 'Falling Down' now is beyond me. +1 - get it done. ...dont completely give up on office work though - it's not all bad if you can get some quals/find the right job.
  3. Cool vid tim. I bought a GoPro HD last weekend, but it hasn't got any mounts with it... Any cheap ones you can recommend/avoid?
  4. Switch it on and have a look round the outside of the car to see if any lights turn on anywhere. Alternatively, have a feel under the dash and find out where the wires go.
  5. Get under the back of the car and have a look. You will find that one/several of the mounting points will have rusted through. Easy fix - just get some large washers and refit the mounting nuts to hold it in place. 5 mins work.
  6. I made these but u can do them yourself: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=41016&hilit=Boycey&start=0
  7. Interesting, and it's good to see new items cropping up. Don't like the fact that it seems raised up in the middle. Where's KTA at... Can he make these?
  8. Find a nice big empty car park with no cameras and go have a play. Turn off your tcs, drive at about 5mph turning the wheel, stay on the accelerator and just dip the clutch in and out once quickly. This is called a clutch kick and will get your wheels spinning. Don't lift off the power at this point - stay on it...
  9. Yep my mpg seriously drops off when it's cold... From maybe a 25mpg average down ton17 or 18
  10. Thats incorrect. Evra ran the length of the pitch to celebrate in front of Suarez. No he didnt Evra was celebrating like that the length of the pitch, all the way to the tunnel
  11. +1. Also the current very cold temperatures might be adding to this...
  12. ...but the FA have seen that Crapello isnt going to discipline Terry at all, and that quite frankly his remaining as captain is going to seriously affect the team's preparations for the Euro's. Capello has shown his colours once before by reinstating Terry so in my opinion they had no choice but to step in. Terry needed to be dismissed, and if Capello's refused to do it, then what choice do the FA have?
  13. I dislike the FA, I disliked Capello, but i detest John Terry. He should NOT be England captain - the FA did the right thing in my opinion. Innocent until proven guilty blah blah blah... he's brought the game into disrepute. He's in a position where he's looked up to by millions of kids in England, and he's put himself in the position where he's actually been charged with racial abuse, not just accused - charged with it! He's a loser. As for the england team and who should be manager etc... i honestly dont know. I dont like 'arry as a person, and other than the current form of his team, i dont think he's really done anything previously? I think the best choice for the England team would be Arsene Wenger... Arsenal need a change, he knows the English game, he nurtures young players very well, and he has a clear playing/tactical style that is closer to Spain/Barca than any other manager.
  14. Pics of your new zed please My old zed - i had to be within about 2 feet of the car for the key fob to work....
  15. Cool... If the zed club ends up with 20 people who want track time, do they take priority, or is the unlikely?
  16. Does that mean we've definitely got a session then Martin?
  17. I had a great idea a couple of weeks ago... I'm not going to progress it at all but definitely is a good idea for a new invention!
  18. JWT? Search! I have a JWT coming off my car at the weekend which will be going up for sale. And blue is the best colour
  19. I agree with freebirds comments. My brother built (is still building!) a caterham 7 around 15 years ago and so many things were wrong with it. 1 example of a problem was the fuel tank... It was too small to fit in the location it was meant to, so my brother had to fabricate a whole new mounting bracket to make it work! Not very meccano-like...!
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