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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Looks fantastic... nice one Will
  2. Im alright mate cheers... I think im gonna see out the summer in the zed and then probably get a Range in the Autumn. Been having a look and they're pretty cheap... might even go for a petrol as i dont think i'd be keeping it long, i just have to scratch the itch. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p The car's comfy when im sat in it... i think its the getting in and out that does me in...
  3. I've got the carbon one in my zed... sexiest knob i've ever seen.
  4. I dont think the rules come in until 31st March... I was at the garage a couple of days ago and was asking about the rule changes (as mine's a JDM zed) and they said it'll be fine as the car doesnt have them as standard.
  5. Thanks Rayhoop... sounds like our injuries are qute smilar. However my post-op treatment was non-existant 4 years ago (depite having private healthcare!) so i was never told i was supposed to have physio, or any follow up pain management treatment such as injections etc. Before my surgery i was told it would cure my problem and i'd be back playing football in 3 months, but a year later and i was still in agony so i had another scan and was told that the injury wasnt getting any worse, but didnt look much better - so the surgery was a failure really. My next course of treatment would therefore have to be a titanium disc replacement, both the doctor and I were reluctant to do this as i was only 24 so it hasnt progressed.... but im sure this will be on the cards in the future. In terms of exercise, im extremely limited in what i can do... i cant do any running or impact exercises - with cycling seemingly the only thing i can do without injuring myself further... but it just takes so long to do that i dont bother half the time. I've got no patience to do pilates/yoga... i know its no excuse but i cant put my mind to non-competitive exercise So onto the zed... everyone that's mentioned about the zed being very comfortable... you're right. Thinking about it i do find it very comfortable and never get any pains while driving (Nurburgring and back in 36hrs was easy!)... so maybe it is simply the entering and exiting of the car thats causing me problems. I'll make a degtermined effort from now on to do this sensibly to see if it improves things. Thanks everyone.
  6. According to Top Gear, the Skoda Yeti was more comfortable then a Rangie Im not going from my zed to a Yeti!!
  7. This is not good... i've had a very bad back for the last 4 years, i have 2 crushed discs at the base of my spine which i had surgery on in 2008, but i've never fully recovered and still suffer daily pain, sometimes completely imobilizing pain! I first started with my back problems around 8 weeks after i bought my first zed. Everyone always joked that it was the car causing me pain but i never really believed it. When i sold my first zed in 2010 i had a bmw for about 6 months and my back was okay... but i didnt really connect the two as i'd started cycling at the time and thought that was why the pain had stopped. So i got my current zed in Feb 2011 and suffered most of the year with back pain again, but then i'd noticed that i hadn't had any pain at all for the last 4 months and i thought i'd finally turned a corner... but this coincided with me not using my zed for over 3 months this winter! Then now this year... i've not had any pain at all... until this week. I got my zed back on the road 7 days ago and i've had back pain ever since, finally resulting in today getting out of my car at work and i literally can not walk!! Im in agony!! I've always put it down to coincidence that my back has been okay when im not in the zed but i think today has proved it that it is probably the cause. So do i sell the zed...? What would you do? Anyone want to swap me a Range Rover Sport for it?
  8. 102k on the clock on a 2007...?! It's had a hard life!
  9. Admiral are excellent at being reasonable with declaring mods. Check on their website as you may be able to declare it via email at no extra cost.
  10. Quality. I think it should be a V8 project....
  11. I've got a bog standard 2-tonne trolley jack that i bought from an independant halfords-type store. Think i paid £14.00 for it brand new about 7 years ago. It fit underneath my previous zed that had standard skirts, but it wont go under my current zed with the Nismo kit, without driving onto some planks of wood first.
  12. I got a GoPro Hero HD last week, for free. ...i used £100 in Tesco clubcard vouchers and converted them to £200 in Jesspos vouchers ordered one at my local store.
  13. ...but then that said, the manual excert says differently... http://www.350z-tech.com/wiki/images/a/ ... Change.jpg
  14. Through googling i've just found the following post from Alex... Mull, You do not require to replace the gear box and diff washers. They are just flat washers and not crush washers and are reusable. However the crush washer on the engine sump plug should be replaced every time, without fail. Alex. ...so i think i should be okay...
  15. Spot on, cheers buddy. Anyone know about the washers...? I've got mine booked in at a garage tomorrow, but havent ordered the 2x new washers... do i need those or can i reuse what's on there already?
  16. EDIT: Found this on 350z-Tech. Useful for future reference. http://www.350z-tech.com/wiki/index.php ... eplacement or a good video link provided by Jables: . ------------------------------------------- Hi all, As the title says, is there a guide anywhere for changing the gearbox fluid? I've searched but cant find anything... Cheers.
  17. Looks like great fun. Might go for one of these this year.
  18. I had that once with a Jwt fitted... Turned out to be a loose butterfly clip holding the filter onto the intake pipe allowing air to get in.
  19. Just buy it mate. I know the feeling of wanting another zed but trying to talk yourself out of it, and it doesnt go away... How much do you think your current car is worth? As £4250 for a 2008 car sounds very cheap to me... sounds like he's getting a better deal than you?
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