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Everything posted by marzman

  1. +1 they were perfect, and jake was good too. I really dislike this sky team. The main commentator just would not shut up!
  2. Enjoyed that, perfect result as a Mclaren fan. Cant believe the gap between Grosjean and Kimi though?!
  3. So was this you today....? Best bit is from 1:50 onwards...
  4. I always make a big effort to show my appreciation to garages for good service, going and getting the guys a crate of beer or something. Always a good idea to have a mechanic onside.
  5. Nismo on mine, happy for you to to take a video. Will be there on the Saturday
  6. Looks like a corvette rear end...
  7. Woohoo - the GoPro is only 225g - i just weighed it
  8. ...im just searching on eBay for a decent camera mount for my GoPro HD and found these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0758396901 Its obviously a knock off and is coming from China, but for £1.69 who cares if it's crap... I know it's not a car mount, but i'll be looking to butcher this and modify the feet with suction mounts.
  9. Cant you just measure the outer diameter of the balast? Then if you cant find an o-ring of thiat size then use something else such as double sided tape, or silicone sealant etc.
  10. I hate the thought of it... and just wait until the government piggybacks onto it and starts dishing out retrospective speeding fines when they know where you were and what speed you were doing
  11. That made me laugh! ...the missus called me a jerk though for telling it to her and said it wasnt funny.
  12. Thats not a bad idea actually... Im in the market (next 12 months) for a new TV anyway, so i might as well wrap up the cost of a media player/solution into that. Im after a Samsung ue55 d8000... sexy tv However with regards to streaming... my xbox is on a wired connection, and i stream from my laptop via xbox media center, but my laptop is not wired... and i suffer major slowdown issues. How do people get around this? Guess it must depend on what size file you are streaming and the wireless speed. Ive a dedicated media pc plugged into my home cinema setup which I use xbmc on, buts its a wired internet connection. I stream video from that to my laptop in the garage wirelessly to play on the plasma screen in there without any problem. Is the d8000 that borderless LCD model? If so id checkout the reviews on it before buying. I was considering one of them and opt`d for the 50" Panasonic ST30 instead. Much better picture quality but not as sexy looking physically! That's the one... i fell for the borderless screen - it looks fantastic while playing Avatar on Bluray. You may be right though regarding picture quality for general viewing... i'd heard it wasnt the best... i'll do my research before committing to anything. Cheers Wayne, i'll investigate.
  13. Thats not a bad idea actually... Im in the market (next 12 months) for a new TV anyway, so i might as well wrap up the cost of a media player/solution into that. Im after a Samsung ue55 d8000... sexy tv However with regards to streaming... my xbox is on a wired connection, and i stream from my laptop via xbox media center, but my laptop is not wired... and i suffer major slowdown issues. How do people get around this?
  14. I did originally want to go for the Western Digital option as my existing external HDD is WD - but i read a few forum posts (i cant find the site they were on now ) slating it, saying it was slow and temperemental, which i really want to avoid... so anyone with first hand experience of one would be useful. I watch a lot of movies in this manner, and want something that is 100% reliable... i cant be doing with flaky performance.
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