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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Nice offsets and I love the steelies...
  2. I would love to be so rich that i could have the most hideous looking car like that and not give a @*!#!
  3. Welcome to the club Love the sound of it... although i would prefer if it was just a little louder of throttle. Looks perfect though
  4. £250 - £350 to fix that i reckon.
  5. I'll be keeping mine indefinitely too... 10 years old, and still only 39k on the clock. Its probably worth peanuts now anyway
  6. The smell for me usually occurrs if i turn the aircon off, having had it switched on for 10 mins or more. Have you switched it on to demist your windows when raining, and then switched it back off again?
  7. Fookin marvelous, looks like im setting off at 4.30am to make it in time for that then.
  8. Very funny. MODS - please can we have a 10-page rule for dealing with trolls rather than counting them down from 3? All the fun is over too quickly when infact, they are the most entertaining threads.
  9. Man, im getting 250-280 miles out of a £102 tank... i'd love some good fuel economy but the sound of my Nismo exhaust is too much to resist...
  10. Erm... Mines a jam and I'm with admiral... Shiiiit. I'd better look into that.
  11. My bro did up an old 60's land rover about 4 years ago. Spent £1500 on the car plus £4k doing it up and then sold it for £6k 2 years later, so got some enjoyment and didn't lose any money in the long run. He's currently 3/4 of the way through rebuilding a triumph stag now - he says they're very easy to work on and he's really enjoyed it. Not my cup of tea though.
  12. No probs for me on iPad either. A useful iPad tip to restart an app is to double-press the home button to bring up your open apps, hold your finger on the app you want to restart until it wobbles, and then delete it.
  13. Now that's a very nice example of a zed. Well done
  14. +1 on all of the above. Another option could be an e36 bmw. I've had several of these and they're easy to work on, and parts are cheap. I work in Knutsford by the way... i've literally just come back from the town center in my zed.
  15. Can these be used Hand Solo? (i'll get my coat). Edit - just seen Jims said the same joke
  16. Pair of 10000K HID bulbs for your headlights, giving you more of a blue headlight.
  17. Good memory! Yep - i had these wheels on my previous zed and they were awful... they were so heavy that they ruined the handling of my car. I also couldnt get them balanced, i had a constant wobble above 80mph. The final nail in the coffin is that the metal rim is infact a very thin aluminium sheet - one day it just pinged up off the rim, looking like i had a buckled wheel, but it was just the ally sheet. If i were you i would see if you can get some standard Rays wheels and feel how your car drives - see if it feels like a much better car (im sure it will). RE spacers, these wont affect your handling at all and they're perfectly safe - but they will make your car look a lot cooler
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