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Everything posted by marzman

  1. No i appreciate what you're saying, and is why i started this thread (cant beat a bit of free financial advice ) But at the moment i dont agree with what you're saying... the additional cost of the loan to actually buy into the car - paying more every month to buy into a depreciating asset doesnt make sense to me. Likewise if i borrow £30k to buy a car, and like you say after 2 years i lose my job - i reckon i'll owe more money on the loan than what the car is worth, so after i've sold the car i'll still owe even more money! That argument shifts into your favour the longer i keep he car though, but as previously mentioned i dont currently intend to keep a car for that long.
  2. Interesting read. However the moral of that story seems to be you can either have lots of nice 2nd hand cars, or have occasional brand new middle of the road cars - for the same money. I guess it's horses for courses.... i'm planning on keeping my zed indefinitely, or in other words always keep a 2nd 'sports car' outside of any PCP plan, so i'll get my fill of fun cars too. That said, im not rushing out and signing up to a PCP deal... im just thinking in 12-18 months what my options may be. If i do the sums closer to the time and it's more economical to get a loan, then i'll go down that route.
  3. I can't get my head around this bit at all. If I bought and sold a car after three years, yes the depreciation may be slightly more than the rent, but I would have the money back from selling the car whereas you would have nothing to show for your three years worth of rent? £20000 - £10000 = £10000 = -£10000 assuming £20k cash purchase and 10k resale. £0 - £10000 = -£10000 assuming £10k lease fees and an empty bank account to begin with. So it's decent if you don't have the cash to begin with and want / need a new car. This. I haven't got the cash flow to spend £30k on a car, nor do I want to save up for a long time to get that pot of cash. Furthermore if I did have £30k lying around I would be investing it in something that is going to appreciate rather than throwing it away on a car. On the other hand, just because I dont have that £30k to hand doesn't mean that I'm too poor to own an expensive car - it just means I'd rather divert my savings elsewhere, yet drive a car which I feel is appropriate. It may well be a bit cheaper to buy the car outright and sell it after 2 years making a lot of money back, but I'd need to get a £30k loan in order to buy it... Which is gonna be close to £1k a month over 5 years. Your posts don't make sense. If you actually had £30k, you wouldn't spend it on a car. But instead your going to 'rent' a car that you'll never see ANY return on?? Also, £1k a month over 60 months is £60k, you need to find a cheaper loan provider Heh heh, I didn't add it up as I was eating my tea but it would be more like £650 a month which is still high. The only way to get any ROI on a car is to either keep it for a long time, or pay more upfront/monthly - neither of which I want to do. If I thought I'd still be driving the same car in 5-6 years I'd obviously be looking to buy, but I won't be. Even with used cars you get stung heavily on depreciation... My previous zed, I bought it for 13.5k and sold it for 8k... That's 5.5k lost in 2.5 years. For the same money I cold have been in a brand new merc on PCP.
  4. I can't get my head around this bit at all. If I bought and sold a car after three years, yes the depreciation may be slightly more than the rent, but I would have the money back from selling the car whereas you would have nothing to show for your three years worth of rent? £20000 - £10000 = £10000 = -£10000 assuming £20k cash purchase and 10k resale. £0 - £10000 = -£10000 assuming £10k lease fees and an empty bank account to begin with. So it's decent if you don't have the cash to begin with and want / need a new car. This. I haven't got the cash flow to spend £30k on a car, nor do I want to save up for a long time to get that pot of cash. Furthermore if I did have £30k lying around I would be investing it in something that is going to appreciate rather than throwing it away on a car. On the other hand, just because I dont have that £30k to hand doesn't mean that I'm too poor to own an expensive car - it just means I'd rather divert my savings elsewhere, yet drive a car which I feel is appropriate. It may well be a bit cheaper to buy the car outright and sell it after 2 years making a lot of money back, but I'd need to get a £30k loan in order to buy it... Which is gonna be close to £1k a month over 5 years.
  5. Plenty on 24 months at that sort of price. Get on http://www.contracthireandleasing.co.uk and have a look Cant see any for anywhere near that price mate. Sorry - i was talking about the C-Class Mercedes at that price. BMW's seem to be a lot more expensive, as i guess they're more popular as company cars? You can even get the new C-Class Coupe for £300
  6. Plenty on 24 months at that sort of price. Get on www.contracthireandleasing.co.uk and have a look
  7. I was quoted £0.06 pence per mile over the agreed allowance. Yep this is what i've heard too... 6p a mile is nothing really so if you go 5k miles over your allowance they'll charge you £300. Bothered... Good point about the deposites though... some deals you can get with 1 or 2 months payment as a deposit, but the Mercs im looking at require a £2k deposit and i hadnt factored that into the monthly equivalent..
  8. My zed is the longest i've ever kept a car (last one was almost 3 years) but other than that, i change them frequently. In principle i think i'd always be handing the car back after a 2-3 year period and possibly knocking any outstanding value off the next car...
  9. So... every car i've ever bought has been either bought outright or i've got a personal loan to cover the cost (my zed, for example). I've never considered PCP before, but a colleague at work has a brand new VRS Octavia and it costs him less than £250 a month... and my zed's costing me more than that and is 10 years old I'm in the market for either a Mercedes C-Class or a Range Rover Sport to keep alongside my zed at the moment, and via http://www.contracthireandleasing.com you can get into a Merc for around the £250 a month mark on a 24 month contract... thats awesome! Just as another example i just looked at the Ford Focus and you can get them for under £170 a month http://www.contracthireandleasing.com/c ... s/6020462/ ...am i missing something here or is it really that easy??
  10. Sorry to hear that mate. What kind of quotes have you had to repair the damage?
  11. I like that. I would have kept the reflector spaces personally, but it does look good.
  12. Anthony Davidson crash was bad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ToKBFK2ing&feature=related
  13. Ahh right. I'd never been up there until last year, and then i found it there was a Subway there.... all this time and it's been 2 mins from my house
  14. I rented it on xbox and got about 2/3rds of the way through. Some bits were really difficult, such as the bit on the docks/jeti's in brazil, and also the bit in the lobby of your employer's office when it was under siege. Im planning on renting it again at some point and finishing it off as it was entertaining. SMD... i was finding it hard as i was always conserving my bullet time so much... use this and it gets a bit easier
  15. Where's that, i live in tytherington and cant work out where that is, even with the premier inn in the background
  16. Who'd been driving your car, edward scissor hands?? I know a lot of people complain about this part getting scratched easily, but i dont understand how it can happen... surely only your hands touch it??
  17. Thanks for the advice all. I called the SLC today and they said there's nothing at all they can do, as it's my company that pays HMRC monthly, and then HMRC pay the SLC annually. They advised me to check with my employer whether they can do anything about it, as in reality they control what is paid to HMRC.
  18. Yeh im looking forward to seeing them too... ...although i wish i'd have cleaned my car before my shoot...
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