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Everything posted by marzman

  1. This must surely be easy to trace yourself? Swapping the stereo is a fairly big job - you need to remove all of the upper section of the centre console. On removal and refitting, you have to feed the legs of the centre console down behind the A/C control unit (White box) that you mentioned. It's totally feasible that you've just nicked or trapped a wire in doing this. I'd be taking that centre console out and checking everything. Also, you've mentioned the vehicle speed sense wire a couple of times - that feeds into the White box onthe middle plug. Search for a topic that I posted a few years ago which is in the DIY section for a head up display. It tells you specifically which wire is the VSS wire. I'd search myself but I'm on my phone. Good luck!
  2. Jay, just seen this... Man up dude! You can get some 2mm shim spacers from Halfrauds for about a fiver to clear your brakes. You won't even know they're there. Also if funds are tight either buy some part worns for them until you can afford a full set, or sell your 370 wheels, and buy Tyres with the proceeds. You can then pickup another set of 370 rims at a later date when you're flush again (preferably before winter ). For part worns, checkout eBay. I've bought 2x Goodyear eagle f1s off eBay over the last year. I paid less than £50 for one of them with 5mm tread left. I forget what the other cost me but it wasn't much more. As for the refurb, I've seen BM's wheels and the finish is great - you can't go wrong for the price. And again if cash-flow is your issue, wait till winter when they're off your car. ...and you should deffo get the centres done in anthracite like mine.
  3. +1 the SLK that I test drove a few weeks ago was creaking and rattling all over the place. The C-class that I drove however seemed fine... But then I only had it for 15mins or so. This is certainly somethin I'll bare in mind though as I'm in the market for a Merc.
  4. Do your headlights have the ballasts underneath them already? My first zed had standard halogen bulbs, but when I removed the headlight I found that the ballasts and wiring for HIDs was all present - it had just been bypassed to get it through the SVA when first imported - a fairly common occurrence.
  5. Excellent... I'm currently sunning myself in Italy but you can consider it sold. I'll give you a shout when I get back. Can you PM me your postcode please?
  6. I would dip them in a bucket of water to ensure they're water tight before you refit them to the car. Even the tiniest of holes will cause condensation. Looks good.
  7. Im going on holiday tomorrow but if you still have this on the 25th when i get back i'll take it...
  8. Spot on. Oddly for a model-specific forum, this one seems to love under-valuing its cars for some reason. I think a lot of it is that the difference between the average price and the lowest price you can possibly find isn't always acknowledged. Given the current climate of hard times and high fuel and insurance costs I think more people are wanting to get shot of thirsty cars quickly because the running costs are killing them and they don't want to keep paying them for a month or two before it sells. This means that there are a number of unusually cheap cars popping up, but I have to say that the average prices haven't gone down all that much since I got mine 13 months ago. This implied rule (not referencing any particular members here, it seems to be a group function that we all contribute to) of 'I've found a 2007 313 with X miles on it for £9k therefore all 2007 313s with X miles on should be £9k' isn't really true. If the number of low priced quick sales continues increasing then it may force overall prices down faster, but I don't think we're there yet. DB
  9. You'd be very lucky if you sold it within 2 weeks bud so i'd get it sent off now to be honest - you dont want to risk losing a sale for something silly.
  10. Just seen this. I was having the same problem a few months ago with my virgin media account (based on gmail). I did all the virus scans etc and it wasnt a local problem. After quite a lot of googling people were saying that if you tend to use the same username/password combo in many sites, various bots will capture those from weak sites and try them on the common sites (emails, ebay, paypal etc etc). Simply changing my email password to be something unique stopped the problem for me.
  11. But a bigger engine and it'd be ok.... 335d. It just depends on what constitutes 'ok' for you. If you mean 'ok' as in a great car, that is pretty quick, economic and can fit a family in then yes. If you mean 'ok' as in a potentially better proposition than the petrol equivalent, then nope. it gets very tiring changing up at 4k revs! It's like driving a car like an S2K but with short gear ratios meaning you have to change up at 4k.....not good. I really think cars like the 335d are in such a bizarre niche imo.... I dont think it's a bizarre niche... i think it's the future. I for one would go for a car that looks and handles the same, but is twice as economical as the petrol equivalent - assuming it's comparable in performance. If acceleration, top speed and torque are all on par then the only compromise you're making for the increased economy is slightly reduced aural pleasure and just having to use a different driving style. Not for everyone i know, but i would sacrifice this for the money savings.
  12. In that case, happy birthday then pal.
  13. Im not falling for this again... i'll wish you once it's confirmed
  14. Having just read all of this thread, the very first girl wins it for me. I'd definitely bend her over and **** *** ** *** *** and then ***** *** **** *** ***** *** **** tea bag *** *******.
  15. Cool... Looking forward to your thoughts on he gt86
  16. Just had another look. There's something up with the search filters which was stopping me finding anything on sale. That said, I've just been through every sport and the only event thats available we'd or thurs that starts in an evening is boxing, and it's £50
  17. Just been looking. Can't find any tickets - everything on the website says 'currently unavailale'
  18. Hi guys, I've just found out i've got to go to London for the week on business However - evenings will be free from 6pm onwards, so can anyone recommend any olympic attractions or activities that i can get along to? I've not got any tickets for anything, but would like to think i could go to the Olympic Park and at least see something interesting? Any thoughts?
  19. Dont be late, iron your shirt, and make sure you've had a shave! Research on the company in question is important. Just 10 mins on their website to find out what they do. Shows you've got the right attitude.
  20. First one in a while though to be fair. Last 5 or 6 have been belters.
  21. I dont know... thre was a competition very recently where they played the Borat theme tune as the Kazakh national anthem by mistake!! http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/olympics- ... 08124.html
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