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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Will be a £2 non return valve from halfords. Open the bonnet, remove the brake fluid cover, reach under the windscreen cowling and unclip the pipes. There will be 2 valves under there - a Y shaped valve and a non return valve. It is usually this piece which gets blocked.
  2. Will look amazing when all the bits are sorted. That bonnet overhang looks really bad though. Name and shame.
  3. Mine is not a GT4 but sounds very similar. It's only any use on high, and it seems like the thermostat (if there is one) is dodgy, as you wont feel any heat for 20mins, and then suddenly it will go nice and hot for 30 seconds and then cool down again.
  4. You sure you're not being scammed? That all looks like CGI to me
  5. Gutted. While watching Singapore last week i was trying to work out if i was a McLaren fan or a Lewis & Jenson fan. Historically i've always followed the british drivers rather than the teams, so i'll have to wait and see how i feel about this.
  6. marzman

    Carbon Hatch

    I quite like that. Never seen one before.
  7. Petrol seems to have crept up even further this week... i've just paid £1.48 for Optimax at my local station. A week ago i was paying £1.43
  8. I thought i saw a crop of white hair as the camera panned accross, but couldnt say for sure...
  9. Im gonna have a bash at this tomorrow with some autosol if it's dry. Will post before and after pics.
  10. The shell station near me has been refurbed twice in the last year. Both times shut for a week or so with all of the forecourt being torn up. But it looks exactly the same as it did before, so yeh maybe legislation?
  11. Usually, they should run in the less-aggressive direction, otherwise your pads will be worn out more quickly. As rich says though, for your specific discs it could be different.
  12. Thats the first time ive looked at a 370 and thought 'that looks mint'. They dont do it for me normally but im really liking this now. ...but i hate to say it though... im not sure about these wheels? They look old fashioned almost? Maybe because im used to seeing them on my shape car so hard to get used to them on the 370 shape, but im just not sure at the moment... sorry!
  13. Dude... pay more attention Set your cruise control to 33mph and be done with it.
  14. Ok thanks - that rules the Volks out then.
  15. Hope this wasn't prompted by my "spotted" note Just so used to seeing you with the Volks! Lol, you're to blame Leon! Meant to msg you actually, i take it that was you in Tesco's last month?
  16. Tesco's value white rum for me, with diet coke is all i drink nowadays... Would rather not drink dark rum, and never tried spiced...
  17. So... For the last few months i've been looking round at getting another second car to use for business trips etc, but i've just worked out how many business miles i've done in the last 2 years, and im only doing 3k a year My current second car is going to become my fiance's as soon as she passes her test so i cant rely on it much longer. However for 3k miles, sod it, i'll drive the zed if i need to as the expense of having a second car is huge compared to the minimal wear and tear 3k miles will result in. However it does leave me with one dilemma - what should i do for winter?? Im running Volks currently and the finish on them is perfect (in the fact that they have not been affected by any weather at all). I'll be honest in that i dont clean them as often as i should, but i wax them after every wash so they can be literally just given a once over with a sponge and they're mint again. Do you think the salt/frost will really damage their finish? Last year i bought a set of stock 18" wheels which i resprayed and had them on the zed over winter... but i did about 50 miles with them on before deciding the car looked SHITE and declared it SORN for 3 months as i was too embarrassed to drive it So... what should i do this year? As she stands now: As she'll look with the winters on...: How she looked briefly, whilst deciding what colour to go for on the refurb.
  18. Monaco GP is in May... perfect timing. Im considering doing this for mine, but there might only be a couple of us as im not sure many will afford it You can get standing tickets at Rocher for about 80 euros.
  19. Autosol works as well i think.
  20. ...but a 70% loan as the OP states... (actually, 130% APR according to this calculator!) A 10% bank loan would be far cheaper, and would result in you paying around £82 in interest. Agreed, but my point was, it will show on that Equifax data base thingy. Hmmm good point.
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