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Everything posted by Sitruz

  1. Ah good point Sorry. The sound is definately not on the inside. S.
  2. Hi all I'm going to take my 05 350Z in to the guys at Nissan for them to have a look at because I'm getting this weird vibrate type noise in every gear, when accelerating, at exactly 2000rpm. It only just started happening, but as you can imagine it's one of those things that's very annoying and eats away at you. I had the car from brand new but I do not do very many miles at all so I'll find it hard to believe I've worn / broken something. If anything I'm more likely to have underworn it! Has anyone heard of anything like this occuring? Any suggestions that I can offer to the service guys at Nissan? I have a feeling if I go to them without ammunition I will get fobbed off. Thanks guys. S.
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