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Everything posted by IanS

  1. +1 You can't own the car that you drive on the third party basis. Is this true? Surely an individual can fully comp insure a car regardless of who owns it? E.g. kids geting their own insurance on a parental owned car? In essence that is all this is...just the other way round?
  2. This is a very tough one indeed. Something that you may want to look into is a policy that insures you on another car....although only third party. For example I think Cooperative insurance....may be called CIS...offer fully comp insurance with 3rd party cover on any other car. What is unusual about this is that they do it for the under 25's. When I was 18 I insured with them and it let me drive other cars, but only third party. So how can this help you....if you bought a banger for £100, you could insure yourself fully comp on it for next to nothing [hopefully, perhaps anual mileage of 1,000]. If you had a policy like the above you could still drive the Zed third party and be accumulating your own NCD at far less cost than £6k pa. Difficulty is that the Zed still needs its own policy - so perhaps you could get one of your parents to be the policy holder...guess they will have ncd and more years driving expereince and are technically less of a risk as they are older, so premium should be more reasonable. If you went this route I am sure even the cost of running a near scrap car [tax, insurance, MOT etc] and parental Zed insurance would be way less than £6,000. But you need to be comfortable only driving the Zed 3rd party. Good luck hunting, young driver insurance is nightmare!
  3. Hmm will take a look at mine tonight. If it has been wrongly fitted, definately kick off at the dealer. In my experience a good dealer [is there such a thing?!] might fix it out of good will.
  4. Fortunately rain held off for most of the session which was good. Two Zed's there and certainly held their own / put the wind up some much more expensive metal. Very well run event and great group of enthusiasts there, so plenty of folk in interesting cars to chat to. Really recommend anyone interested in getting the best out of their car to head along to a track day.
  5. Try sticking a pin into the metal jet itself and gently adjust the nozzle...never done it on the Zed but this is usual way of adjusting them on most cars.
  6. Despite the rain....well up for this evening. See you guys there later on
  7. IanS

    BMW123d v 350z

    Quality article. Could never swap the Zed for a diesel though - bought a sports car for its focus and charisma, if I ran a diesel would always feel like it was a compromise from what I wanted....fast or otherwise.
  8. IanS

    My new Z!

    Looks uber cool totally blacked out - welcome to the club!
  9. Hmmm question is, how can we get EVO to make the jump to a TV show????
  10. IanS

    Mastretta MXT

    R8 crossed with a Smart Coupe...prices on wikipedia look a bit silly at £33k as it has a whiff of a kit car. That said all for expanding the lightweight sportscar market - good luck to them.
  11. Welcome Andy, I'm also 24, 5yrs ncd, clean licence, garaged in OK area. Pay £650 with Admiral. That includes Nismo exaust and induction kit. For adding my girlfriend [younger than me] to the policy, took nearly £200 off. Good Zed hunting - you will enjoy the outcome!
  12. LOL what a heap...with only 6 previous owners its a steal! Probably done about a million miles!
  13. Great car - Great Detail - really must get my zed done!
  14. Great write up and unlucky to your mate in the Lotus. Although his wallet will be in a lot of pain, good that he isn't. Itching to get back there myself!
  15. IanS

    New BMW Z4

    Always liked the proportions of the Z4, and both new photos look pretty cool. Except in Mike's photo I think the grill/headlight sizes are all wrong. As folk have said, could just be a photoshop. Any of the fast 3 series engines in it will be awesome though. One thing is for sure....it wont be cheap!
  16. Spotted these two while doing my bike test.....while trying not to wave at Zeds, managed to pass! So the hunt begins for my first bike! Zed can never be replaced by two wheels though.
  17. As ever - great advice from the forum! Will see what Spill can do...although pretty tempted to have a go at making one myself - although I am first to admit my fabrication skills may not be up to it!
  18. Where's the best place to get one? Big Phil - canyou do a deal for us?
  19. Reviving this....Phil - how's the website coming?
  20. Looks good - definately some good inspiration for making a track focused car!
  21. Good advice - would love a harness for track days - anyone put one in their zed with the standard seats?
  22. I have been thinking of getting one of these for a while: http://www.cg-lock.co.uk/audience/performance/ Having just booked the Silverstone meet in August its claims sound ideal. Does anyone have any expereince with them? If there is interest I am happy to investigate a group buy. [/i]
  23. Track Day - Silverstone 12th August MrLizard (with passenger) Dan IanS (with passenger)
  24. Thats awesome - saving up to get my paint corrected then bring on the mega shine
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