Nice thread title,Nissan and customer services one after the other.
I bought a new Navara Aventura on 1st September,the 5th one in the last 5 yrs.After about 700 miles the clutch started sticking so I took it back to the stealers and they told me clutches were on back order and Nissan wouldn't authorise a replacement vehicle until my vehicle had been stripped down and photo's of the clutch sent to them.
I then phoned Nissan customer services and told them the score.
Me,my motors 6 wk old and the clutch is knackered.
Nissan monkey,sorry to hear that,
me,your clutches are on back order so I can't get it fixed,
nm,you can take your motor to any garage you like to get your clutch replaced because its not covered by warranty.Its a consumable item.
me,my motor has done 700 mile and is 6wk old
nm,how do we know what you have been doing with it.
me,I have had 5 navara's in the last 5 yr,think I know how to drive them now.
nm,clutches are a consumable item and not covered by warranty,
me,so your telling me nissan release brand new vehicles with clutches not expected to last for a couple of mths
nm,our clutches are fine if the vehicle is driven in the correct manner,you have obviously done something to damage it.
me,am I on you've been framed or do you genuinely believe all the crap your talking.
nm,I don't need to take this abuse and the phone was put down.
My dealer sorted the clutch and supplied a courtesy car but nissan customer services are a forking disgrace.