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Everything posted by ZeddZ

  1. Is it working now. Sending you paypal Stew.
  2. Fairly straightforward.The new ones had full instructions on how to do it.2 of us did it in 20 mins.If you fit them you won't regret it,they sound amazing. Bought them on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... 0227077377 Came to £224 odd delivered and Parcelforce took another £38 off me in duty but it was still a big saving on UK prices. Go on,you know it makes sense.
  3. http://keepbusy.net/play.php?id=how-not ... ove-a-tree You can see it a mile off.
  4. Is that you chris,Think I'll pass.
  5. I am way to old to be driving around in 2nd gear at 7000rpm with my head out of the window but these things sound awesome. I have been driving around smiling like a lunatic.
  6. Your mums so fat,when she was paddling in the sea at Blackpool the captain of the titanic swerved to miss her and hit an iceberg.
  7. http://www.car-hunter.net/view_advert.php?id=13 Its my Brothers car and its spot on.He's just bought a newer one so this ones up for sale.
  8. At least Phil's wrapped everything well for him.
  9. Mine does it as well.Nearly posted a thread myself because I thought it was to high.
  10. Looks very nice.B)I am terrified of coming down to your place Phil incase I end up having to sell my car to pay for all my purchases. Going to have to risk it at the beginning of next month though.
  11. Think I might have to dust off the wallet 1st week in May and head down.I keep hearing those new exhausts calling my name.
  12. Good luck with the new car Mike,post some pics up when you get it.
  13. Bet the drivers arse was up on the headrest when that bloody thing came through the front of the motor.
  14. ZeddZ

    Small 4x4

    Brother has an x-trail and he likes it.2 yr old and 30thou,never missed a beat.
  15. Come on Phil,get yer prices out for the lads.
  16. 1. Stew 2. Beavis 3. Martinmac ( if they fit a roadster ) 4. Lincolnbaggie 5 Zeddz
  17. Check the glove box behind the passenger seat for your bluetooth adapter.There is a false floor in it and sometimes they stick it in there. There have been a few recently supplied without them so if you can't find it get back to the dealer and they will sort it out. Nice car.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzAZgB_jOGY&NR=1
  19. Nice thread title,Nissan and customer services one after the other. I bought a new Navara Aventura on 1st September,the 5th one in the last 5 yrs.After about 700 miles the clutch started sticking so I took it back to the stealers and they told me clutches were on back order and Nissan wouldn't authorise a replacement vehicle until my vehicle had been stripped down and photo's of the clutch sent to them. I then phoned Nissan customer services and told them the score. Me,my motors 6 wk old and the clutch is knackered. Nissan monkey,sorry to hear that, me,your clutches are on back order so I can't get it fixed, nm,you can take your motor to any garage you like to get your clutch replaced because its not covered by warranty.Its a consumable item. me,my motor has done 700 mile and is 6wk old nm,how do we know what you have been doing with it. me,I have had 5 navara's in the last 5 yr,think I know how to drive them now. nm,clutches are a consumable item and not covered by warranty, me,so your telling me nissan release brand new vehicles with clutches not expected to last for a couple of mths nm,our clutches are fine if the vehicle is driven in the correct manner,you have obviously done something to damage it. me,am I on you've been framed or do you genuinely believe all the crap your talking. nm,I don't need to take this abuse and the phone was put down. My dealer sorted the clutch and supplied a courtesy car but nissan customer services are a forking disgrace.
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