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Everything posted by DiggZ

  1. Hi mate, have a look on camskill.co.uk - they can provide Falkens at good prices. I swapped my Bridgestones for Falken a few months ago and have been happy with them so far
  2. DiggZ


    Cheers, have read through the thread and I have been getting the P0304 code with misfire on cylinder 4, but this week had a P0300 random misfire come up. Think I will start with swapping the coil packs/injectors round and seeing if the fault moves to another cylinder, then move onto O2 sensors if it comes up P0300 again.
  3. I have used this company a couple of times with no problems http://www.directcouriersolutions.co.uk/
  4. DiggZ


    Cheers, will get it into the garage and try swapping the coil packs and injectors round. How easy is it to do this? Mileage is coming up to 68k so is due a full service soon but I replaced the plugs around 10k ago
  5. DiggZ


    Hi guys, been suffering from this problem intermittently for a while now. Basically I am getting a misfire fault on the engine, the code which has been coming up has been P0304 on cylinder 4, until this week a P0300 random misfire code popped up. Been searching and reading a few of the other threads with interest and it seems to come down to a few possibilities, wondering which order I should be checking these if anyone has any views: - O2 sensor - Coil Pack - Fuel injectors Also would cleaning out the throttle body help? I ask this as it is sometimes taking a while to get the car started from turning the engine over. Other than this the car seems to drive fine with no obvious issues or power loss. Cheers
  6. I have the same problem on my drivers side, a small crack in the panel If anyone manages to source some replacements Id be interested too
  7. Bit of an update...... Had the car in the garage for the past day and they cannot identify any specific fault without starting to strip down the engine etc. They have not found any pressure loss in the system so possibly not a head gasket problem. Nor are there any indications of oil in the coolant system as indicated by the AA technician. They have had it out for a test run and the car does not appear to be overheating as before, temperature gauge is rising to half way but no further, is this where the needle should be under normal driving? Thoughts seem to be that there is a small leak somewhere in the system or maybe a thermostat/solenoid problem. They have suggested I can take the car back and see how it runs and feels for the next day or so. Not sure how I feel about this as I dont want to risk damaging the engine further. I have not had it in to a specialist as yet but am not sure what my next move is to be honest. Still have my suspicions it i something to do with the lpg system as I have been running it on petrol for the past few weeks and the problems seem to have appeared when I switched back to gas. Engine warning light is still on showing a misfire although the car itself runs smoothly. Any views would be appreciated. Thanks Chris
  8. Good thinking, been on the phone to them and they remembered the car but werent able to offer much help as no faults have been reported on any conversions fitted to this engine (so far). The system has a flashlube system which should keep the valves etc lubricated. Not many 350zs which have been converted but there are a few Murano's about which have been converted and are running OK. Fingers crossed for Monday, will see what the inspection brings.......hopefully a quick and relatively painless fix Chris
  9. Thanks Alex, comments much appreciated and good to know Im not alone I think youre right and I now have it booked in for an inspection on Monday at a local garage to try and find out what the problem is. Difficulty is like you say, not too many specialists around but hopefully I can get a diagnosis first without too much poking around involved. I have it provisionally booked in a week later at a local Japanese specialist so will see what the first Monday brings and if we can diagnose the fault. Its a 2004 UK GT model with 65k on the clock. One area of note is that when I bought it there was an LPG conversion already fitted to the car. This seemed ideal as I do a fair few miles. Wondering if this may have contributed to the cause of the problem as the fuel runs at higher temperatures therefore more stress on the cylinder head, gasket and valves etc. But given it was a professional install by Greenfuel all of this should have been checked out previously. The conversion was done at around 24k and I have had the car from around 35k with no problems. Funnily enough I was going to take it in next week to get the throttle body cleaned and the exhaust system swapped! Best laid plans and all that...... Cheers Chris
  10. Hi all, Car engine started to pull back on the throttle this morning when accelerating, like engine braking but without the gearchanges. Then the rev limiter kicked in at 2000rpm and the engine started to overheat, with eventually coolant spilling out everywhere. Just had the AA man out and looks as though there is a leak somewhere in the system as traces of oil in the coolant. This leaves a few possibilities ranging from head gasket or valve fault, possibly a cracked cylinder head! Sitting here now waiting for a tow so I can get it into a garage to run some compression checks on the cylinders to find out more. Fearing the worst I have to be honest Does anyone have knowledge of any known faults or similar issues? Cheers Chris
  11. I have a set of original 17†7-spoke alloys which I originally bought as a back up set for my RAYS while getting them refurbed. All 4 alloys are in excellent condition with a few minor scuffs having barely been used from new. The tyres however are feathered so not roadworthy, although these might be ok for a track day? These are just taking up space in my garage so open to any offers. Will try and sort some pics if anyone is interested? Cheers Chris
  12. Yeah it sounds like the same thing, when I think about it Ive only noticed it on cold days too so you might be onto something there
  13. Bit of an unusual one this.... In the past couple of weeks Ive noticed a rattling/vibration noise which seems to be coming from the engine bay or undercarriage, difficult to tell exactly where its originating from as the car is in motion. On lower revs and normal driving the car is fine, the noise only happens when I accelerate hard and take the Z up through the rev range, at which point this whirring, vibrating noise has started to appear. Hard to describe, sounds like a piece of loose trim or casing, possibly something rotating or flapping and vibrating. Cant see anything visual on inspection of the car. Any thoughts? Cheers Chris
  14. Cat D listed though, even so prices seem to be dropping still. Will see what the next few months and the arrival of the new 370z brings
  15. Hmm, think youre right and prices will definitely come down a bit more, its just a case of by how much. So probably no harm in waiting a little while then and see what happens. 12k jeezus thats cheap, and to think my 04 GT was worth that not too long ago
  16. Cheers Matt, Been reading through a few other posts but missed that one. Some good points in there, pros and cons. My z is my daily driver so Im tempted by the engine upgrade in the new model and the idea of only having to worry about servicing and consumables costs for the next 3 years. I wonder if there are likely to be any further price reductions before the 370z arrives? Chris
  17. With the tempting offers on the last of the unregistered 350z's at the minute and the imminent arrival of the 370z, whats people's thoughts on likely residual values of the 08/58 plate models after 3 years? Bit of a crystal ball needed I think in these uncertain times. Really tempted to do a part ex with my 04 plate, although the missus still needs convincing lol. Trying to play the 3yr warranty card at the minute Cheers Chris
  18. Yeah theres some very, very tempting offers out there at the minute, been offered a similar deal with a part ex on my 04 GT. Not a great part ex price I have to say but still a tempting offer. Would love a new one but struggling to justify it and having a battle between my heart and my head. Not sure if the price includes tax or if indeed the new tax levy applies on new cars? Be interested to know what peoples thoughts are on residual values of the 08 plate 350z's in 2-3 years time with the arrival of the new 370z?
  19. Cheers guys, some good advice there. Ive not been near a Nissan dealer yet as frankly I dont trust them for anything other than basic servicing, and the car is out of warranty. Does make sense to start with the cam sensors and go from there, sounds like this could be the cause as the car does feel a but sluggish low down and when idling. If I was a bit more technically minded Id probably have a look at them myself but not sure where to start. Im planning on taking it to a local garage on Monday to decide the next step but would welcome recommendations for the north east area if anyone has any. Chris
  20. Havent found any info on this happening with the Z either. Does seems a strange one but somethings obviously not right with it. Need it sorting out though, hmmm do I book it in and order replacement cam sensors or is there anything else which should be tried/checked first? These were the error messages which came up: ECCS error memory - P0340 Camchaft position sensor (x2) ABS error memory - C1130 CAN message, engine control unit faulty
  21. Cheers, car is standard so no other obvious things jump out Just been to a local garage for a diagnostic check, two faults showing: 1. Camshaft position sensors (2 errors) 2. ECU fault Without ruling out the possibility of a faulty sensor the guy seems to think the problems may be caused by a stretched timing chain. He has had several Micras in with stretched chains causing similar issues. I presume the Z has a similar chain and will check other posts but is there a history of issues with the timing chain on the Z?
  22. Update - following diagnostic check yesterday, does anyone have knowledge of any reported or common faults relating to cam sensors or timing chain issues on the Z? Hoping this doesnt turn out to be an expensive Xmas Cheers Chris *************************************** Hi guys, been reading through some other posts and found a few similar threads but was wondering if anyone had advice on the following? Now I now the Z is a bit temperamental in the cold weather but around 6 months back the engine warning light came on, this was diagnosed by the dealer as a cylinder misfire although the car seemed to be running fine. Changed the plugs anyway as the car was approaching 60k but since then the engine light has had a habit of appearing and disappearing at random intervals which I have just accepted as a glitch since no other problems have appeared. Then this happened - driving home yesterday, felt a pull/loss of power from the throttle followed by the engine warning, traction control and abs lights coming on (and staying on all the way home). Wasnt gunning the car just driving steady on a straight single carriageway. Stopped at a petrol station to refuel and the Z struggled to start up, hmm. Too dark to do anything last night so been out this morning and started up fine although warning lights were still on. So checked brake fluid (full) and pads (slightly worn but OK), tyres, battery connections and reset the ECU again. Havent taken her off the drive yet but will do so this afternoon. Now Im into the festive season and all that but really hoping the dashboard doesnt light up like a xmas tree again. Read a few other threads about possibilities of suspect battery, dodgy ABS sensor, cleaning throttle body etc. Car is an 04 plate so no warranty with the stealers left but Ill take her back in reluctantly if I have to. Cheers guys
  23. Cheers. Hard to tell exactly, I think lpg is reported to be around 10% down on petrol efficiency due to the difference in octane levels. So the computer reading 25mpg will be around 22-23 on lpg.
  24. Guys, must confess mine is the lpg Z up on pistonheads. For 53.9p a litre at my local filling station I cant complain about fuel prices at all but the rising cost of my mortgage etc looks like I am going to have to sell her and get something smaller. Hopefully I can keep her a little bit longer though. I bought the car with the lpg conversion already fitted in 2007. This after running a Golf TDI. Having the LPG was the deciding factor in buying the Z in the first place as I do a lot of miles. The system was fitted by Greenfuel in 2006 and uses flashlube to keep the valves lubricated. I have done over 20k so far trouble free. As long as the system is installed by an experienced installer I wouldnt have thought there would be any problems. Performance wise, I would say the power is more immediate when running on petrol but nothing really noticeable for everyday driving. Easy enough to flick the switch to petrol though for those country lanes PM me if you need any info/advice. Cheers
  25. DiggZ

    Spark Plugs?

    Hi Guys, bit of advice/views needed please. Wondering if anyone has had any similar issues? Recently had a P2 service, car had covered around 51k at the time of the service. The day before the service was due my engine warning light came on, good timing I suppose. Car seemed to be driving fine but I reported the fault when booking the car in. The diagnostic test reported a misfire on one of the cylinders but as the car seems to be driving fine we decided to reset the system and see if the fault reoccurs. Car has now covered closer to 53k and seems to be driving fine, but as the engines are normally aspirated would it be possible if the fault was still there i.e. would the difference in performance be really noticeable if one of the cylinders wasnt firing? Has now got me thinking about the spark plugs. Over the past year I have noticed at times the car struggles to start, engine turning over but sometimes I am having to turn the key off and wait a minute before turning the engine over again at which point it starts fine. 99% of the time the car is OK. Simply a case of the plugs needing changing? Service desk reported these are due to be changed at 54k, is this correct as I cant find anthing in the service manual? Car is an 04 plate so Ill probably do them anyway. Have seen sets for around 70 quid so thinking of buying and doing these myself. Anyone recently changed them with success or is it easier whipping the car into a local garage for half an hour? Cheers in advance, Chris
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