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Everything posted by bronzee

  1. As they say, it never rains........ but pours. Hopefully it will all be okay now and that you find a new vehicle for your good lady.
  2. Say if in the future you part with your Z, and it stays on the car, it continues the history of the car in a way if you hang around here.
  3. Go Kiwi roads! :teeth: Extra slick, because over summer it actually gets reasonably warm here. Saw this the other day, had to watch again, just because.
  4. Welcome to the forum Richard. Is it a DE or HR 350?
  5. Really depends on what you pay for it, and what they're worth, plus shipping and if there any import taxes. Doogy, might be the best to answer this.
  6. Welcome. Don't buy the first one you see within your budget unless it's an amazing example for the dosh.
  7. James by most people's standards that's probably clean, but we know you. Looking forward to seeing the after clean.
  8. Nice choice of end parks for both Zeds too.
  9. Now how cool would that be, both you and your lovely lady both in Zeds.
  10. When I purchased my Z over 9 years ago, I had to sign a form at the dealership to say I didn't want them to clean it. Never regretted that for one second.
  11. As most have already commented, the one thing I will add is, you've only just purchased the car, which means you don't know it's full history. So it probably wouldn't hurt to give the Z a full service.
  12. Anything that makes your car more visible to all the muppet drivers around you, must be a good thing.
  13. How much petrol has the Z consumed thus far!?
  14. Welcome and good on you for paying with folding.
  15. Will the world cope with Miscuit's. Mini Biscuit's. Congratulations.
  16. Good find on the second one, and something to be said for looking after a car.
  17. Welcome to the forum. How long have you had your Z?
  18. Welcome to the forum, and take your time to find the right one.
  19. Looks good. As you've had a Z before, you know what you're in for. What was the Z32, NA or TT?
  20. I have used our Stihl water blaster on roadsters before, but having said that we had 2 nozzles especially made as wasn't happy with the stock one. Take it very gently.
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