Lol, probably not if it's a Rex though.
Probably too late for a question to add, what type of cat has hair as apposed to fur?? A Rex, either Cornish or Devon Rex.
Or what type of cat has curly hair?? A Rex, either Cornish or Devon Rex.
You'll soon know if it's that. Should be easy enough to spot. It probably is a recall. Perhaps when you finally have the car, nail them and find out what said "recall" was for.
Rugby you can tape (and not listen to the radio or telly in the interim), missing out on a show, pics will never be the same as being there, the atmosphere.... etc.
Until they realise that you were actually quite important to a project, and then get you back, then perhaps you have the whip hand. Happened to me and a number of my friends, but then it might be a tad different over there currently from what I hear.
Good luck whatever happens.
Very cool menagerie you have there John. Icicles for toes for the K9?
You old softie Martin. Amazing what vets can do for pets today, they're almost like mini humans.
As Stan says, given how fickle the IT industry can be. Get on the phone, obviously when they can't hear you and start making some phone calls. Obviously depending on the terms that you're in there for. You never know, you might score a better paying contract. That's what contracting is all about. Good luck.