And me, being just across the ditch from you, where we wear jandals, not thongs.
Nothing better than a stunning Xmas day in the Antipodes. Well just as long as it's not too hot. We tend not to have the big traditional lunch at lunch time, but in the evening when it's a lot cooler. Turkey time. All the Pomlanders we've had over here for Xmas just love the lovely Xmas. Snowy Xmas is nice occasionally apart from being bloomin cold.
Jandals haha! Well I don't call them thongs either - they're flip flops to me!! I don't mind it being cold at Christmas, feels a lot more natural! I'm actually looking forward to wrapping up warm again in a scarf and gloves, while knowing I'll be back in 40 degree heat a few weeks later!
Not much better than going for a swim in the ocean on Xmas Day, and being outside hammering around.
But it's what you're used to or grown up with.