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Everything posted by bronzee

  1. All very touristy, but that's what Rome is about. All fascinating to go and see. Especially considering they didn't have our modern machinery to build these amazing buildings back then.
  2. bronzee

    My Z32 SWB

    Keep up the good work Lexx!
  3. Possibly not though, as they'd use more petrol and likely more would be written off.
  4. Think of it this way, to keep a track maintained to top level is expensive. And how often do you have the chance to really throw the car around at high speeds legally.
  5. Looks fantastic. Some Calendar 2015 enties there.
  6. Keep a positive spin on things Down and things will be awesome.
  7. Lol, unless you get a flat tyre on the way there or home. I usually put the mini sized detailing bottles and cloths into the cubby hole behind the passengers seat.
  8. The Zed looks good. It's a definite bonus when your respective other half likes your zed, makes it much easier to get out to events. With regards to the seat belt, fully unwind it, secure it so it can't slide back in, then wash the seatbelt with a lightly soapy solution then leave uncoiled until fully dry. That should sort the issue out. It's usually just built up sweat that causes the seatbelt not to unwind properly.
  9. My car was registered June 2004. I bought it 28th July 2005. So that's 8 years 6 months on Jan 28th. =) I used to be the longest owning member and Bronzee was 2nd, but I think she might just pip you now ... she'll be along shortly I'm sure Welcome to the forum, good to have another Sprinkle around especially as yours is Sunset too. Sorry for the tardy response, summertime here so busy, busy out enjoying being outside, swimming and hiking. So for me, had my Le Mans Sunset (that's what they are here and the US), since new, so 10 years, at the end of March.
  10. Get the best you can with your budget. I'm sure you'll love your Z to be, whichever one it ends up being, as much as we love our Zeds.
  11. Is this a car meet or a music festival?! Nice work Mart, not jealous of you lot at all. [green]
  12. Really it's your car, so if you like the idea go for it. Might be a nice way of a fairly cost effective visual change for a while.
  13. You never know though, as it might be their daily conservative car, and have the Z as a weekend car. Very cool forum though I do agree. Good participation levels.
  14. Still need a landline to have internet. Some things are still best done a proper sized screen, like work.
  15. Freaky, just opened this thread for a laugh, and the phone rings, it's bloomin' 10pm, flea in the ear to anyone other than friends time! And was one of these idiots, really rather funny as he had his ear ripped off just about.
  16. I think Paddy is right! Doesn't matter which country. Drinking and driving is seriously STUPID!
  17. Now you've signed up on here, keep up the momentum.
  18. Welcome to the forum and happy hunting. Take your time to find the right one.
  19. Too good to ride, wicked paint job too.
  20. bronzee

    Toyota FP-1

    Toymota have definitely got themselves sorted these days for sports cars. The 86 is pretty cool as is the LFA, and now a Supra concept.
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