Wright guys i have a big problem. Over the past few days i thought my clutch was catching on my floor mat on the up stroke after a gear change. I thought nothing of it but tonight i came to a stop at my girlfreinds house and dipped the clutch to go into nutral and i heard a bang and the clutch pedel went all the way to the floor and did not return up???
I have been searching my350z and rang Phil and so far i have the following theorys?
air in the system
broken presure plate
settings on the clutch pedel slipped
I have noticed that the fluid in the clutch header tank was at the min mark so it may be air ??
If i bend down and pump the clutch pedel by hand it has no resistance and just goes up and down. As i pump the pedel the fluid in the header tank drops from max to min after 15-20 pumps?
If i leave the clutch pedel depressd the header level stays the same, but if i bring the pedel back to the top of its stroke then the fuild header fills back up to full??
I needs some help guys as i have wales meet on sunday and i may not get it sorted before japfest!!!!!