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Everything posted by djtimo

  1. Finaly got round to getting some pics up! Enjoy.... The beast that i went in! 2.5V6 power house! Got some funny looks of people in the zed covoy that did not know me ! lol And this guy got that exited at the sight of all those zed's he could'nt keep his pants on! hahaha. Great day guys and nice to put some faces to names. Hope ill be in the zed next time tho! lol..
  2. djtimo

    ARC crazy!...

    Looks good mate and you have "BALLER STATUS" on my350z nw!! hahaha
  3. Where did you get em for 450??? !!!!
  4. Guys im still stuck in work till 7pm !!!!! is crap being in work for 12hour when i wanna get my zed sorted for wales! ill let you know how i get on.
  5. Wright guys i have a big problem. Over the past few days i thought my clutch was catching on my floor mat on the up stroke after a gear change. I thought nothing of it but tonight i came to a stop at my girlfreinds house and dipped the clutch to go into nutral and i heard a bang and the clutch pedel went all the way to the floor and did not return up??? I have been searching my350z and rang Phil and so far i have the following theorys? air in the system broken presure plate settings on the clutch pedel slipped I have noticed that the fluid in the clutch header tank was at the min mark so it may be air ?? If i bend down and pump the clutch pedel by hand it has no resistance and just goes up and down. As i pump the pedel the fluid in the header tank drops from max to min after 15-20 pumps? If i leave the clutch pedel depressd the header level stays the same, but if i bring the pedel back to the top of its stroke then the fuild header fills back up to full?? I needs some help guys as i have wales meet on sunday and i may not get it sorted before japfest!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!
  6. sorry for being off topic but did you get 274bhpp on a dyno recently? No mate ive only had 2 dyno's done at dyno demon on a dynodynamics and they were 281bhp and 286.9bhp. why??
  7. KW V3 mate! Ride quality is very good!
  8. 13:1 AFR for a NA car dude, best power and fuel economy!
  9. Sorry to p*ss on your bonfire mate but the TS diffuser will not fitt you new Zorst! Im in love with it and am trying to work out if it will fir my 5Zigen but its a big gamble if it does not fit!
  10. djtimo

    quaife lsd

    Thats fine mate, im looking at the Quafe and cusco/carbonetics diff's at the moment. Just wondering how much better the ATB diff would be over our viscous unit ?? ATB diff's do not fully lock like clutch diffs and would still allow a wheel to spin if its not in contact with the ground. (clipping the apex on track and wheel jumping). Let me know how you get on! Also try RJN as they use a lot of quafe gear!
  11. Its ok mate! Ill just nick a post of yours when you finally post somthing worth nicking! hahaha.....
  12. djtimo

    quaife lsd

    Why is it that you want the ATB quafe diff ?? Not a clutch diff ??
  13. Just fitted mine to night mate. You only use the 4 end bolts. 2 at each end then the 2 self tapping screws and 3m tape! The other hole are for mounting the extra varis under tray! Im gonna have to raise my car up as its only 5mm from the floor when coming off my drive!!!!!
  14. im in as well depending on price and my funds ! lol..
  15. And the were passing people in evo's! hahaha..
  16. Just a few pics guys, Nice to meet you lot too!
  17. Thanks guys! so Gold ACU stamp is ok then!
  18. Any one got any good idea's on some trackday helmets? Thanks.
  19. Im looking to do this too! Help people! lol..
  20. Ian i know you must have seen the bumper tucks that people on my350z do? Single with bumper tuck, Time attacks and a titek duck!! FTW!! lol......
  21. 1. beavis +1.....................................................................CONFIRMED 2. lomoto +1 ....................................................................CONFIRMED. 3. M13KYF +1 4. Digsy +1.......................................................................CONFIRMED 5. Gixxer 6. Martinmac +1................................................................CONFIRMED 7. stuey (lead car) +0 .......................................................CONFIRMED 8. AndySpak +1 maybe?? ..................................................CONFIRMED 9. Chesterfield +1..............................................................CONFIRMED 10. Shire350Z 11. xstric9x +1 .................................................................CONFIRMED 12. Little Miss + 1...............................................................CONFIRMED 13. Djtimo + 1...................................................................CONFIRMED 14. Davej +1 ....................................................................CONFIRMED 15. EBIZED + 1.................................................................CONFIRMED 16. Jacko 17. Chris`I +1...................................................................CONFIRMED 18. Squarehead + 1 19. James852 20. Kai 21. tmJak 22. MrLizard +1.................................................................CONFIRMED 23. LiamZ 24. Lexx 25. choptop (TBC) 26. Andy 27. Zedrush +1.................................................................CONFIRMED 28. Tilly +1 29. Limiter (TBC) 30. Daaave 31. Toon Chris..................................................................CONFIRMED 32. Stew +1......................................................................CONFIRMED 33. Keith (Little Misses Work Mate) - He will join site soon promise 34. Chughes163 (Chris) +1................................................CONFIRMED
  22. They look just like these!! When you say GTR's do you mean the ET12 versions ?? If so pic's on the car will be great!
  23. I can get on to the main screen and all the other link pages work but the forum page wont load??It wont load on my iphone ethere??
  24. Any one else been having problems getting on there ??
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