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Everything posted by djtimo

  1. Yeah wrinkle red cam covers still holding up well
  2. Just a quick one guys! Check out TC MEDIA's latest edit. JAPFEST 2 Thanks guys! As always likes and shares are very much appreciated Ps. can a mod embed this for me? Still cant work out how to do that on here!?!?! haha.... Thanks
  3. Ill be about at the event again guys... Ill be the one carry his own body weight in video equipments lol..
  4. Great day in the sun on Saturday @ Parklife in Manchester. As always the GoPro came along too Ps. The camera man might have been hammered lol....
  5. My "weak" car on 18" rota's hahaha.. 18's for speed 19's for looks... Another phone shot..
  6. Yeah they can be removed. There are sealed on with rtv. They are inspection covers for the timing chain mate. Pain to get off but a flat blade scrapper will he'll ping them off
  7. you know all the decent cars run these!!
  8. Thanks to those of you that have helped me out
  9. Thanks again for the support guys its very much appreciated! Wales just fell at the wrong time for me No zed and being in work on friday and saturday night does not help!. Im sure for the next wales event I could get a sweet 5 minute short film from the weekend! Be nice to have some of the social side and people in it too
  10. Well guys, Some of you will know Im trying to build up a little media page/blog on facebook and my youtube channel. I have been looking to get media access to quite a few shows/drift events this year and one of the main factors when getting media accreditation is "reach". Audience reach is how many people will see your work ie. Like's on FB pages and subscribers on youtube ect. If some of you on here could check out my facebook page https://www.facebook...imCrawfordMedia And "Like" it for me this would be a HUGE help! I also post my video work to my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/djtimodj and again if you like "arty" car videos please take a minute and hit SUBSCRIBE Got some great stuff planed for this year too Thanks again. Tim (TC MEDIA) PS. Just see the title! LOL...Anyone....
  11. djtimo


    I only used motion 5 for the tiny bit of motion tracked text in it.
  12. djtimo


    Thanks for the comments guys!
  13. djtimo


    Well guys, I may have had time to bump into a few of you but Im sorry if i didn't get much time to chat with you lot. Japfest was a great event as usual and I did think the Z club had one of the best stands at the show IMHO (even though im a zed owner so I may be a little biased! haha) After a gruelling day, 4:30am start and finally home by 8:30pm here's my edit for you guys. Please like and share to facebook if you can as more views on this helps me justify media access for future events Thanks people!
  14. Ill be driving down past sandbach mate, ill be in my lexus ISF not the 350z but if you see me on the motorway say hi
  15. Thanks guys. I would love to come in the zed but I know now I'll never be able to get the work it needs sorted before Wales. I'll have to try hard and get someone to cover me in work now
  16. Hey guys. I'm hoping to be able to come along for the drive out on Sunday but I need to get the Saturday night shift off work. I'll be bringing my camera gear along so I'm hope to get some nice shots and do a little promo film again I know it says for zed owners only but my zed is needing front bushes that I am waiting for from Horsham dev. So Ill be coming along in my Lexus. Is that a problem? fingers crossed for decent weather.
  17. Guy's Im filming for Japfest this year but im driving down in the lexus for extra boot space and some peace and quite on the motorway! lol... If there any room on the stand left a lonely lexus? I have my own ticket etc. Thanks
  18. Hey Tim, Was wondering when you'd make a show. How many boosted miles on your forged block so far? (approx) Im sure Im just over 7K now mate... Bearing in mind the car is a toy so not many of those miles are on the motorway + zero traffic/commute read into that what you want LOL...
  19. djtimo

    S5 or RS4

    I have just had this same decision, test drove an RS4 and v8 M3 last month and I was put off by the RS4 bucket seats and the fact it felt slow/flat below about 5K RPM? Test drive MPG was 14.2 and IMO i was not pushing the at all. I would drive them both and see as for me the RS4 was a let down as i did love them
  20. LOL...You know that video is looking at an open diff just like what merc and bmw use not nissan?
  21. My ski's are sort of off piste/freeride set up so yeah twin tips
  22. would love to ski in the USA but its expensive and not much night life so i have heard? Tree stumps are good as long as their is enough snow covering them! ha..
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