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Everything posted by djtimo

  1. Guys I have been told today my wing is still on back order If any of the guys from the group buy have not yet fitted or are willing to sell me there's then I would be very grateful Just let me know as I'm getting messed about by show off imports. Thanks. Tim
  2. Just a quick pick of the heat shields under the bonnet. Also go a bit of motor bling off Dan, a harness cover. Ps. Wizard all will be revealed soon! LOL..
  3. Picked up something to help with the engine bay temps today! Before: After: Edit: Just thought I would add a few first thoughts. The Varis bonnet is very very light. Its very well made from the look and feel and comes complete with nice rain guards (Ive fitted them to keep the motor clean). Fitment is 95% OEM, there is a little bit of a gap but only 1-2mm bigger than the stock panel gap. Ive got some new bonnet struts that are pressured to mach the bonnet weight so there going on tomorrow afternoon I think. Ill sling some pic's up.
  4. Picked up my CAT bracket today. Was looking a bit used eg. s***ty! 10 mins with a wire brush got it looking alot better. Ive painted it with some high temp matt black exhaust paint I had. Might aswell get the underside of the car looking smart if the cars going to last a long time!LOL.. Start. After wire brushing. A few coats of high temp paint. Ill get it fitted soon. Edit: Fitted now in the pissing rain! LOL.. Its reduced the exhaust vibration quite a bit so thats good news! Not the most exiting thing but one more job done.
  5. Picked my strut brace up from the powder coaters this morrning! Much sexier now! LOL.. The ends were grotty and the paint was pelling so now this looks alot better. I know the stock strut brace is heave but I think its the stiffest and strongest out there and it has the adjuster to preload the bar which is great! ! Edit: some shots fitted! Happy! LOL..
  6. Got my Z-Speed under tray through the other day. The fitting kit has been lost in the bloody post! Anyway Im sure ill get that sorted soon. Few pic's. As Ive whipped my diffuser off toget the exhaust done I've just spent a few mins with the brassos cleaning up the exhaust cans. Noticed just how much of my bumper has mented! LOL Time for a heat sheald I think... Ive also been after a good fire extinguisher for a while. I finally picked up a MSA approved AFFF foam LifeLine one from demontweeks the other day. I know its not huge ( I did want a 2.4L but it was too big for the space I wanted to use) But at least If you were very quick or it was just something smoldering I could dump what little this extinguisher holds on it and cross my fingers
  7. WOW!!! LOL.. The exhaust is done! OH MY GOD! Im waiting for a knock at the door from the police! hahaha.. Its just a bit louder (read loud as f***!) than the 5zigen system! LOL.. Jess nearlly jumped out of her skin when I started it inside the fab shop! It sounds dirty, like an angry boat, its very deep and bassy too. The fab guy messed me about so much I had my doubt's but he really does a quality job. This exhaust uses the 5zigen back boxes with a custom true dual mid-section and APS monster down pipes. The car is loud but not to bad off boost. There is little to no drone at 70-80mph under cruise which is good Put your foot down and boost comes in faster and the tone of the exhaust goes mental. Its VERY VERY loud under boost! It pop's and bangs very loud too The bangs are that loud jess could hear them in the car 50 foot behind with the windows up and she was listening to the CD player!LOL.. So far Im loving it but I realy doubt this system would pass noise tests so If/when I get the car decible tested my first idea is to heat wrap the whole system from the DP's back to the rear boxes as this will reduce the noise. If thats not enough then Ill get some extra silencers added. The last thing is the turbos have found there voice. Before with the older small exhaust you could not really hear the turbos spool up or slow down where as now you ca rev it at idle and hear them spool up. I took a vid of jess driving pass down my street but it wont up load off my iphone? Ill get some vids soon so you can hear what i mean.
  8. Whipped the front end off again this morning to fit my new grill! It started pissing down just like every time i go out to work on the ca! haha. Anyway, easy job 10mins to get the front bumper off again and 20 mins with the dremel and hand file and the new grill was on! Shame i did not have any left over to cover the holes for the oil cooler but ill order some more and remove the factory side reflectors to get some air to the intakes that are down in the wheel arches. Pic time. I like the new look and it protects the intercooler a bit more from smaller stones/rock that may be kicked up. Thanks.
  9. Just a little more work that I've been meaning to do for ages! The cars oil temp runs between 80-95C and has been as high as 110C (cooler than the stock car ran with this huge oil cooler!) But as the car comes together and has its final map the boost and revs will be going up and so will the heat load. Not the best looking mod but very functional! The oil cooler had less than half the surface area exposed to the airflow (You can see the dirty patch that has seen the air!) so now the airflow can get to alot more of the cooler. This has dropped my motorway running temps 10C! That should help alot when tracking the car too! Few pic's of me "hacking" holes in my car! haha.
  10. This is the spec list so far mate, I used this list to explain the mod's to adrian flux. VQ35DE Motor spec list. · VQ35DE block (non-rev up) · VQ35DE Cylinder head’s (Re-built and valve seats re-cut etc.) · New OEM Rev-up oil pump. · New OEM water pump. · ARP L19 head studs · ARP main cap bolts. · ACL bearings (big end’s, little end’s & thrust washers) · CP forged 96mm low compression (8.5:1CR) turbo pistons. · CP piston rings & wrist pins. · Eagle forged connecting rods with ARP rod bolts. · HKS 97mm tri-layer metal head gasket. · Balanced OEM crank + crank pulley. · APS Twin turbo kit. (Twin Garrett GT28r turbo's, cast APS manifolds, APS blow off valve, APS vertical flow intercooler, APS down pipes, K&N air filters, APS baffled turbo sump) · Jim Wolf Technology (JWT) organic single plate clutch. · Lightweight billet flywheel. (JWT) · Stainless steel braded clutch line. · OEM aux belt’s. · Custom coolant swirl/breather system. · Silicon coolant hoses · Koyo racing 36mm alu radiator. · Custom 25-row thermostatic oil cooler. · Custom powder coated/polished front timing cover, inlet runners and upper/lower plenum. · Altered Atmosphere stage 1 fuel return system. (Inc. aeromotive fuel pressure reg. etc.) · Deatschworks 800cc injectors. · Walbro 255lph in tank fuel pump. · Custom painted camshaft covers. · NISMO high-pressure radiator cap. · NISMO JDM alu oil cap. · Custom oil catch can. · Motul 300v 15w-50 motor oil. · 5Zigen ZZ-spec JDM exhaust. Modified to a 2.5“ true dual system. · APS 3.5†turbo down pipes. Whats the problem with your motor Ray? Post it up on here so we can help?
  11. Down pipes are done now. (thank god!LOL) Wrapping them looked easy but its a pain in the a*** becaust it needs to be very very tight to stop it from moving about and its hard to get it to go on right. Anyway, the left DP had the extra sensor bung welded in, both DP's are wire locked and then ive used some big hose clips to give me a bit more piece of mind that it wont come off. Nearly there! LOL..
  12. Made a start on heat wrapping my downpipes. The left bank DP is off getting a wideband sensor boss weled on and im also waiting for the stainless steel lock wire i've ordered to get here so plasitc zip tie's are in place to keep the wrap tight for now. I've got to lock wire the wrap on then paint it with exhaust paint to keep the wrap in good nick and then its being fitted some time next week!
  13. Bit late to post this up but, few pic's from the cars first oil change. The funnel has two pop socks streched over the opening. I used this to filter oll the oil that was dropped just to see for my self if there was any metal in it. Luckly there was one very small hair like strand of alu 5-6mm long that i think (hope) could have been left in the block from the bore/hone? Some good oil going in! K&N oil filter, IMHO better than nissan OEM as it has a metal internal frame rather than cardboard. The funnel filter.
  14. Just a small update again The MONSTERS have arrived!!! God dam these things are huge!! I can fit my hand in side the outlet! Very well made and quite light for there size! The car will wake the dead with these things on! LOL.. Just to try and get some idea of size! Thats my 4.3" HTC HD2 next to one. LOL.. A nice thick blank off plate for the external waste gate return. I think Im in love with these! hahaha...
  15. Small update!! LOL.. Few more pic's and some bad news that turned out good! And about the bad stuff, Mark rang me to tell me the car was running ok for over 1 hour but then started to burn coil packs?? Abbey tracked the problem down to this little sucker. The grounding clip for the wire harness was not making a good connection. As far as i know this has solved the problem. Again soon going for its break in map!! Ill update soon guys.
  16. Thanks guys! Ill pop the rest up tomorrow The build was completed in 2010 and has done over 9000 VERY fun miles since! Just got my car back out of storage today so though I would throw this up on here as my build was one of the first full builds in the UK back in 2009 Love the car just as much now as i did then!
  17. Had a nice little trip down to Abbey today. Had a good chat with Mark and Tony about whats going on and snapped a few cheaky pic's. Upper intake runners now fitted and HKS 2 step colder plugs in! Also the lower oil pan and sump have gone on too! And a few sneaky shots! Tim.
  18. Update! The big day is getting closer guys! Some more pic's Tony has sent through! Im taking a trip down to Abbey tomorrow to see big Tony so im sure ill have a few more pic's to share tomorrow night Modified APS sump with AN fittings for custom oil returns. Tim.
  19. Some more pic's Tony's sent through! Motor is coming on quick now! All the shine parts are next to go on and the red crinkle Cam covers! WooHoo! Yes starting to get exited now!
  20. Update! More pic's sent through from Tony!
  21. So Far the block has been bored out its being honed as we speak and the crank has been polished. The rods and pistons are being balanced too! Its nice to see the block being bored with a stress plate as this gives better accuracy on the tolerances than boring and honing with out! Starting to get a bit exited now
  22. Another little update people! Tony thanks for the pic's
  23. Just a small update. The block is at the machine shop still as they were waiting for new stones for doing the hone. Tony has sent though some pic's of him redoing the cylinder heads. The valve seats and valves have been re-cut because some of the valves had pitting on them so a fresh cut and lap will have them sealing better than new! Few pic's The build should getting going once the shop has the block re-honed! Ill keep you updated!
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