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Everything posted by djtimo

  1. These have failed twice now. I have had the door cards off cleaned and rebuilt both motors last week. Both worked OK for a week but the driver side failed with the window down again a few days ago so I think the driver side motor is beyond repair Ether fix the windows or I'm putting in lexan ones lol...
  2. Hey guys I'm after a driver side window motor or the pair if possible Thanks.
  3. Little bump! Approaching the 1K mark now people! Thank you for the on going support! If you have not given my page a like head over to www.facebook.comtimcrawfordmedia and hit "LIKE"!! If you have helped support me already why not invite your car loving friends to like the page? Thanks again people!
  4. Proto in gloss black? Ones for sale will be carbon yes?
  5. If you search #needforspeedconvoy on FB or insta or twitter then you can find stuff or check my TCMEDIA FB page I have a one min teaser video going out on the mail online soon Or a bit off the BT news website (My little lexus camera car snuck in shot ) http://home.bt.com/video-01366208534376?videoid=3680673353001&videotitle=Supercars+celebrate+Need+for+Speed+release&videoimage=2045965034001%2F201407%2F1081%2F2045965034001_3680700702001_IPkg1405619197477I-37600-1-648x365.jpg
  6. Any one see this? I have been filming the race for the past few days from Liverpool to London Been an amazing event with some great action drag racing Mclaren P1, F40LM, Aventador, MP4 12C, F50 etc was awesome! Still buzzing from the event now!
  7. Yeah man would love to get some zed action!! You need to come along to driftland or let me know where z labs is next drifting
  8. Hey guys, Check out my latest edit for Final boss. This was filmed over a weekend at drift land in Scotland As always if you enjoy then please help support tc media and give it a like on YouTube or share on Facebook would be awesome!! FINALBOSS | TC MEDIA: Thanks again. Tim
  9. Here you go.. https://m.facebook.com/pages/Boosted-Performance/236303179791462?refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.uk%2F&_rdr
  10. My lexus IS-F, most think it's a 2L until they are left in the dust!
  11. Go for a single mid mount kit man. TT are nice but hard to maintain as they are so deep in the engine. Get a mid mount single. Run 6 psi 400/400 until you build the block then you could run a nice 550/550 which would be savage in a zed!
  12. Lol.... Anti lag is not needed with little turbos on the zed. Full boost less than 3k haha
  13. Ian, I've told myself no more power tuning until something needs doing! Clutch etc... I need to get the inside set up fully and sort rear end grip but I'm sure the syvecs will come soon after lol....the car drives so well no it's hard to want to change it tbh. Would love syvecs traction control and some nice big flames/bangs on gear changes mind you lol...
  14. I've been watching far to many videos with 12c's and P1's shooting massive flames out that back and though "I fancy that" lol.. I'm currently tunes with osiris but to get fuel into the overrun/gear change I'm looking at moving over to syvecs S6. Need to finish off the seats and steering wheel etc plus get some rear end grip before I go this route mind you lol....
  15. djtimo


    Check my build thread I have a custom rear cage and tones of pics in there
  16. Thanks man, I'm not after a dead on price just ball park? Are we under a hundred quid or talking more like a few hundred?
  17. djtimo

    My Supra

    Supra ftw Ian, if you have a built sup then forget the r34 man, just enjoy the old skool power of the single sup and use it as a week end toy.
  18. Also what sort of price are we looking at??
  19. How is it better than the nismo kit? Better vinyl?
  20. I'm still interested in a nismo copy. I would buy gen nismo but can't find them anywhere?!?
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