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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. I can give you, or indeed any forum member, free web-space, or 'hosting' - but you will have to design the site yourself
  2. I thought a member on here was offering free hosting Thats me - free hosting if needed!
  3. BUMP Had a couple of ideas - what do you think? Locutusdesigns.co.uk (not a startrek reference, honest!) locÅ«tus m. (feminine locÅ«ta, neuter locÅ«tum); first/second declension 1. spoken, having spoken, to say, speak, tell, declare Strapline: ‘Getting your message across’ kudoscreations.co.uk From Ancient Greek κῦδος (kudos), “‘praise, renown’â€). Strapline: ‘Creating designs worthy of praise’
  4. not ebay, but found this while looking for a new reg https://www.regtransfers.co.uk/main/sec ... iteria=zed MR 04 ZED
  5. Indeed - also the domain name needs to be available
  6. I'm after a NEW Company Name - competitors are irrelivant You'd think so but it would give us an idea of what your competing against. You could go with something like- Innovative Web Solutionz - with the z to keep it young and hip but if your looking at SME's then that may not fit, hence successful competitors names are wholly relevant as their name obviously doesn't put off customers I like your thinking, but agree anything Z related isnt SME
  7. I'm after a NEW Company Name - competitors are irrelivant
  8. okay - ex customer - http://www.adamscreative.co.uk/
  9. there are thousands of them! (actually 1,130,000 on google!) http://lmgtfy.com/?q=web+designers hehe
  10. Zed relationship could be good, however would general public/business appreciate?
  11. forgot to say! whatever name is chosen, obviously the domain name has to be available!
  12. Business sites - not personal sites etc SME - small to medium enterprises Starting small and hopefully growing to corporate etc
  13. Hi guys - I am about to start a new company (as a sideline to my main job and my internet hosting company) for webdesign and marketing services. Everything is in place, apart from a company name! I have been racking my brain for days now, and cant think of a name thats both catchy and cutting edge but will also appeal to more consersative prospects. Any ideas? - free website and hosting to anyone that comes up with something suitable PS - any freelance web designers out there that are short of work, pm me your details and will bare you in mind for future projects (will need to see a portfolio) Cheers, Dave
  14. i have had rear bumper, front bumper and door damage at Tesco's in a single week F**k this. I now park well away from other cars and take up 2 bays so no-one can park next to me - but it can back-fire in public car parks - i got a ticket to prove (taking more than one bay)
  15. Damn! - u got a good deal after all that! Hope your happy with your mouse! (most expensive mouse i know of!!!) - cost me £52!!! BTW - retail was £78 - so if anyone needs any PC bits in exchange for ZED bits, PM me - I need a K1 zorst soon, so traders PM me PS - Yes I am in IT and can sell at distribution prices! Also free web hosting available to members - PM for more info
  16. Wheels will either be staying with the car, or coming off and staying with me for the next car. Sorry bud. No worries mate - good luck with the sale Ps How long was it before you realised you put the Dotz on the wrong way (pic 1) PPS 350th POST!!!! free sticker time!
  17. I get 19mpg to and from the office - but then again I didnt buy a sports car to drive like a pensioner
  18. Like the Apexi Exhaust Control Valve? http://www.nengun.com/apexi/exhaust-control-valve
  19. It would be nice to have a button inside the car to open and shut bungs
  20. I pay my mechanic £30/hour (cash)
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