It was all doomed to failure from the outset!
When I offered it up it seemed okay, but i didnt remove nissan badge etc
Going to have a look at it later on and see what fitter means
Likewise, I did not remove the rear badge either and as you know I also told you that previously.
Anyway, what is done is done.
Needless to say, with all my products new or used that I supply to the forum I have a unique warranty in place where as, if anyone is not satisfied with any of my products or the product is not as described or anyone has decided that the product is really not for them then I will refund the purchase price in full with out question providing they return the goods to me within 7 days providing that the part was not especially ordered.
Also if they can not find a bodyshop to fit any body panel that I supply then I will also refund the purchase price in full, even to SunGodRA, even after 2 months.
I wasnt expecting any refund Alex, so that is a very kind gesture - thanks