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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. SunGodRA

    new wheels

    love the new look Andy
  2. SunGodRA

    what a result!

    I have Pzero's on all corners
  3. I guess I have too many fingers in too many pies - I just need sum sun - all is good otherwise i appreciate your concern, thanks
  4. I have been to Turkey many times - just not to Gumbet -but I did research/due diligence on hotel, seems okay to be honest, i dont really give a @*!# where i stay - i just need a week away from england!
  5. I have just booked a week away in Turkey - Gumbet (Bodrum) - leaving 8th Oct - I need a break!!! Anyone been there?
  6. SunGodRA

    what a result!

    mine was an extremely large pot hole on the verge in a country lane - some idiot coming the other way too fast forced me off road!
  7. SunGodRA

    what a result!

    as you know, paying customers take priority! - anyway, at least you have had a conceptual design done
  8. SunGodRA

    what a result!

    Had a blow-out yesterday, luckily rim was okay etc I didn't want to buy a brand new tyre as I am getting larger rims soon, so I made some calls and found someone that had a part worn in stock for £75 -he said it was a Pirelli but had quite a low speed rating, but I thought it would do for now. Tyre turned up today - and its a BRAND NEW Pirelli PZero!! - aren't these normally about £170??? By the way - has anyone had to use the space saver spare wheel - it looks absolutely ridiculous on the back Great idea having space saver - but where are you supposed to put the wheel its replacing - cos it sure as hell doesn't fit in the boot! - good job I didn't have a passenger in the car - as I have to put it on the front seat!
  9. Lets get another 3 on the list for an extra bit of discount
  10. I use that very same pic for my Managed Email Solution
  11. Be nice to me Sarnie - Moor Lane FC depends on it!
  12. Yet another Can of Worms I have opened!! Sorry!
  13. from an admin perspective, this seems a nightmare to police posts - cant think of an easy solution, short of a 'login only' policy (rather than public access) together with a disclaimer policy - or perhaps members should just use common sense when posting
  14. I agree in part - but to belong to this forum, you need to own a Zed or be a prospective buyer, so members are over 18 anyway?? - so saying this is a family forum (i.e. children on here???) is perhaps an exaggeration. That being said, I agree with admin with regards to the post, even though I thought it was funny My son looks at this website for one, so i disagree that's a fair comment I must admit - if I let my 10 year old son access to the site, there would be a lot of content (particularly off-topic/jokes section) that i wouldn't want him to see
  15. I agree in part - but to belong to this forum, you need to own a Zed or be a prospective buyer, so members are over 18 anyway?? - so saying this is a family forum (i.e. children on here???) is perhaps an exaggeration. That being said, I agree with admin with regards to the post, even though I thought it was funny My son looks at this website for one, so i disagree that's a fair comment
  16. I agree in part - but to belong to this forum, you need to own a Zed or be a prospective buyer, so members are over 18 anyway?? - so saying this is a family forum (i.e. children on here???) is perhaps an exaggeration. That being said, I agree with admin with regards to the post, even though I thought it was funny
  17. If its any consolation Paul - I found it funny, but I know some female members on this forum that would take offence
  18. a video/song that females on here would not appreciate! - funny for lads, but not appropriate
  19. agreed - my reply was 'sooo but you are get in trouble for it lol
  20. Did admin remove this - or did the OP bottle it? Just as I was replying it disappeared! - shame - it was soooo
  21. +1 Urban myth - saw this a couple of years ago
  22. If your needed to paint or clean calipers (not brembo or fancy painted ones) cilit bang is great BANG - and the dirt is gone!
  23. I was thinking of Photoshop 'ing a caption coming from the cows mouth
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