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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. I haven't forgot about you dawn - just been busy sorting Liam's website out - but I'm sure your next dream will involve time travel, and I am sure pics will follow shortly ps - I cant believe how long this thread has gone on for!
  2. 31 hours! it must have cost them a fortune! - lovely job though
  3. SunGodRA


    If you don't mind the trek to Tonbridge - Tonbridge Coachworks are one of my customers - they do crash repair for Aston Martin, Bentley etc in the Kent area
  4. New grey/black GTR waved at me other side of Teston bridge - had a quick reality check and looked in rear view mirror to see if there was another GTR behind me but there wasnt! Lovely car
  5. Dawn might be going to America tonight
  6. http://www.adobe.com/support/photoshop/ Some official Adobe ones here
  7. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=photoshop+tutorials
  8. Its not hard to learn, just takes some practice - Adobe do provide some great tutorials as well
  9. pm me if u want the source 'Dawn' pic in hi-res - lets keep this going Lets have a Dawn pic in every country Edit: she is soooo gonna kill me!
  10. ooops - forgot her hands.....she must have just done an oil change and forgot to wash them?
  11. one for the road..... Dawn spotted in Vatican City...
  12. I bet I will see her a few times when I go to Turkey next week
  13. I bet Dawn regrets asking for Photoshop advice now!
  14. That Dawn gets everywhere doesn't she! Pic from a 'Spot the Ball' competition, maybe we should have our own 'Spot the Dawn' competition
  15. change image size to max of 1024 pixels across
  16. I spent ages looking to see what else you changed - and then I saw Dawn hiding in the trees!!
  17. now we just need the original pic of Dawn pasted is as the train driver
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