Some little ****'major swear words here' **** oik has just put a smoke grenade through my letterbox (its was actually called a 'smoke grenade' but it resembled a firework, about 1"x6" - filled my place with smoke in seconds. My son was asleep in bed and luckily I was still awake and got us both out quickly - the smoke alarm seemed to take ages to go off, a bit worrying really!
Called the police, and I have to give them a big 10/10 - they were here within 2 minutes, loads of them! and the police operator on the phone talked me through what to do etc. Apparently I wasn't the only one targeted tonight. It can't have been personal, as my Zed was parked outside, if it was personal they would have done damage to that I would have thought.
Anyway - I am still a bit shaky over the whole thing - and to be honest, my blood is boiling - where has all the discipline gone in this country? without sounding like an old fart @41years - this sort of thing never happened when I was younger. Bring back good old fashioned 'Birching' like they used on the Isle of Man!