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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. that's pretty crap losing your clutch on only 19k miles - I lost my first clutch at about 29k and felt hard done by! Alex will sort you out the parts u need - but if you are going to do it yourself - beware, its a pretty shitty job taking the gearbox out
  2. SunGodRA


    I concur Dr Alex - just to clarify, DIN 50021 refers to: This standard specifies the requirements which corrosion testing apparatuses and corrosive agents must meet in salt spray testing, the aim being to enable identical conditions to be reproduced in all cases in which spray tests are carried out on the basis of standards or agreements. The standard does not deal with the preparation of specimens, the duration of testing, the treatment of specimens after testing, or the evaluation of results. Which of the three methods listed in clause 3 is to be applied in any individual case shall be the subject of agreement between the parties concerned unless specified in relevan standards. The tests described in this standard serve both to characterize the effectiveness of corrosion protection systems and to detect defects quickly. They are not suitable for specifically testing for defects in metallic coatings where the coating is made of a baser metal than the substrate (e.g. zinc or aluminium on steel), since the substrate is in such cases cathodically protected by the coating adjoining the defect. oops, Tramadol time!
  3. After my misfortune, and even though I cant drive my car yet - I feel I need to treat myself to a pre-xmas prezzi. I am after a Japspeed K1, a set of Dotz Enzo's (19") and some 20mm spacers. Traders please pm me your best prices - but will also consider used Dave
  4. I was snogging a bloke called Brian from Birmingham at the time (he was naked) You are not allowed to edit my posts - its illegal - I am gonna write to my MP! edit - even though, Brian was looking hot that night!
  5. I was snogging a bloke called Brian from Birmingham at the time (he was naked)
  6. Thanks for your kind words guys. Apparently the heel is supposed to be one of the worse/most painful bones in your body that you can break - and I can vouch for that!! I like a good drink, but that night I was seriously drunk - even still the pain was absolute agony. A few hours later, after I had been to hospital, I was in so much pain I actually blacked out. I have been told by my specialist, that it may take up to 6 months before I can walk again properly (without a limp) and that I would almost definitely suffer from rheumatism (at 41!! ) - however he did stress how lucky I was - apparently it was a clean break/fracture - had it have been at an angle I would have needed an operation; that would mean 3 months in hospital and I wouldn't be able to walk at all for a year - and I would have a limp for the rest of my life there after! Its funny how things fall into perspective after what seemed to be a minor accident!
  7. Thats an understatement! I am extremely bored and extremely pi**ed off!
  8. I am sure no-one missed my posts in the past 7 weeks anyway, but I'm back online - albeit drugged up on painkillers etc. For those that dont know - I went to Turkey on holiday for a week - got really pi**ed and fell off a bar while dancing on the last night - shattered my heel - hospital straight away, flight home, hospital back in UK. 7 weeks later now - still confined to bed with leg raised, in major pain all the time (but I love the Tramadol!) - its gonna be yet another month before I can at least attempt to walk again. I was hoping to be able to drive today, but got in my Zed and pressed the clutch down once, and I was in agony (yep, its my left foot) Anyway - I missed u all - just thought I would say 'Hi' again! Dave
  9. SunGodRA

    OEM Aerial

    Stubby should work fine on any UK head unit
  10. SunGodRA

    OEM Aerial

    I cant until I get new head unit - still got crappy jap one, but can just about pick up radio 1 What effect does getting a stubby have on the stereo system? You get a better signal from OEM aerial as opposed to stubby. If you have a decent head unit it makes no difference, but with jap head unit I can JUST about pick up radio 1 on some obscure frequency - with stubby I wouldnt be able to ...
  11. I am sure you can download from somewhere: e.g. www.btjunkie.org disclosure: i do not endorse the downloading of torrents (blablablabla)
  12. Think that has something to do with the sudden rise in the price of gold and the supposed lack of the stuff! I'm an 80's man - this thread is about Spandau Ballet - GOLD! (always believe in your soul, you got the power to know, your indestructible ...) DOH!! Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status is slightly different lol
  13. Cheers - pm me your details - I have always been a believer in 'lots of business within small circles' Dave
  14. Not wishing to blow my own trumpet, but my company was awarded Microsoft Gold status today! - It was really hard work but I am sooooo chuffed! http://www.crosstek.it/news.html Dave
  15. Really?? Before my new ECU I had an SLD and it definitely didn't stop at 155! I have JDM and SLD and can confirm speeds well above 155 (private road of course )
  16. I am all up for a follow on series - but get it right! - not good so far, but then again i thought that about Atlantis after SG1, and that turned out to be excellent Time will tell on SGU
  17. it will be repeated loads on sky1 and sky2 all this week - else there are torrents available
  18. nope - was on normal tonight, as well as HD
  19. Just watched the Sky1 premier of Stargate Universe and I have to say I was not impressed. I have been an avid Stargate follower from the original film, then SG1 and SGA I cant help but feel that the writers are trying to emulate BSG (Battle Star Galactica) - by trying to make it 'Dark' and dramatic - the best thing about the previous Stargate franchise was the humour, and there was none in Universe. I just hope it gets better in the following episodes Anyway - just my thoughts...
  20. cutout is a Photoshop file - email me and I will send: sungodra@sky.com Eeeek if I email you will I get huge ammounts of spam in my inbox!!! Opps sorry its you mate... Thought I was replying to Husky
  21. cutout is a Photoshop file - email me and I will send: sungodra@sky.com
  22. SunGodRA

    OEM Aerial

    Got one now from Sunset - thanks guys
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